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中文 (Chinese) / 人人兑换商计划
« on: July 28, 2016, 03:50:32 am »

大家好,我是币易网 ( 创始人郑浩,社区网名55。币易网自上线以来运营稳定,加盟兑换商和交易量稳步增长,平台能够为兑换商和客户提供一个稳定可靠的交易基础。现在平台注册兑换商总共47人(包括美国1人,台湾1人),理论可以为客户提供每天1000+BTC的兑换服务。币易网的模式是平台提供担保,不同于中心化交易所存币存钱的模式,兑换商和客户是P2P的直接兑换,只有交易双方存在争议的时候平台才会介入,这样多方制约,保障了交易双方的安全。这种模式是我对数字货币,资产交易模式的探索和尝试,经过这几个月的运营发现这种模式在数字货币生态系统中有其生存的意义和价值。现正式推出推广计划。
      注册成为兑换商后会有自己的专属推广链接,凡是通过推广链接注册并成为兑换商后,推荐人和注册人俱可获得1000元兑换额度和50元现金的奖励。推荐非中国用户注册成为兑换商后         推荐人和注册人均可获得50Bitusd,或等值BTC.
      征文发布地址: ... ;tid=271&extra=



HI,I‘m ceo of 币易网(, BEBTC is a p2p cyptocurrency exchange in China,and provide  exchange sevice for customers all over the world

  How does BEBTC work?

BEBTC is a third party exchange platform for digital currency trading. It can be seen as a “Taobao”, the difference is BEBTC specializes in offering digital currency business, express exchange with no account needed.
BEBTC platform: providing a digital currency exchange store service on the basis of network software services
Exchangers: offer small amount of digital currency fast exchange service to customers.
Users: Use the service from this platform to buy or sell digital currency.

    How to buy Digital Currency (take Bitcoin as an example)?

1. Select one suitable exchanger from the list of exchangers, then go to the exchanger’s store, click Buy Bitcoin on the menu, enter the quantity of Bitcoin you want to buy, email address, and your Bitcoin wallet address. When you click Submit, the system will email you the order summary.
2. Go to your mailbox, find the order summary that BEBTC just sent to you (sometimes in spam), confirm all order details are correct, then transfer RMB to exchanger’s bank account、Wechat or Alipay account. Please make a screenshot for the Transaction page, or keep the transfer stub properly. If dispute happens, you will be asked to provide information for proof.
3. Once the transaction is complete, the Exchanger will quickly process your order, and sends Bitcoin you purchased to your Bitcoin wallet address immediately. 

    How to sell Digital Currency (take Bitcoin as an example)?

1. Select one suitable exchanger from the list of exchangers, then go to the exchanger’s store, click sell Bitcoin on the menu, enter the quantity of Bitcoin you want to sell; then input your bank account number, or Wechat、Alipay account to receive money. When you click Submit, the system will email you the order summary.
2. Go to your mailbox, find the order summary that BEBTC just sent to you (sometimes in spam), confirm all order details are correct, then transfer Bitcoin to exchanger’s Bitcoin address. Please make a screenshot for the transaction page, or keep the transfer stub properly. If dispute happens, you will be asked to provide information for proof.
3. Once the transaction is complete, the Exchanger will quickly process your order, and transfer corresponding RMB (from your Bitcoin sold) to your bank account or Wechat、 Alipay account immediately. 

    Does the platform charge service fee ?

Free, free, and free, repeat important things three times.

    What if the exchanger doesn’t send me Bitcoin after I already payed?

Don’t worry! All exchangers on platform signed a contract with BEBTC, payed secure deposit, and subject to unified management. If the owner fraud occurs, please contact customer service QQ: 2807183483. Tel: 4000-961-360. Once the case is true, we will use that exchanger’s secure deposit to pay the loss of customers. BEBTC will terminate the partnership with that exchanger, and never collaborate again.

    What if BEBTC run away?

BEBTC is based on a small amount exchange store model, direct dealing between both parties, settle each sum of money when each transaction is made. BEBTC platform provides security and guarantee to every transaction. As an exchange platform, the difference to other exchange company is BEBTC doesn’t hold any assets of clients, therefore there is no risk of being hacked.

    Why one type of digital currency has different price on BEBTC?

Price on BEBTC platform is determined by the digital currency exchanger themselves. BEBTC locates itself as small amount and express exchange.

    How to become a currency exchanger and start an alliance business with us?

Any individuals or institutions who want to profit from the sale of any figures can easily join us, and become a bitcoin exchanger on our platform. BEBTC has a long-standing cooperative relationship with exchangers. Submit applications, pay the secure deposit after signing contract with us, you will become an exchanger immediately. BEBTC will provide an exclusive store page for each exchanger, and store owners can promote their own exclusive store page to start bitcoin trading business.

I‘m ceo of 币易网(, BEBTC is the p2p cyptocurrency exchange in China, and now BitCNY-CNY is available, You can remittance to Chinese customers,friends or anyone  via BitCNY,you pay BitCNY to dealers,and post your customer's bank account,or wechat,alipay account,the dealer will pay CNY to your customer.All dealers are pay the deposit to BEBTC,BEBTC  provide guarantee transaction services,you don't need worried about the safty of transaction.And now we are looking for partners all over the world,thus chinese can pay to your country via BitUSD,BitEUR,etc.If you interested in our platform,.please let me know,

Technical Support / my wallet has some problem,i need help
« on: December 11, 2015, 09:26:51 am »

web wallet is ok,but light wallet cant work

General Discussion / A new bitassts trade platform is online
« on: August 06, 2015, 06:31:29 am »
hello everyone,a new p2p  trade platform is online now,you can trade bitassets with others on,it likes the  localbitcoins for bitassets.Welcome to start your own bitassets business on's good for every btser,hope you  have a pleasent

中文 (Chinese) / 如何用命令行创建和发行资产,分享
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:02:21 am »

 wallet_uia_create <issuer_account> <symbol> <name> <description> <max_supply_with_trailing_decimals>

wallet_uia_create btsfair BTSFAIR BTSFAIR  “ p2p bitassets trade plateform” 100000000.0000


wallet_uia_issue <asset_amount> <asset_symbol> <recipient> [memo_message]
wallet_uia_issue 1000 BTSFAIR btsfair “good job”

主要注意  引号不能在中文输入法下输入,无论是全角还是半角状态  中文输入法下输入的引号都是错的 哪怕半角的引号看上去很像英文引号。

欢迎小伙伴们参加测试,吐槽拍砖。有BTSFAIR 资产奖励。谢谢。 localbitcoin for bitassets.

General Discussion / BTSFAIR white paper
« on: May 15, 2015, 02:38:15 pm »
BTSfair------A  P2P  bitassets trade platform

  If you want to be a big tree, don't go than grass.In the short term,the grass is growing significantly than tree,but after a few years,the grass is still grass,the tree has already become a towering tree.
  Bitshares has been issued nearly a year,within a year,we experiencd the obsession,yearning,hesitate,helplessness,we were happy,laughing,we experienced loss and sufefering,but we never give up.Within a year,   Bitshares has been out of baby,staggered forward.Our career has just started.The dream of reconstruct the financial world is just beginning.

.What is BTSfair?
1.   Core services
2.   Project framework
3.   Application scenario

.Our plan
1.   Ultimate goal
2.   Stage goal and how to achieve our goal step by step
3.   What are we doing now?

.What can bitshares fans do all around the world?
1.   The programmers can suggest us to improve our product.
2.   You can start a exchange shop on BTSfair in your country.
3.   Provide the relevant laws and regulations.

.Reward mechanism

. What is BTSfair?
  BTSfair is a P2P bitassets trade plateform.If bitshares is a banking system,BTSfair is ATM.BTSfair is a bridge between real assets and bitassets,it’s an important part of bitshares system.
1.   Core services
    For merchants,BTSfair provides a standard exchange shop,everyone can open a shop after they are filed,just like you open a shop on taobao,ebay,amazon.The merchants can pricing bitassets for themselves,and get profits by selling bitassets.
   For the average user,you can choose a merchant to buy bitassets on BTSfair,make your assets more convenient and quick through bitshares system,and you can also choose a merchant to change the bitassets into real assets.
2.Project framework
  (1)Platform,provides exchange shop,information display,trading guarantee,arbitration service.
  (2)Merchants,provide bitassets exchange service.
  (3)Common users,they can undertake the transformation of the real assets and bitassets.

3.   Application scenario

     International payment,Bob in china wants to send 100RMB to Alice in USA,Bob can find a BITCNY exchange shop,change 100RMB to 100 BITCNY,and send 100BITCNY to Alice,Alice can change the 100BITCNY to USD through the exchang shop in USA.

.Our plan
1.   Ultimate goal
    We will build BTSfair as a bridge between the real assets and bitassets.
2.   Stage goal and how to achieve our goal step by step
  (1)The development of BTSfair,This project is currently under development,The beta is expected to release next month.
  (2)Soliciting opinions and discuss the problem on BTSfair,The development team timely adjusted according to the suggestion,fix bugs,Continue testing until the official version released.
  (3)We will launch a global promotion plan,it will adopt a new architectural pattern different from any previous company,let users (both exchangers and  common users)become the shareholders of BTSfair.
3.What are we doing now?
   Now we are in stage one.Our team is currently under development,The beta is expected to release next month.When the BTSfair online we will invite people on the forum to do testing.

.What can bitshares fans do all around the world?
  1.If you are a programmer,join us,Let us work together in product development,Your join will make BTSfair more secure,more powerful,more convenient.
  2.If you are interested in doing business,you can open a exchange shop on BTSfair,and get profits by selling bitassets.
  3.If you are a lawer ,that's great!!You can collect some legal documents about this,to make BTSfair conform to the national laws.

.Reward mechanism
We are going to issue forum assets,to reward those who contribute to BTSfair.We will send  forum assets according to the quality of the posts,activity,prestige value.You can discuss the details on  .What kind of incentive mechannism can make BTSfair stronger?

Welcome join us.

中文 (Chinese) / BTSFAIR白皮书
« on: May 11, 2015, 03:20:02 pm »
 想成为大树,就不要和草去比。短期来看,草的生长速度和树相比,肯定是草的长势明显,但是几年过后,草换了几拨,但是树依旧是树。所以这个世界上只有古树、大树,却没有古草、大草。做事业,重要的不是一时的快慢,而是持久的发展力。比特股自出现至今快一年了,在这一年的时间里我们经历了期待,惊喜,憧憬,渴望,狂热,痴迷,幸福,忧郁,烦恼,快乐,失落,矛盾,痛苦,平和,坚定,犹豫,失落, 我们开怀大笑,顿足捶胸,哭哭啼啼, 热泪盈眶,古道热肠,装疯卖傻,痛心疾首,得意忘形,兴高采烈,扬眉吐气,慷慨激昂,我说的以上的心情你们都经历过吗?想想过去的一年里我们伴随着比特股从怀胎十月到呱呱坠地,到现在一年了,它正在慢慢从襁褓中出来,在我们共同的努力下学会行走,比特股事业才刚刚起步。在这里我不想谈论价格,因为每一种数字货币都经历过价格波动,存在炒作因素,我想说的是没有哪一个数字货币能够在价格波动剧烈的情况下能够实现与真实资产的锚定,除了比特股。比特股是一个价值被严重低估的系统。以后它的价值会让所有人都出乎意料,它提供的服务将会使每个人都从中受益。我从来没想过炒作比特股,相信你也一样,只不过在现阶段比特股发展过程中,最需要的是开发技术人员,你不懂开发技术,你除了炒作之外只能默默的关注比特股,心中祈祷希望它快点成长,但现在不一样了,你即使不懂开发技术也能够参与到比特股的事业中来,这就是我下面要讲到的项目,BTSfair---一个可人人参与的P2P比特资产兑换平台。








General Discussion / P2P BITASSETS trade platform
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:36:13 am »
BTSfair is a P2P bit-asset Bridge platform based on BitShares. Everyone can start a bit-asset bridge on BTSfair. 
A Bridge provides the service of converting between bitUSD & USD, bitBTC & BTC, or bitGOLD & gold for a competitive fixed fee. . With more and more people join, BTSfair can provide converting pair for all the most used currency in the world. We will give an one-stop solution for all the currency. Our clients can use BTSfair transfer real assets between counties with a very low fee.
BTSfair is an important part of bitshares system. It is a bridge between real assets and bitassets, It will play an important role to let people realize the value of bitshares.The value of bitshares will be higher,and bitshares system will be stronger. This is a worldwide project. We invite bitshares fans all around the world to join us. This project is currently under development. Now we can utilize to discuss the detail and help each other. When the BTSfair online we will invite people on the forum to do testing.

中文 (Chinese) / BTSfair一个P2P比特资产交易平台
« on: May 09, 2015, 06:44:37 am »


General Discussion / P2P BITASSETS trade platform
« on: May 09, 2015, 06:42:24 am »
BTSfair is a P2P bit-asset Bridge platform based on BitShares. Everyone can start a bit-asset bridge on BTSfair.
A Bridge provides the service of converting between bitUSD & USD, bitBTC & BTC, or bitGOLD & gold for a competitive fixed fee. . With more and more people join, BTSfair can provide converting pair for all the most used currency in the world. We will give an one-stop solution for all the currency. Our clients can use BTSfair transfer real assets between counties with a very low fee.
BTSfair is an important part of bitshares system. It is a bridge between real assets and bitassets, It will play an important role to let people realize the value of bitshares.The value of bitshares will be higher,and bitshares system will be stronger. This is a worldwide project. We invite bitshares fans all around the world to join us. This project is currently under development. Now we can utilize to discuss the detail and help each other. When the BTSfair online we will invite people on the forum to do testing.@agile


  这不是现实世界的运行规则。我们期待的是真正的经济学家,别说蛋哥(Dan Larimer的新绰号,译者起的)是个经济学家。

1)   比特美元不再有利息(那其他的比特资产呢,译者问)
2)   Short空单没有期限除非美元要求强制打折结算。
3)   最后一句不知CD为何物,大概意思是在这个债权市场中比特美元要支付利息 。

Technical Support / who have the book BitShares 101?Max Wright 's book
« on: April 05, 2015, 04:20:17 am »
I'm a beginner of bitshares from china ,I'v read this book  Description at amazon,but the whole edition can not be download,Max Wright 's book is a good way to understand bitshares for beginners,i want to translate this book for chinese people,i hope someone who have this book can email it to me, I do appreciate your help。

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