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Messages - cylonmaker2053

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the euro will least for now. fast forward 20 years and i have no idea. that said, we could easily see a jump either up or down near term with all this volatility, but it's tough to say which set of expectations and constraints are already reflected in the price.

in general, it's best to hold a well diversified portfolio appropriate to your capital/living needs; think stocks (VTI), bonds (BND), real estate (VNQ), metals, commodities, and now crypto assets. that's the general case...when times look especially risky, i like to load some targeted shorts (leveraged short ETFs are expensive and ridiculous to hold long term, but not a bad idea for short term hedging--FAZ, TZA, TECS), write covered calls on stocks, and/or hold larger than usual cash reserves to exploit opportunities.

General Discussion / Re: Massive Buy Order on the DEX for bitUSD
« on: June 30, 2015, 02:25:11 pm »
yeah that big buy order is there almost constantly now with changing bid to match peg...almost certainly a bundle of expired shorts. i do my best to cover my positions before they get lumped into this black hole.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: June 30, 2015, 02:19:19 pm »
It would be really helpful if bitcoin could start moving higher... Right now btc is still the lead dog and a jump in price would grab a lot of crypto media attention.  That would bring in more outsiders and give them more of a reason to look at alts like bts... Once they own bitcoin it becomes much easier and less expensive for them to move to bts, not to mention getting over the mental hurdle of buying crypto to begin with.

agreed. any boost to crypto acceptance is a good thing for BTS. we just need to be patient and keep pushing for the best p2p asset exchange...

I am interested in buying shares of CMX. Is this going to be possible? And if so, when and how?

hopefully CMX shares will be available as bitassets...

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: June 29, 2015, 01:41:42 pm »
Only a few weeks ago the market cap was 8-9M USD. There's a lot of dumping (profiting) now as a result. Remember not everyone see's bitshares as a long term investment, to some its just another coin to play with.

exactly...crypto markets are so illiquid considering that they're globally accessible, so prices are even more so driven by marginal traders who can have very short term anchor points. someone buying in at $8M market cap would have every justification to close out their trade at these prices and feel good about themselves. they may not feel as good about themselves when it's at $80M or $800M, but so be it...

General Discussion / Re: BTer deposit issues, growing concern
« on: June 29, 2015, 01:36:51 pm »
Any exchange that exhibits even the tiniest bit of funny business ought to be vacated immediately. the risks are just too high for these things imploding and taking all your money.

What is the difference between this token and a normal currency? Seems very close if not exactly the same to me?

Sorry, I didn't provide any context for my question.
The difference is that it earns a yield on the deposit tokens.
The yield is market-determined to alter supply and demand and always target parity to fair value against the peg (assuming yields are not constrained at zero).
I don't see a reason why it should cost any more than currency.
And it still delivers cash-like functionality, unless there is some other reason to use cash. Hence my question.

well bitassets are just synthetic versions of underlying assets, which have systemic risk exposure to the BTS network, plus there's still on/off ramp transaction costs to get off the network and into the underlying; that's at least the theory for why there should be some premium, at least at this stage. as bitassets gain popularity and the BTS network grows and proves itself robust to scale, then that premium over underlying should fall.

that said, there are reasons rational agents would use bitassets over underlying, and those mainly have to do with portability, low transmission costs, higher than underlying asset market yields, and evasion of domestic jurisdiction political risk (a real concern for many around the world).

i'm a fan of the current approach considering BTS to be equity in the business. it gives the 'currency' much more value as representing a token in a network with useful functionality. sure, money transfer networks have value, but that's what BTC and LTC do well...we should keep focusing on our niche and not simply try to replicate things already done well by others. 

Max has been pushing his startjoin and startcoin thing for a long time now. When he said smartcoin it was a faux pas, that's all.
edit1: Him and I have emailed back and forth many many times- Trust me when I say, he has no intention of promoting our Smartcoins.
edit2: Max is also heavily invested in BitPay and Bitcoin. He's the last guy you want to approach with a competing product like ours. It would be a total setup if he invited you onto his show.

@Ken, too bad ....i think it's much more illustrative and beneficial to the entire crypto community to view BTC and offshoots like BTS to be complementary/symbiotic, much more so than competing for a slice in a fixed pie. This is also why i keep harping on BTS working hard on its p2p asset market niche, rather than aiming to be the de facto blockchain for everything a blockchain can do.

General Discussion / Re: Cloud Mining Services
« on: June 20, 2015, 07:11:44 pm »
scrypt is a ponzi/scam.

that would explain persistently insane ROI

General Discussion / Re: What's a Whale?
« on: June 20, 2015, 02:14:51 pm »
Just wanted to make a point .. bts was at 70m and 200m are definitely within reach in few months (imho) (not an investment advice)

Hence you would have a nice position with 0.01% already (depending on the definition of "nice")

Makes sense!

I'd like to add another definition to "whale". I believe term "whale" should be related to the capacity of an individual or entity to move the market price significantly if he/she/it decides to liquidate their position. So it all depends on the liquidity of the market, the % of shares the whale owns and the market cap.
This .. makes even more sense .. thanks

agreed...whale is relative in terms of ability to move prices with their trades. it's like in economics for when you assume a fully competitive market is one in which everyone is a price taker (your action can't move prices, you just take the market price as given); a whale would be a trader not subject to the same price assumption.


What about it?

isn't doing domain registration Namecoin's big thing?

Sure. I don't know when you joined the community, but BitShares always intended to move into domain names. We even had a separate blockchain at one point intended just for that purpose (that has since been "merged" back into BTS).

Anyway, the main advantages BitShares provides are thanks to DPOS and the latest changes from Graphene: the blockchain is much faster (1 second block intervals), scalable (100,000+ trx/s), and cheaper to operate (no PoW). Also, we seem to be more willing (and frankly, more capable, again due to the performance gains) to experiment with different economic models for domain names such as auction systems.

cool, sounds like an interesting use case i hadn't thought of. i've only recently started getting active in this community a month ago, just passively investing prior to that. my take on BTS was that it was a kickass p2p asset exchange concept and that, alone, would make it hugely successful if done right. even now i still think that's the case and should be the main focus of the organization...getting the exchange awesome and encouraging the spread of BTS/bigXXX in business.


What about it?

isn't doing domain registration Namecoin's big thing?

Technical Support / Re: BitShares Viewed as an Inter-Exchange Network
« on: June 20, 2015, 02:55:37 am »
After bts launch 1 year, still no business partner, nothing change.

Well, "History is gonna change!"

CCEDK to Publish its Order Book on the BitShares Blockchain

 +5% +5% +5%

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