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Topics - puvar

Pages: [1]
I just found a serious security flaw which can cause people all their BTSX balance.

Whenever I do a transaction (that includes orders, cancels etc) my BTSX is transferred to a new private key which doesn't have an external backup anywhere. If I spill coffee on my laptop just after making a transaction, my BTSX is lost.

Please fix it ASAP!!

Private keys that are used in transactions should be already backed up on my USB stick *before* I make a transaction, not after I remember to export my wallet. This can be easily achieved by precomputing private keys in advance (as it's done in bitcoin wallet).

General Discussion / When is BitUSD destroyed?
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:37:19 pm »
BitUSD is created when somebody puts a short order. Is BitUSD destroyed when the original short order is closed?

General Discussion / Initial cap for BitShares X
« on: March 23, 2014, 10:35:54 am »

I tried to calculate the initial market cap for BitShares X.

Before the 2/28 snapshot 1 PTS was 0.03 BTC, after the snapshot it dropped to 0.01 BTC. Given that there are 1,500,000 coins in total it give us: (0.03 - 0.01) * 1,500,000 = 30,000 BTC - it's the total drop of the PTS cap which should transform to 15% of BitShares X cap (PTS part + 1/2 AGS part).

So the total BitShares X cap should be 30,000 / 15% = 200,000 BTC = $120,000,000.

General Discussion / So where is everything?
« on: March 13, 2014, 02:19:05 am »
Hi there!

Where are the results? I'd like to see some sensible status update. When will we be able to play with Bitshares X?


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