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Messages - yvv

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General Discussion / Re: poll for the "1 BTS for transfer" proposal
« on: January 29, 2016, 12:41:34 am »

There is hundreds of hours of work there ! This work more the expenses didn't cost even 1 single bts to BitShares. Thanks to the referral program !

You byte 80% of fees from bitshares and claim that it does not cost it a single BTS? What a nonsense!

General Discussion / Re: Payout Referral Commisions in Smartcoins
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:49:46 pm »
I am sorry, but helping a new user to set up first account and then charging a shit of fees out of him is a bullshit. A guy who created my first account does not deserve 80% of my fees. Referral should not be a way to make profit. It should be a way to help new user, rather than scare him away with high fees. All bitshares holders are motivated enough to bring new users in order to grow the network and raise BTS price. No monetary reward for referring is necessary, it's enough to compensate referrer's expenses. My referral link would be in my signature on all forums which I use if I wouldn't need to buy LTM for this.

General Discussion / Re: poll for the "1 BTS for transfer" proposal
« on: January 28, 2016, 06:18:32 pm »
The problem is also that 80% of fees are paid to referrer. This is a way too much. Referral program should help to set up new users, not to enslave them. All bitshares holders are motivated enough to refer new users, since it helps the network to grow and raises the value of BTS. Paying $100 to get out of referral slavery is ridiculous. Referrer should get just enough BTS to compensate his/her expenses, all the rest should be paid to the network.


General Discussion / Re: OBITS HODLERs, your money is in danger.
« on: January 28, 2016, 05:00:16 pm »
just a heads up to all OBITS hodlers, by voting for Bitcrab, you're actively helping killing off obits / revenue based models.

1.The core idea is, as a DAC, Bitshares' goal is not to make more network money, its task is to provide an advanced, convenient and attractive and cheap platform, meanwhile provide chance and tools for every player here to make money.

2.Keeping high transfer fee and meanwhile putting much fund on refining the fee structure is the wrong way, we should move to the right way -  go back to the global lowest tranfer fee scheme.

3.The referral program does not fit Bitshares, we need to eliminate its bad effect.

let me remind you that without referral income, OL makes little profit, effectively killing OBITS purpose.

If they can not make profit without referral income, their tokens are worthless.

General Discussion / Re: poll for the "1 BTS for transfer" proposal
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:38:47 pm »
If you are proposing to reduce fee to the level below what a transaction actually costs, you need to compensate the difference out of your pocket. This would be a nice promotion for bitshares.

what's the exact cost of 1 transfer? can you tell me exactly?

I have no idea, but somebody else on this forum claimed it to be $0.005-$0.01. I think, this should not be difficult to verify.

General Discussion / Re: poll for the "1 BTS for transfer" proposal
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:29:00 pm »
If you are proposing to reduce fee to the level below what a transaction actually costs, you should compensate the difference out of your pocket. This would be a nice promotion for bitshares.

General Discussion / Re: Meanwhile - Ethereum quietly overtakes Ripple
« on: January 25, 2016, 11:46:16 pm »
One useless shit token overtakes another useless shit token by some meaningless number. This is fucking great news.

You invest into obits more than into your own project. This looks irrational.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing cap of bts descend to twelfth.
« on: January 24, 2016, 04:29:28 pm »
Not when you depend on it to develop, grow and succeed. Once again people seem to forget who pays for development. If someone needs $50k to develop something at these prices, it will cost the chain 3x more BTS than if the price was at one cent. At the ath of 5cents or with a marketcap similar to what ethereum currently has, we would pay x16 times less!

You are talking about price here, which indeed matters. The cap is just how much your tokens cost all together at current price. This does not give much of meaningful info, since you don't really know how these tokens are used, how many are used in circulation, how many are locked by hoarders in there accounts etc.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing cap of bts descend to twelfth.
« on: January 24, 2016, 02:36:00 pm »
Market cap of crypto token is one meaningless number.


Nobody is going to offer a smartcoin bridge to and from fiat because their is no real peg and no liquidity. Yes there is some for bitusd but still not enough for a bridge provider to feel safe that he can provide a steady stream at a constant rate.

Issuing smartcoins instead of IOU has advantages for a gateway, but yes, there are tricky issues which they need to resolve. Let's see how it goes.

Little bit of bitter into this can of honey. Fiat gateway is definitely the achievement, but setting up a gateway is not enough, let's see how reliable it will be.

That's fantastic, Ronny.
I guess very soon this fiat gateway will be directly available inside the GUI, right?

Check the GUI dude :)

All deposits are FREE of charge from my side, so it is your bank or any correspondent bank who will charge you if any.

Is your bank located in EU?

General Discussion / Re: poll for the percent based transfer fee
« on: January 21, 2016, 08:04:49 pm »

What would you prefer in case of transferring 100k BTS?
- pay 1 BTS for the transfer fee and have all the complexity and high fees on the gateways
- pay 100 BTS for the transfer fee and have cheap & easy gateways

I would really like to be able to send $50 to my friend in other country (say, as a birthday gift) with one button click, and pay no more than $1 fee. If cheap and easy gateways would help to do this, then I am all for it.

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