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Messages - theSeanster

Pages: [1]
Connection problem, please try different API nodes.

Thanks, that worked!

I recently downloaded the BTS wallet client on Win 10 on a new machine, and restored using my .bin file and then set a password. When I regained access to my main account, I checked and saw many, but not all of my sub-accounts. To my understanding, all of these sub-accounts have their keys derived from the brainkey in the main account. Is the .bin file my brainkey?

Later on, without doing anything differently, I suddenly see some of the missing accounts, but then some of the accounts I saw earlier had gone.

Any idea what causes this, and what I can do to fix it?

BitShares PTS / Re: Free 200$ credit trial, run servers at a hourly rate.
« on: November 24, 2013, 01:21:08 pm »
Would you care to elaborate on that? What I don't know is what determines the hash rate, is it the amount of cpu cores and the ram? I chose one with windows 2008, 4xcpu, 6gb ram and I have about 45 hps... And I turned off IE enhanced security and disabled windows update...

In the proof of momentum main hardware limitation is not CPU or GPU speed nor quantity of RAM but speed of bus and memory.

I mined with those servers from HP (
- Standard 2XL ($0.90/hr), got around 110 hpm
- Standard Large ($0.24/hr), got around 240hpm when 4 in parallel
- Standard Small ($0.06/hr), got around 510hpm when 16 in parallel

Funny thing is, every time I decreased server strength by 4 times, pricing decreased 4 times and I put 4 servers more so total chargin price from my trial balance stayed the same

I would be very thankful if I had this information on day 1 of mining, I would now have more PTS mined

and do not just believe....try it yourself

I will try that! I also wish I knew this sooner... So just to be clear, when I get to choose from the various servers, I should choose as little as possible a number CPU, little RAM and OS doesn't matter other than some are easier to set up? does 32-bit/64-bit mean anything?

You will get the best hash/price ratio using Standard Small servers with Ubuntu 13.10

I can only find 2xcpu with ubuntu 12.04 or 10.04 with 4gb ram.. It seems like a 32-bit version of windows 2003/2008 has problems executing the .bat file (Coyote Miner), it just closes immediately even though I know that the content inside is correct.. so might be compatibility issues.. This is annoying, as I just made 16 servers and .rdp files... Will try again with Ubuntu I think.

BitShares PTS / Re: Free 200$ credit trial, run servers at a hourly rate.
« on: November 24, 2013, 10:47:10 am »
Would you care to elaborate on that? What I don't know is what determines the hash rate, is it the amount of cpu cores and the ram? I chose one with windows 2008, 4xcpu, 6gb ram and I have about 45 hps... And I turned off IE enhanced security and disabled windows update...

In the proof of momentum main hardware limitation is not CPU or GPU speed nor quantity of RAM but speed of bus and memory.

I mined with those servers from HP (
- Standard 2XL ($0.90/hr), got around 110 hpm
- Standard Large ($0.24/hr), got around 240hpm when 4 in parallel
- Standard Small ($0.06/hr), got around 510hpm when 16 in parallel

Funny thing is, every time I decreased server strength by 4 times, pricing decreased 4 times and I put 4 servers more so total chargin price from my trial balance stayed the same

I would be very thankful if I had this information on day 1 of mining, I would now have more PTS mined

and do not just believe....try it yourself

I will try that! I also wish I knew this sooner... So just to be clear, when I get to choose from the various servers, I should choose as little as possible a number CPU, little RAM and OS doesn't matter other than some are easier to set up? does 32-bit/64-bit mean anything?

BitShares PTS / Re: Free 200$ credit trial, run servers at a hourly rate.
« on: November 23, 2013, 10:43:16 pm »
Would you care to elaborate on that? What I don't know is what determines the hash rate, is it the amount of cpu cores and the ram? I chose one with windows 2008, 4xcpu, 6gb ram and I have about 45 hps... And I turned off IE enhanced security and disabled windows update...

BitShares PTS / Re: Free 200$ credit trial, run servers at a hourly rate.
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:11:10 pm »
Hey guys instead of creating a new thread I decided to edit this one and remove the expired promotion.

I've found a new trial offer for 200$ from Dimensions Data, they charge a hourly rate on servers.

Not sure but when your close to 200$ limit stop your servers because I think you get charged for anything above 200$ free credit.

Here's the link and details about the promotion:

PS. I'll add other great trials and promotions as I find them.

Offer appears to be running again, because I just subscribed to it... Any tips on how to set up the servers etc.? I'm used to windows... But I have no idea what machine power I should choose... I do not wish to exceed the $200 offer and I am planning to cloud-mine with coyote.

BitShares PTS / Re: Coyote Pool 2.0 - One Day Rounds Proportional Payout
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:04:27 pm »
PTS value has shot up..   :D   I wonder why?  Have people grasped the potential future value?

I hope not... I am still trying to buy more cheap :)

Hey there, where can I buy cheap PTS? I'm still mining, but it seems like a good idea to buy in addition before the price rockets...

Any idea if there are other free VPS trials out there in addition to Azure? Do you think the Azure people will stop calling if you don't pick up every time they call?

Skandinavisk (Scandinavian) / Re: <<Velkommen!>>
« on: November 22, 2013, 02:51:22 pm »
OK :)

Angåande å bli genesis block founder hos Invictus, så forstår eg det slik at du må donere minimum 10 PTS for å for alltid vere del av "the hall of fame" som grunnleggar av tenesten. Sett vekk ifrå den openbare fordelen med å ha vore med på å starte noko stort, er det nokon økonomisk verdia av det? I mitt tilfelle så er eg heldig om eg greier å mine stort meir enn 10 PTS totalt fram til fristen 24. desember... Med andre ord så eig eg ingen PTS dersom eg ønsker å delta i genesis prosjektet...

Skandinavisk (Scandinavian) / Re: <<Velkommen!>>
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:55:14 am »
OK, takk for tipset! Med 6stk azure vpsar inkl mi eiga maskin på 1/2 hastigheit får eg ca. 367 hps totalt.

Saknar framleis info om korleis eg skal tolke coyote miner verdiane, earned(est) var på 0.8 i går natt, men har gått ned igjen til 0.3... Eg trudde dette var verdien på kor mykje eg har mina fram til no, så korleis kan den i tilfelle gå ned?

Eg veit at å kjøre cpu på 100% konstant kan skade maskina, men er det rimeleg trygt om den går på 50%?

Once I have set up the three virtual machines, installed coyote and started mining to my address, will it continue mining if I close down the remote connections to them? In other words, do I have to manually start the mining on each virtual machine every time I restart my physical machine?

If your running windows on them just add the .batch file to startup. If your running linux I dont think the servers restart unless you do it yourself.

Window really sucks on VPS the windows updates restart your computer alot I had to reconfigure alot of them every day then I finally just turned them off.

Thanks for the tip, I have now added the batch file to the startup section for each virtual session. If I try to close the session it does tell me that any programs running on the virtual machine will keep running until I log back on... So it remains to see if that is true or not :)

Once I have set up the three virtual machines, installed coyote and started mining to my address, will it continue mining if I close down the remote connections to them? In other words, do I have to manually start the mining on each virtual machine every time I restart my physical machine?

Skandinavisk (Scandinavian) / Re: <<Velkommen!>>
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:38:59 pm »
ja, det var det innholdet. Alt skal være på en og samme linje.
Altså etter ip'n som står nevnt skal adressen stå..påååå samme linje :D

Aha! Viste seg at eg hadde eit mellomrom for mykje, fjerne det og fekk det på samme linje... og vips fungerte det :) Eg har HPS på ca. 28-29, er det ein gjennomsnittleg OK verdi?

Korleis skal eg tolke kommandovinduet i coyote miner? Akkurat no har eg komt opp i 29 shares f.eks... kva tyder det i forhold til earned(est): 0.0074636 (som sikkert tyder antal tente protoshares)?

Det ser ut som mininga brukar ca. 90-100% cpu-ressursar på maskina mi, er det nokon måte å tone ned effektiviteten litt? Dersom ikkje, har du nokre tips til kor lenge eg bør mine i gongen, med tanke på å ikkje slite ut maskina? Eg har eit brett med integrert vifte som laptopen min står på, bør eg kanskje skru på denne medan eg minar for å øke levetida på maskina, eller vil eg i bunn og grunn bruke så mykje strøm at det ikkje vil lønne seg uansett? Eg veit at strømforbruk er svært viktig i mining av bitcoins, så tenkte kanskje det var relevant her også...

Skandinavisk (Scandinavian) / Re: <<Velkommen!>>
« on: November 20, 2013, 07:26:30 pm »

Var det dette innhaldet du var ute etter?

Tenkte også å registrere meg med azura for å nytte virtuelle cpuar, men er det 100% sikkert at det ikkje vil koste noko? Såg ein post på freak der nokon meinte det kostar litt...

Skandinavisk (Scandinavian) / Re: <<Velkommen!>>
« on: November 20, 2013, 06:22:32 pm »
Heihei alle sammen :) Tenkte å teste ut PTS og coyote mining. Eg har nettopp fått synkronisert walletn, og har endra infoen i .bat fila til mi eiga adresse. Når eg opnar fila lukkar den seg med ein gong!

Via Protoshares wallet så går det an å velge 3 forskjellige stadier av mining i "settings" menyen. Er dette "personleg mining", og heilt uavhengig av Coyote mining? Det står også at eg har ti aktive connections til Protoshares nettverket, er det bra eller dårleg?

Er det meininga at vi skal legge til mange nodes i konsollvinduet, eller kjører den berre ein om gongen uansett?

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