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Topics - feedthemcake

Pages: [1] 2
Just need a solid confirmation in numbers here:

How many bts per ags should be vested if never touched after two years?
What is the ratio?

From what I’ve seen it should be 1mil ags total/5k per day.

2.5bil bts total with 9.4% allocated to AGS holders to be vested over 2 years.

2.5bil x .094 / 1mil = 235 bts per ags


Quick question maybe someone can point me in the right direction on.

I was an angelshare investor on several occasions and just wanted to check on it but don't see a FAQ on that topic with a quick browse.
Can someone point me in the right direction or give me a TLDR of the happenings since April 14'


General Discussion / Happy Holidays!
« on: December 24, 2014, 08:50:56 pm »
Happy Holidays to those celebrating.
Glad to be a part of this great community and project.

General Discussion / Protoshares on the cover of The Age of Cryptocurrency
« on: December 20, 2014, 01:21:38 pm »
Written by Wall Street Journalists Vigna and Casey

Am I supposed to be importing my KEYID private keys into Bitshares now to collect anything?

What's your confidence level at for Bitshares success (1+ billion market cap) within 5 years?
Also, if you feel like replying, why did you choose that option and what needs to be done (by the team/marketing) to increase it.
Do you believe Bitshares is on the right track?
Does Bitshares have direct competition or is it something totally different than other cryptos?
What is "success" to you, have we reached it already?

General Discussion / What is your Bitshares pitch?
« on: October 25, 2014, 04:29:40 pm »
Last night speaking with some friends they asked if I was still invested in bitcoin and how it's going. I haven't spoken to them in detail since February or march about crypto and I tried to update them on Bitshares and my belief in it. While attempting to give them the huge rundown, I started fumbling over concepts and explanations so I'm here asking if anyone has a well thought out concise list of topics you would pitch to someone that can be broken down and explained as needed. Maybe a bullet point list to cover.

As excited as I am I tried to explain DACs and Bitshares music and the exchange and market pegs which is too in depth for someone getting the pitch.

General Discussion / DAC for crypto companies?
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:32:41 pm »
Does the cryptoworld need a Decentralized Repsoitory for Crypto Companies? A place where all information is written to the blockchain?

For example, your paperwork that is public is documented and stored on the blockchain as you become a company and register with whatever governmental authority?
This is a really vague idea, but just curious if this is something else worth looking into in the future. A way to organize everything on the public ledger.

This link to this video regarding the investigation of Moolah/Alex Green got my mind going on this....

Set to the time Chris begins talking about it.

General Discussion / Help: insufficient relay fee
« on: October 03, 2014, 06:37:40 pm »
Has anyone received this message when putting bitUSD up for sale?
I tried to sell some above the market price and got "insufficient relay fee" under "date" in the overview and now the bitUSD is not showing in my account.


KeyID / Help importing electrum wallet to KEY ID **RESOLVED**
« on: October 03, 2014, 05:42:30 pm »
Having trouble with importing the wallet with this command line in windows 7:

wallet_import_electrum Users/XXXXX/AppData/Roaming/Electrum/wallets/XXXXXXX.dat "password" username

is my formatting incorrect?

Getting this message...

4 parse_error_exception: Parse Error
failed to parse electrum wallet
    bitshares  electrum.cpp:233 bts::bitcoin::electrumwallet::electrumwallet

    bitshares  electrum.cpp:273 bts::bitcoin::import_electrum_wallet
error importing bitcoin wallet Users/XXXXX/AppData/Roaming/Electrum/wallets/XXXXXXX.dat
    bitshares  wallet.cpp:5560 bts::wallet::wallet::import_electrum_wallet

    bitshares  common_api_client.cpp:755 bts::rpc_stubs::common_api_client::wallet_import_electrum

    bitshares  cli.cpp:556 bts::cli::detail::cli_impl::execute_command

General Discussion / Creating a "Savings" tab or wallet in the Exchange?
« on: October 03, 2014, 04:13:16 pm »
Just wondering if this is something that people would be interested.

Would it be possible to create separate addresses named "savings" and "checking" or "spending" for both btsx and bitUSD or other assets?
I know it's not necessary in reality because it can be done just by me holding my bitUSD which is fine, but to appeal to the familiar it might be helpful?

I find it easier for me to be trading bitUSD because it's not in a dedicated section called "savings". Maybe it's just for me a psychological weakness?

Is this something others would be interested in and are there other things you'd like to see added as it is Bitshares X the Bank and Exchange.


General Discussion / Has anyone seen or commented on this yet?
« on: September 23, 2014, 02:45:31 pm »
EDIT: Yes, it's been commented on. Thanks below!

General Discussion / Any way to tell how many users are interacting?
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:04:31 pm »
Is there any way to tell how many people are trading on the platform?
Sometimes I see hours go by without a trade.

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