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Topics - bulabu

Pages: [1]
中文 (Chinese) / 求助:btsx重新导入私钥之后余额不符
« on: October 25, 2014, 07:50:49 am »

General Discussion / about keyhotee founder ID
« on: July 20, 2014, 02:00:27 pm »
I registered successfully in keyhotee("registered with 127.8 points"),my public key is 6TpDfty2Tn6hwexq8zhBQ5h7YV95A4cBXQ1WDc1FmNShZ7sH9s.
But I can't creat private key using my keyhotee info in BitShares X.
And what should I do for this?
My kid is "***.***",and I found "***-***"("."vs"-") in genesis chain,but I can't  register it.

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