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Messages - LiOoO

Pages: [1]

ty.. did what u wrote... now i get error..
 File "./", line 307
    self.coll_counts = {m: collections.deque() for m in miners}
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
It looks like your python version is older than 2.7. Do you run Debian 6 or older (in wheezy 2.7 is the default)? In this case you could try setting up 2.7 according to this howto: However, this would also require to resetup pyopencl with pip instead of apt-get.

Even if I make a binary executable, it would still have dependencies on libc (this is how python-to-binary programs work), and it would be tethered to specific distributions then.

I run SMOS Linux Mining  V1.3... 32bit

Why i can't find 32bit GPU miner for Linux? I can't find it for MMC too, and there is no source to compile from?
It is opensource now:
You need python 2.7 with pyopencl module to run it.

Can't do it.. Im Linux newbie.. :(
There is no chance to get precompiled 32BIT Debian Linux versions of miner for PTS and MMC?
Well it makes too little a sense, but you can just do this:
sudo apt-get install git python-pyopencl
git clone
cd pts-1gh

ty.. did what u wrote... now i get error..
 File "./", line 307
    self.coll_counts = {m: collections.deque() for m in miners}
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Why i can't find 32bit GPU miner for Linux? I can't find it for MMC too, and there is no source to compile from?
It is opensource now:
You need python 2.7 with pyopencl module to run it.

Can't do it.. Im Linux newbie.. :(
There is no chance to get precompiled 32BIT Debian Linux versions of miner for PTS and MMC?

Why i can't find 32bit GPU miner for Linux? I can't find it for MMC too, and there is no source to compile from?

Pages: [1]