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Messages - Raman Student

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: german FED .. meeting in january .. talking DACs
« on: December 06, 2014, 11:26:40 am »
This is quite interesting. I think I will attend on that workshop. I won't have much time in january but I live in Frankfurt and it's like 20 minutes afoot to that workshop. It's especially interesting to learn about the sight on crypto of real academics and experts.

Technical Support / Re: BTS X for the people?
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:18:28 pm »
Thanks for your answers. In the meantime I got another question regarding voting: I can approve delegates but how do I know that they are worth to approve?

Technical Support / Re: BTS X for the people?
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:07:45 pm »
Is BTS X rather just for investors who want to make profit or also for simple people? I mean will there be merchants in the future that accept BTS X?

I definitely see BitSharesX as a DAC for the people.  Merchants could accept BTSX for payment but bitUSD would likely be a better option for most... though if I was a gold dealer though I'd prefer to be paid in bitGLD because then I could just set my prices to be 1 bitGLD + 4% premium for delivery. 

Is BitShares rather like an asset/share or do you see it as a currency? Would you say that BTS X is as decentralized as e.g. NXT?

BTSX is a share (stock) in the company BitSharesX but unlike common stocks it's extremely liquid and can be used as a currency or as collateral for purchasing digital-property like bitAssets (bitUSD, bitGLD, etc).  BitShares is every bit as decentralized as NXT... though I think it's important to define terms.  What particulars are you interested in?

I have not that much technical knowledge but the term 'dac unlimited' confused me because it sounds like bitshares would be a company which I have to trust. So I'm not that interested in the details but it is for me very important that Bitshares is such decentralized that the government, intelligence agencies or other rich and powerful groups can shut Bitshares down. For me that's still the most important concept about crypto.

Technical Support / Re: BTS X for the people?
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:02:17 am »
Thanks for the answer.
Is there another trustworthy source to download the wallet?
Link on homepage is dead:

Technical Support / BTS X for the people?
« on: September 14, 2014, 10:50:26 am »
I have read quite a lot about BTS X and it seems to be quite interesting but there are a few question left for me:
Is BTS X rather just for investors who want to make profit or also for simple people? I mean will there be merchants in the future that accept BTS X? Is BitShares rather like an asset/share or do you see it as a currency? Would you say that BTS X is as decentralized as e.g. NXT?

kind regards. :)

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