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Topics - sceneboss

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MemoryCoin / voting cto/ceo/whatever while coin is going to fly
« on: January 03, 2014, 06:28:38 am »
i dont get what is point to vote new CEO, CTO, WHATEVER while coin is going to fly. IMO you are going to kill this coin, anyways why the fuck we need CEO in VIRTUALCOIN? yeah he just takes coins, but what else he does? code is ready.. why code cant just run there? People just takes memorycoin if he/she wants, CEO has nothing to do with that.

CEO takes responsibilities from coin future? what the fuck? are you going to call media if your coin is not popular?

FreeTrade why you are leaving your position NOW when coin is starting to fly? you are going to make the biggest mistake in this coin history, you should wait 2-3months before you can make that move... but it is too late already, forums full of "please vote me"... why you cant collect even election list page? To new mmc user it looks like that mmc is not stable when he opens like this forum. And this is the reason why everyone is dumping this coin atm

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