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Messages - cylonmaker2053

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General Discussion / Re: Greek referendum
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:57:39 pm »
Man I wish I could believe in something like anarcho capitalism, but the more I think about it the less I believe it will work. I don't see any way it prevents monopolies or ultimately prevent the use of force. To be perfectly honest, to me it seems to be a just as easily exploitable divide and conquer stage as any.

Somehow I keep ending up back at democracy as the best of the bad solutions, as long as the scale is small enough and you have properly functioning accessible transparent information (supposedly that's what journalism-traders were supposed to be doing originally). While the minority might dislike being forced by the majority, the minority forcing the majority is even worse.

One problem I can't seem to solve with capitalism in general is that I rarely see the people who are actually providing or creating the value being the ones to profit. I haven't managed to figure out a capitalistic system that ultimately doesn't end up being in favor of parasites and malignant tumors.

anarcho-capitalism is an excellent philosophy...i don't know of any more consistent with the highest moral ideal of universal peace. that said, there's no reason to require a 100% solution to all social issues to acknowledge this and to continuously advocate less violence in our society, particularly that caused by bad law.

ancap isn't a complete solution set to all social issues so much as it is a process for how people could pursue peaceful cooperation in a world that's become all too accepting of violence. Rather than thinking in a binary accept/reject framework for translating the philosophy into political ideology, we could simply accept NAP as a guiding principal and focus on where we can apply it to start unraveling the pervasive mentality that force is an acceptable means of organization.

Random Discussion / Re: Declaration of Independence
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:48:01 pm »
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

This banker could not have put more succinctly, the most senior cause for every corruption of our societies.

and crypto shall liberate...

General Discussion / Re: Greek referendum
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:34:39 am »
yes BTC and LTC are leading the possible Grexit rally, but that should be a boon for all reasonably useful crypto as people realize the value of keeping capital out of the traditional financial system.

on a personal note, i remember when BTC spiked back in 2013 and it got me more interested in rolling my profits into alt currencies. i think that'll be the case for many other people with this coming crypto bull market and BTS will surely be one of he winners.

General Discussion / Re: MaidSafe up 45%
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:29:32 am »
Only $27k in volume, so definitely not a deep rally. that kind of thin volume could easily fade and bring the price back down.

that said, i'm a big supporter of what MaidSafe is trying to do, so i hope they succeed.

Random Discussion / Re: Declaration of Independence
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:27:34 am »
yeah, seriously...i think we'd be better off as British colonists. Americans have grown so accustomed to perpetual loss of liberty it's sad...why must peaceful adults continue to take orders from other adults and suffer violence when they refuse?

Conceptually, i agree that the forum tech should evolve...seems like we're still using two decade old tech to communicate while trying to change the world otherwise :)

This is the main element that drives ultra - the technology we are working with today is old and decentralized,
betwene skype, slack, irc and forums information and community takes serious work to put together.
ULTRA can change that by giving everyone a central place to congregate, do business and have fun all simaltaniously.

cool, any popular forums today using ULTRA?

Conceptually, i agree that the forum tech should evolve...seems like we're still using two decade old tech to communicate while trying to change the world otherwise :)

prediction is one of the hardest things to do with complex systems, like the economy or financial markets. what's certainly true is that risks are mounting and have been centralized/aggregated to an astonishing degree since the last financial crisis; that seems to be the recipe for guaranteeing bigger future crises. timing or describing that crisis is a completely different matter...

all i know is that we should always be ready for uncertainty and remember that our pathetic human minds tend to underestimate risk at the exactly wrong times! we also tend to have an absurd degree of extrapolation bias in mentally modeling future risks on past crises.

this is a great idea, but need not be restricted to a particular function, like hitchhiking. just stick to the decentralized Uber and you have a winner. Once the platform is worked out and risk/compensation structure appropriately, customers and providers will settle on the functions that work best.

Greece is bulgarias primary investor and trading partner. While there are capital controls on greece and they have no access to crypto buglaria has access to crypto through btc-e. There is substantial demand for all crypto on this exchange

yeah excellent point. hopefully the average Greek saw this shit storm coming and prepared appropriately.

cool I didn't know about shapeshift  +5%

i'm a huge fan of and use it as my primary crypto exchange mechanism. it's the way assets should be traded and likely the future of exchanges...little reason to park funds on someone else's platform in the 21st century :) and use similar methods to, but target the BitShares community more (they're run by Bitshares people, if you will).

awesome, thank you! i just tried out Blocktrades and you're right...much more BTS centric. the max trade amounts are higher than i'll def be using in future. love exchanges like this...definitely the way of the future as far as asset exchanges go. i don't see any reason to stick with centralized exchange models where you have to park funds and give up all your identifying info. now that this tech is out of the bag it can easily migrate to Tor or any political jurisdiction that doesn't try repressing it. Viva la libertad!

wow awesome....looks like the affiliate program is doing the trick

General Discussion / Re: BitShares + Bitcoin
« on: July 02, 2015, 03:23:42 pm »
Maybe a hint?

cool I didn't know about shapeshift  +5%

i'm a huge fan of and use it as my primary crypto exchange mechanism. it's the way assets should be traded and likely the future of exchanges...little reason to park funds on someone else's platform in the 21st century :)

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