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Messages - willaim

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OpenBazaar is obviously our good partner but OB is an anonymous trade platform, and I think that the virtual products will be main trade objects. so the market capacity will be small. anyhow, this is a possible approach to for BTS to grow up.

Dear Toast/BM and other colleagues of III who will be in charge of AGS substitution:

my PTS substitution message is 100% perfect with correct Signature. here is the image for screenshot.

please check it seriously. You should NOT use a BTC client to verify PTS message!

Address: PikAq7jB7yHJnZ8gsBXFLWquD1bPoeP7x5
Message: New PTS Address is PjjYtWpwmwEMA1MK9mjpDpSYzkTMPgjm7X
Signature: IEe5mmZs9q9kjhYVmhqW3RYvPJ8kbe9q3HqwL8hX9FoCN0XxzHPo3t1Fb1Lput/SQ1UaNwxSKzO7K9fjJ6yUVdw=

only the best regard to you.


thank BM for your confirmation! thank god that PTS exchange trader has given me the signature for my local PTS address.

Address: PikAq7jB7yHJnZ8gsBXFLWquD1bPoeP7x5
Message: New PTS Address is PjjYtWpwmwEMA1MK9mjpDpSYzkTMPgjm7X
Signature: IEe5mmZs9q9kjhYVmhqW3RYvPJ8kbe9q3HqwL8hX9FoCN0XxzHPo3t1Fb1Lput/SQ1UaNwxSKzO7K9fjJ6yUVdw=

I donated PTS/BTC from in 03-2014 and I may not get those corresponding AGS. Is it possible for me to show the new AGS address substitution? You know there is no difference between btc38 and coinbase website. I am looking forward responses of Admin. thank you very much.

If you can sign a message with the proper private key, that is all anyone should care about.

KeyID / Re: [DNS] Check Your Snapshot #3: Coinbase Substitutions
« on: October 08, 2014, 10:30:02 pm »
Dear Toast,

my PTS substitution message is 100% perfect with correct Signature. here is the image for screenshot.

please check it seriously. are you using a BTC client to verify PTS message?

Address: PikAq7jB7yHJnZ8gsBXFLWquD1bPoeP7x5
Message: New PTS Address is PjjYtWpwmwEMA1MK9mjpDpSYzkTMPgjm7X
Signature: IEe5mmZs9q9kjhYVmhqW3RYvPJ8kbe9q3HqwL8hX9FoCN0XxzHPo3t1Fb1Lput/SQ1UaNwxSKzO7K9fjJ6yUVdw=

o my god, what should I do? will you reallocate DNS shares in the next version?

only the best regard to you.


« on: October 03, 2014, 09:48:08 pm »
@toast, I am sure that you forgot to replace wrong PTS address with these substitutions:

thank BM for your confirmation! thank god that PTS exchange trader has given me the signature for my local PTS address.

Address: PikAq7jB7yHJnZ8gsBXFLWquD1bPoeP7x5
Message: New PTS Address is PjjYtWpwmwEMA1MK9mjpDpSYzkTMPgjm7X
Signature: IEe5mmZs9q9kjhYVmhqW3RYvPJ8kbe9q3HqwL8hX9FoCN0XxzHPo3t1Fb1Lput/SQ1UaNwxSKzO7K9fjJ6yUVdw=

could you check the message signature then update the genesis blcok with my replaced PTS in the next DNS version?

I will use these substitutions after I check signatures:

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Please coordinate chinese delegates
« on: October 03, 2014, 05:09:20 pm »
thank toast. I have two delegates:

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 哥今日起每天免费送BTS!
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:36:22 pm »

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

中文 (Chinese) / Re: DNS在哪里买啊?
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:40:56 pm »
9厘9收1000万啊, 5分卖.明年再来看这笔交易合算不.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: JustDice风格的骰子DAC提议(JDS)
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:36:57 pm »
楼主真牛逼. 当年很厉害/NSN, 楼主就是你要找的那个自己开发BTS 客户端的大牛.

當所有的人靠緊我的時候, 你要我安靜從容.


General Discussion / Re: Patrick Byrne - Bitcoin Conference Announcements
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:13:39 pm »
it's well known that one of the most advantageous points for chinese company is to customise a new solution (here is a blockchain customization) with the fastest speed. you may remember the same story in film <2012> while the chinese factory finished a new ship during 2 weeks. yes, peershares generated it quickly with full controlled power by overstock. However, this blockchain will be "single computer and die" chain if only peershares and overstock use it.
the second company would like to be the second overstock, so a new blockchain will be copyed and generated for the next company.......

it seems that customized user-assert (such as overstockcoin) is better solution.

It is very reasonable to want to issue shares onto a blockchain you have full control over

I don't know much about PeerShares, but if PeerShares and the BitShares Toolkit are both open source projects written by other people, why would one give Overstock more control over the other?

General Discussion / Re: Patrick Byrne - Bitcoin Conference Announcements
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:02:10 pm »
it's well known that one of the most advantageous points for chinese company is to customise a new solution (here is a blockchain customization) with the fastest speed. you may remember the same story in film <2012> while the chinese factory finished a new ship during 2 weeks. yes, peershares generated it quickly with full controlled power by overstock. However, this blockchain will be "single computer and die" chain if only peershares and overstock use it.
the second company would like to be the second overstock, so a new blockchain will be copyed and generated for the next company.......

it seems that customized user-assert (such as overstockcoin) is better solution.

It is very reasonable to want to issue shares onto a blockchain you have full control over

I don't know much about PeerShares, but if PeerShares and the BitShares Toolkit are both open source projects written by other people, why would one give Overstock more control over the other?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTSX全球推广计划德国区主管任命
« on: September 18, 2014, 10:28:09 pm »
各位好, 德国bitshares市场营销正式启动, 下面是官方链接, 求扩散:

凡是转发下面这个的帖子的兄弟姐妹, 留下你的bts别名(帐号), 以及你是如何扩散的(例如在qq群xxx转发,在XXX微博上转发等), 我将赠送3个bts给您表示感谢.

咕噜: 中国: 赞助者
Willaim: 德国.
BitRyanXY: 德国.
好鬼: 中国: 市场营销支持

下面是我收集的主题列表, 将根据用户的需求和实际情况调整:
1. 比特股的生态链
2. 比特股对传统金融,交易所,音乐,域名的冲击和补充完善.
3. 我在现场用2台以上的笔记本演示比特股客户端操作: 创建帐号,秒级转账,101个代表的选择,bit资产介绍. 全体与会者留下QQ微信号码, 每人赠送8个bts.
4. 比特股新特性介绍.
5. 比特股和比特币,山寨币的性能参数对比.
6. 对比比特币单调的客户端和BTS客户端.
7. 3i的研发人力和财力.
8. 实时展示市值第三的bitshares在 btc38, bter, p网等交易所上BTS交易情况.

如果您对此有任何建议, 欢迎致信

汤姆 我希望讲解bitshares的高级特性.

General Discussion / deleted
« on: September 18, 2014, 10:15:19 pm »

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Collaboration
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:17:19 pm »
dear gamey,

you are a very nice guy and you work hard! I have listened to BM (his speaking with 70 min more or less) and I may understand 70%; and there are so many exciting information inside of his speaking. unfortunately some special and professional words can not be caught by me.
I suggest you exact those key words (what you said - 20 min) and write them here; then lots of persons (including me) can try to translate these "important information" to Chinese or other langues (Italy, German,...) by volunteers.

my email is
please send a copy to me if you can.

nice to help you and other persons.


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 我对3i公司的美好预测
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:49:32 am »
第一步已经实现, 万里长征开始第二步了, 欢迎overstock过来发行股份, 以后历史学家会把bts成为迷你纳斯达克交易所, 华尔街排着队递牌子求见. 今天你上哪一个?

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