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Topics - hansonwcn

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BitAssets Supporter List

(Alphabetical order)
SupporterSupport BitAssetStart DateSupport DACWebsite
Bitsapphire bitUSD 2014-9-19 BitShares X
helloworld大闸蟹 bitCNY, BTSX 2014-9-20 BitShares X
欧美德国超市*     2014-8-26 BitShares X
PeerTracks* Note, bitUSD     BitShares Music blockchain
西湖龙井* BitShares X
新疆若羌大枣 bitCNY 2014-8-26 BitShares X

* means website lacks of clearly sign of BitAssets Supporting.
* 表示网站缺少支持比特资产支付的明显标识。

Add your support in REPLY. I will add you to the list. :)
在回帖中写下您的支持信息。我会将您加入支持列表中。 :)

Best Regards

Technical Support / 0.4.12 crash and crash
« on: September 06, 2014, 06:08:20 am »
1.  win8.1 64bit install finished, crash when “loading”
2.  win7  32bit, crash after double click the install file, it says not enough memory.

Everything runs right when I use 0.4.11 and before that.

General Discussion / Crash in win8.1 64bit
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:00:52 pm »
I installed the 0.4.12-x64 in win8.1 64bit. It crashed in display "loading" !!!

Will agser/ptser have it's own account without bitcoin wallet when bitshares begin?

Would you think it is too early for the snapshot of bitshares X ?
Is there any chance for the agser/ptser to join the bitshares X again in some way?

General Discussion / This investment makes people fickleness
« on: April 15, 2014, 05:42:04 pm »
This investment makes people fickleness

1. In fact, we haven't join to bitshares actually. All we have done were cast money more and more. It's very easy to find a lot of GUI programmer or some other programmer in China or somewhere else. BUT,THE REALITY is nobody recommend one programmer to BM,nobody.If you know someone has the ability, just recommend to BM. You are the Shareholder of BM, why not do everything you can do?
1. 说实话我们的确没有真正参与到bitshares这件事中去 我们现在都在做的唯一一件事就是无底洞的投钱投钱 搞个GUI的程序员或者类似的程序员中国是一抓一大把 其他国家也是 但实际情况就是没有一个人引荐给BM 一个都没有 如果你认识某个人认为他可以 就引荐给BM 你是BM的股东 有什么好客气的!

2. Assume that bitshares X release in tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, then the program have big problem or bug. According to  the efficiency of 3I now, the schedule will be so long that unimaginable, give 3I 3 months, 6 months to fix the bug again?
2. 退一步讲 假设 即使 明天 或者后天 bitshares X 发布了,之后,出现了较大的漏洞或bug,软件难免会有bug,以3I团队当前的生产力,这之后的事也会被拖得时间长的难以想象,出现大的bug,再给他3个月6个月去改?

3. Both BM and us are thinking of the decentralized of coding and network and so on. But have we think of the decentralized during the project development? How can we ensure that one person have such rigorous thinking to avoid any mistakes?
3. BM和我们都在考虑代码和网络等等的去中心化,但我们是否有考虑过这整个项目开发过程的去中心化?当所有期望都集中在某一个人身上时,我们如何能保证这一个人的思维慎密到没有任何纰漏?

Hope that 3I face up to this investment sincerely, we don't want this evolved into an irreparable scam.

General Discussion / PTS holdings survey
« on: April 13, 2014, 10:29:47 am »
PTS holdings survey  :P

General Discussion / AGS holdings survey
« on: April 13, 2014, 09:57:01 am »
AGS holdings survey  :P

The videos in can‘t connect in CHN for the reason of GFW(Do you know what I say?):) Do these vidoes use YouTube links?In some countries, Youtube & some other media websites are not availbe.
由于天朝大局域网的关系:) ,bitshares.org网站上的视频都看不到。是不是用了YouTube的链接?Youtube和一些其他的媒体网站在有些国家是看不到的~

This is not good for advertise Bitshares in some countries.

General Discussion / About the coins & chips in the DACs
« on: April 01, 2014, 02:37:20 am »
About the coin & chips  in the DACs

    There are signs that many DAC developers intent to create new coins in their DAC systems.
 I don't think it's good for the BitSahares ecosystem.

    If every DAC has it's own coin, it becomes another "altcoin factory" and scattered the whole value of the BitShares ecosystem. It's not good for attracting  external capital.
    It will be more healthy if these DACs use bitUSD, bitCNY or something has "consensus value" as their chips to minimize the kinds of currency. Thus the whole values of the DACs ecosystem will be drived up.
    Of cause, all these based on the bitshares X.

    Maybe it exist better solution for this problem.

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