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Messages - willj

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 can experts help me out ?
 thanks a lot.

Hi all,

use wallet_check_sharedrop after 2014/11/06, why only this PTS address not show BTS

1# it has send PTS to get AGS on 2014/3/13, it is after 02/28, but before the 200 day end.

why no BTS give to this address after 11/06 ?

thanks a lot .


请问: 我的AGS和PTS都还没有领过DNS, 为了分BTS, 需要先领出DNS吗

 :o  BM一个人包打天下 ? 不敢相信.


中文 (Chinese) / Re: [分析]你为什么要用BitShareX ?
« on: February 21, 2014, 12:20:52 am »
存钱两倍收益是怎么来的,不是 +5%嘛

#1 你存10,000CNY买入10,000bitCNY,
#2 我做多BTS,所以用10,000CNY市价(假设1,000CNY每BTS)买进10BTS,两倍冻结,所以我再出10BTS,共抵押20BTS,
#3 这价值(当时)20,000CNY的BTS分红属于你(bitCNY持有者)

是不是你总能分到相当于20BTS的分红呢 ?
如果BTS市价升值为2,000CNY呢 ?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 希望早日开发出赌博DAC
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:06:27 pm »
blockchain 的HASH值就是现成的数字, 无法预测,保证公平

中文 (Chinese) / [分析]你为什么要用BitShareX ?
« on: February 20, 2014, 12:26:25 pm »

  为什么要用BitShareX系统呢 ?

#1 BitShareX是银行, 存钱2倍收益;
  存1万元, 那么就有相当于2万元的股份分红收益;
  存1BTC, 那么就有相当于2BTC的股份分红收益;

#2 BitShareX是去中心化交易所, 想买BTC? 想买就能买!
  存1万元, 想买bitBTC就能买,想买bitUSD也行;

#3 BitShareX是银行和交易所, 你不赶紧买进BTS做股东,还在等啥?

买BTS做股东享受分红, 买bit资产享受2倍分红, 真好啊?
那分红的钱是哪来的呢 ?

我觉得关键是去中心化交易所要成功, 分红来自交易手续费.
上文有多处"相当于", 因为作为bit资产的抵押品是BTS.

去中心化交易所成功, 则手续费收益丰厚,BTS分红多则价格上涨;

反之,去中心化交易所不成功, BTS价格下跌, bit资产担心收益减少, 甚至亏本,大量提现

如考虑错误,请指正,谢谢  :o


To clarify: This would be the case when BTS would decrease in price more than twice compared to the point in time when the short positions was taken (if a short position requires 2x Asset value in BTS)?
so i guess this describes the margin call case. How can the system run out of bitshares like mentioned in the OP?
If the starting collateral is 100 BTS backing 50 USD... and the price of 50 USD rises to more than 100 BTS so fast that the market couldn't cover the position in time then there would not be enough BTS in the short position to buy back 50 USD... so the network would be forced to create new BTS to close the short position.   

As I put money in BitShareX, so I keep thinking it in my head.
Please think about this idea.

BitShareX system must very powerful, and make sure BTS has the real value.
BTS's value is real and stable, the marketing price only show how much people like it. But not effect BTS's real value.

My idea is:
suppose BTS born by 4000 BTC(at 1000 USD), and 1,500,000 PTS(at 40 USD)
INIT value:1 BTS_value == (4000 * 1000 + 1,500,000 * 40)/ 4000,000 == 16

when 4,000,000,000 USD want join BitShareX for shares,
BTS born 4,000,000,000 bitUSD,
1 BTS_value == 1016 + fees

BitShareX only decrease value when value decrease.
e.g. people get money back from BitShareX(and do mandatory liquidation base on BTS_value).

if you want 5% double shares, buy bitUSD;
if you want own the growing of the BitShareX system, buy BTS with price higher than the BTS_value and compete with more likers;

if you want sell 1000 bitUSD value BTS at 1 bitUSD, it is up to you. but this not effect the BTS_value.

比如说我开个网关兑换CNY跟bitCNY,那么你充值1000CNY,我给你999bitCNY,1块钱是维护网关工作的手续费,我拿到1000CNY,你拿到999bitCNY. 你什么时候想换回CNY,随时可以找我换。跟RIPPLE不同的是,你不用担心我作为网关跑路,因为我发行bitCNY是需要2倍的BTS做抵押的,而你有999bitCNY也不用必须找我换,找其他网关也同样可以换回999CNY的。


你为什么要做网关 ? 就为了赚了0.1%手续费 ?
2倍的BTS被冻结了, 如果BTS跌了,你可能被平仓.
如果BTS涨了呢 ? 涨的BTS被冻结了, 你不也亏吗 ?


not get it.

I think if UserA can create as many bitUSD as wanted, than the going short must be success.

Me too!

General Discussion / Re: how can i deposit USD to btsx platform?
« on: February 18, 2014, 05:40:52 am »
Buy $100 worth of BTC using whatever means you do now. Trade BTC/BitUSD on crypto exchange. You get (100 - transaction fees) BitUSD.

Interesting, for many people, the request can be USD--to--BTC,
Here we do BTC--to-bitUSD.

As for now , I do not get why I need put BTC to get bitUSD.
Is bitUSD more valueable than BTC ?
I suppose the one like BTS must equal or more like BTC.

General Discussion / Is the BitShareX useful to be a BTC-P2P-Exchange ?
« on: February 18, 2014, 04:05:09 am »
What is BitShareX ?

BitShareX is a Decentralized Autonomous Bank.
BitShareX is a Decentralized Autonomous Exchange.
Maybe also:
BitShareX is a Decentralized Autonomous Futures Market.

I do not know(care) much about the Bank or Futures Market or other things.
I want to know, Is the BitShareX useful to be a BTC-P2P-Exchange ?
If Yes, how ?

e.g. Suppose all centralize BTC-Exchange is forbidden .
UserA want by BTC;
UserB want sell BTC;

How BitShareX can matching the request ?

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: February 17, 2014, 12:58:44 pm »

On knowing the sell about 1_bts for 10000000 USD, I am shocked.
And I think there must be something wrong.

I read the white paper, but just understand a little.
Here share the logic in my head. It maybe totally wrong.  :-[

If no rule, the bitUSD is not USD, it is just a name.
It can be anything: cheap as DOGE, or expensive as 42Coin.

So there must be the rule:
You can create your BTA named bitAAA or bitXYZ, named anything.
But when you create BTA named bitUSD, it must equal to the real time USD value.
When you create BTA named bitBTC, it must equal to the real time BTC value.

So the BitShareX system already has the BTS with real time value.
If you want play in BitShareX, you must put in real USD or real BTS or real BTC.

How to put USD in/out BitShareX system ?
one method is using the public market(e.g. Bter);
Or using BTS_prepaid_code(e.g. BTER-code or BTCC-code or telephone recharge coupon) can buy with USD from the on-line/off-line shops

Then the game is starting: suppose USD==1 BTC==1000 BTS==100
UserA want buy 2 BTC
UserB want sell 2 BTC
UserC want keep 20 BTS

UserA checkin 2000_USD get 20_BTS; BitShareX increase 2000_bitUSD;
UserA use 20_BTS to buy 2_bitBTC.
UserA checkout 2_bitBTC get 2_BTC.

UserB checkin 2_BTC get 20_BTS, BitShareX increase 2_bitBTC;
UserB use 20_BTS to buy 2000_bitUSD.
UserB checkout 2000_bitUSD get 2000_USD.

UserC checkin 2000_USD get 20_BTS; BitShareX increase 2000_bitUSD;
1 year later, BTS==10,000;
UserB use 20_BTS to buy 200,000_bitUSD.
UserB checkout 200,000_bitUSD get 200,000_USD :)

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