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Messages - bitmeat

Pages: 1 ... 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 [47] 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ... 75
There needs to be some serious defensive logic in the delegates code. Bitcoind has that even for regular clients.


  • Limit number of times someone connects to you in a 5 minute interval. Once connected they can just stay connected.
  • Eliminate fake connections designed to just reduce the usability of the server
  • Make it so a delegate can hide and deliver their block signature through any random node on the network
  • etc. etc. etc.

General Discussion / Re: Delegates Post Your Robot With your Name
« on: July 27, 2014, 04:38:58 pm » <-- might be worth hiring someone or paying to get these types of avatars.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: DPOS Super Lab
« on: July 27, 2014, 04:34:22 pm »
+5% awesome .. you give us some source code or at least a rough sketch on how you parse the blockchain?

Importer was done in Python, but I don't think the Blockchain will be enough for all the good stats.

Code: [Select]
def call(method, params):
  url = "http://SERVERIP:PORT/rpc"
  auth = (<RPCUSER>, <RPCPASS>)
  headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
  payload = {
    "method": method,
    "params": params,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1
  return, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers, auth=auth)

Make sure to set SERVERIP, PORT, RPCUSER, RPCPASS in the above example. Then you can do things like:

Code: [Select]
response = call("blockchain_get_blockcount", [])
response = call("blockchain_get_block", [x])
response = call("blockchain_get_block_signee", [x])
response = call("blockchain_list_missing_block_delegates", [x])

Please share ideas for improvements, donate to support the effort (I'm running 3 servers costing $100/mo + putting my time on the weekends), community support would keep me interested.


Nice one!
What about a site where you can see the realtime graphs?

Here you go:

Marketplace / Re: [Proposal] Virtual Mining Pool
« on: July 27, 2014, 04:08:23 am »
In all fairness NXT has an exchange built into the system as well, but that doesn't give it immunity against collapses.

Marketplace / Re: [Proposal] Virtual Mining Pool
« on: July 27, 2014, 03:27:04 am »
But I get, how the price of BTSX goes down, because somebody in his right mind, living in my no-crypto space does not get it also!!!


You are saying BTSX goes will go down the drain? Can you elaborate? I'm confused. Or do you mean that virtual mining pools and bringing them on board will drive the price down?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: DPOS Super Lab
« on: July 27, 2014, 03:12:17 am »
I've started on making some basic stats visible, the network was sufferring at some point, in fast it was the most stable when the initXX delegates were live in the beginning it was doing 100%. That hasn't happened since.

I will try to make the stats publicly available live this weekend.


(See my signature for my progress)

Marketplace / Re: [Proposal] Virtual Mining Pool
« on: July 27, 2014, 03:00:25 am »
Some kind of insider joke that I do not get.....

I've noticed there are a lot of things you don't get... :) relax, just giving you a hard time!

Actually I think the lack of mining is the MAIN reason BTSX will not gain momentum on BTT. Once people have the warm fuzzy feel of "I produced a block" they get hooked. I wholeheartedly agree that mining is a thing of the past, but there are a lot of barriers to entry with BTSX. Just look at the onboarding process of the registration.

If you need beta testers let me know.  I have both Windows and Ubuntu environments.

Thank you! It will be put live on a website shortly. Just working out some kinks with the configuration.

Another preview, this time a bit more readable:

I think so far we are doing OK, but alerts would probably be very useful.

Right now the data I'm collecting has already been collected by the client. You all have it, it's just not visualized very well. It can easily be verified by looking at the block chain.

However once I release this, I plan to start gathering more interesting stats, like current forks, who are the delegates that produced the most forks, etc. <-- this stuff is very important, since you could have good guys be bashed by bad guys, if they fake missed blocks. We will see how it plays out, and also what the community needs most.

General Discussion / Re: Future DACs on the BTSX rewards proposal
« on: July 26, 2014, 05:44:36 pm »
It would be great if we can feed the Metatrader client from any bitsharesx client (via RPC).

In that case we dont need have to rewrite a new mql interpreter.
Are the guys from metatrader going to give us a hand?

Correct! For that however you would need someone to run a centralized server and you would have to pay the $100K licensing fee. It is NOT open source.

There are alternative open source solutions as well but they kinda suck. Also it is not that hard to write a translator from MQL4. Still work, but not terribly hard.

General Discussion / Re: Future DACs on the BTSX rewards proposal
« on: July 26, 2014, 04:17:15 pm »
You just need a slick UI client that interacts with the RPC, there is no need for delegates or on the chain scripting for what I am proposing (re: MQL4 + EasyLanguage)

General Discussion / Re: Future DACs on the BTSX rewards proposal
« on: July 26, 2014, 03:59:27 pm »
Yes, but I know from experience because I wrote entire frontend/backend software for a hedge fund as the sole engineer in the project. Just scripting will not be enough, you then need to take care of charting etc/etc/etc.

This is in fact an area that I was hoping I could break into if I3 doesn't even interview me. I've asked a few times to come strengthen the team, but they must be too busy.

Ideally instead of reinventing the wheel, what you want is to adapt already existing trading languages and even hook entire platforms like MQL from MetaTrader, EasyLanguage from TradeStation. Implementing these two would bring a ridiculous amount of traders to the platform.

GaltReport - are you running the newest version? Sometimes transaction details get lost, but if transaction was confirmed it WILL show in your balance, just the info that it came from BTER might be lost.

Do the following in the console if you have version 0.2.3.

First make sure your delegates are not producing blocks, in fact you should NEVER be producing blocks on a client you use to do transactions:
Code: [Select]
wallet_delegate_set_block_production ALL false
Ensure all transactions got parsed:
Code: [Select]
Look for transactions that say UNKNOWN in any of the from/to fields for the amount you are not seeing.
Code: [Select]
wallet_account_transaction_history <your user name>

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