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Messages - yoo

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中文 (Chinese) / invalid command "wallet_check_sharedrop"
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:03:32 pm »
我看到大家介绍导入的各种文章,都提到这个命令,为何我在 0.6 的客户端执行,提示

invalid command "wallet_check_sharedrop"


原则上现在的 bts-v 只是以前的bts,需要再次导入pts dns 等的wallet私钥,是吧?


那为什么不导呢- -

虽然toast在英文帖说了没关系,superdac的时候,你直接导入就可以,你去查查他的post吧。但安全第一啊,为何不去换呢?- -

Why should KeyID blockchain be turned off? Lets keep it on.

Why we need additional chain if all KeyID functionality will be integrated into BTS?

Maybe you don't need it, but why kill a live and trading network? It may have a future of its own. Anyway I am going to give it a chance to live.
Setting up a new testnet for post merger KeyID now.

 seed, maybe ~

I do agree with this advice.

In my opinion,
pts or ags can reduce some ratio because them will be apart of the bts, a little overlap.
If comfirm that ags is just a donation behaviour, the proposal is 10% pts & 10% bts.
Ratio is not the key point, just protect the earlier Consensus.

Dispute isnot just at ratio, but the honor is  'recommended' or 'must'?
ok, 'recommend'? keep disputing.

General Discussion / Re: A new currency DAC - the future of Bitshares PTS
« on: October 25, 2014, 09:24:30 am »
interesting, mark here

i am a web developer maybe provide some help.

General Discussion / Re: Explanation for PTS/AGS Holders goes here!
« on: October 25, 2014, 09:04:36 am »
I didn't betray anyone... I have many friends and family that are AGS holders post Feb 28... I am a large ags holder Post Feb 28.   

AGS was a gift... no strings attached.  Anyone who has AGS and is complaining has no one they can blame but themselves for setting wrong expectations. 

We said we would recommend AGS/PTS get 10% each of *FUTURE* DACs built using the toolkit.   Congrats, you got 10% of *PAST* dacs as well.

so  why delete the "draft license"? Shy?

Did we have a announcement which announced that it was a draft license?
If somebody saw it before and wanted support 3i to be a long long-term investments, then went to sleep long time, when he wake up, he finds he is naked.

Yes it's his fault, it's ourself's responsibilities to invest in something, even something(who is something?funny) is always so changeable.
Social Consensus is not Sincerity, i got it.

PS, bm, is bt & b in your list?

10% ags 10% pts, 10% or more bts is perfect.

ags maybe a gift, but pts is prototype what 3i defined before, if wanna pts die, 3i need buy them back from market!

都是炒客而已,有时候看着群里各种乌烟瘴气,500刀,嘿嘿,各种污言秽语,真心都是潜水看着- -

技术流的很少吧,逛英文论坛,更别扯了- -

大家不怕bts后面出来 bt, b....吗?


投资有风险,入市需谨慎。没有信用,共识就是收割机,人民民主专政的苦头我们吃的不少了~~~ 天朝天天期盼皇帝人治,年年依法治国,奋斗终身呐

merger以后,一定会有下一波的 “共识”的,拭目以待

General Discussion / Re: Explanation for PTS/AGS Holders goes here!
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:20:39 pm »
I was and I'm still mostly concerned about the bolded text:

4.The genesis block of any blockchain must allocate 10% of the total lifetime shares ever allocated by the blockchain to the holders of BitShares PTS proportional to the percentage of total BitShares PTS held. Additionally 10% of the total lifetime shares ever allcoated by the blockchain to the holders of BitShares AGS must be allocated in the genesis block.

I was trying to explain this in so many posts that you might think I'm a spammer. I'm not that concerned about BTS ownership of PTS/AGS. I'm concerned about the failure to fulfill that non-binding promise-like thingy. I think post feb28 AGS/PTS holders have the right to feel lied to and whine about that.

Actually I've said too much already given the fact my stake is really tiny. I'll not make this specific topic any harder for you.

agree with you, pts/ags is just a joke? no 10% promise, my god, i just a blind investor.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 另一个角度看合并
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:21:09 pm »


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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 另一个角度看合并
« on: October 22, 2014, 03:00:44 pm »

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General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:57:02 pm »
oh, four in one, sounds good

i can see some days later, you, bm would announce that, we need pts2, ags2, we need more money to lift ourself.

we can see that day, it's funny.

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