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Messages - BitshatKing

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: The worth of Stan's contribution to BitShares
« on: January 04, 2015, 09:39:21 am »
Yes!  King Stan IS GREAT LEADER!

General Discussion / Re: Default Vote for Core Devs???
« on: January 04, 2015, 09:39:01 am »
Why all u people got problem?  Wat is big deal about Stan, Dan and devs as for ever delegates?  What go can wrong?

Hear me...

Vote not that important.  Why u care if u get vote?  What does your vote matter?  Noone care what u think.  It truth. 

My country is no vote!  My country greatest country whole world.  Leaders picked for us.  Leaders are great men.  GREAT MEN LEAD CHINA TO WORLD DOMINATON!

So wat u don't like them.  They probaly don't like u!  We need KICK OUT TRATORS!  STAN AND DAN FOR EVER!

General Discussion / Re: Longtime Investor - I am out
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:00:17 pm »


General Discussion / Re: Longtime Investor - I am out
« on: October 30, 2014, 05:19:34 pm »



I don't understand the perspective of those who think "the social contract was not fulfilled". In my opinion, that outlook is a result of overly rigid thinking. A social contract shouldn't be like computer code or a math formula. It's not an if then else statement.

It was used to attract investors. It wasn't legal obligation. However III pointed it while marketing AGS/PTS . They didn't put enough effort to warn the investors of the fact that they might not honor it fully. It is a mistake that could enrage a lot of investors. AND induce doubt on their ability to fully fulfill any future promise.

What if honoring the social contract "fully", would probably result in BTSX eventually being worth nothing? The greater good was honored.

+5% +5%  The biggest social contact is to succeed for investors.  That takes precedent over all others.  What good is your "social contact" if your investment goes to zero and btsx/pts/ags are sitting in the dust bin of history?
Come on guys let's not argue based on fear mongering tactics using "what if" statements.  You don't know that this merger won't result in everything I3 has done result in being worthless seeing how they are putting all their eggs in one basket now.

Even BM accurately stated that this move was what he thought was the right decision but that he could be wrong.

If your argument is that no statements or contracts or agreements should ever be binding for BM and I3 because you implicitly trust them to make the right decisions, then that is a perfectly fine argument to make with no need to invoke impossible to prove "what if" scenarios.

I would not call it fear mongering at all. Look at it this way:

They always speak clearly and honestly about the options.

People were upset when they moved away from mining: Now it is common sense!

People were upset when they introduced AGS: Now ICO's are common sense!

People were upset when they introduced DPoS: Now it is our best chance to survive!

People were upset that bitUSD was an experiment: They made it work!

Now people are upset at merger and share issuance, so is this time different? I don't think so; if you watch closely veterans of all stripes on this forum seem to agree with the proposal.
Just because a merger might be successful doesn't mean the old paradigm couldn't have been.  You nor anyone else knows that BTSX as a stand alone DAC was going to die for sure (in fact about a week ago everyone was convinced it was in great shape and going to be greatly successful) so it's disingenuous to use that as an argument why it's OK for I3 to violate the social consensus.  I'm not even arguing that violating the consensus is the wrong move, just that if you want to take the position that there should be no constraints on what I3 can do in the future based on their previous statements, you should make that clear rather than positing some fantasy scenario where BTSX was apparently doomed until a few days ago.

Oh u think u know best for Bitshares!  Why cant u just get OVER IT!  Keep opinion to youself!  Stop hurting Bitshares because u angry.
I've stated many times that this might very well be the best for Bitshares.  Sorry you find my opinions on things so frustrating.  I'm actually not angry, I just don't agree with everything that has happened and dislike many attitudes I find within this community, your thread about I3 and Mao serving as a quintessential example.

Hear me...

Mao all ways put his people first just like Stan and Dan.  Some people loose.  Ok.  Sacrifice necessary for STRONG BITSHARES!

If u dont like GET OUT TRATOR!!!

General Discussion / Re: Explanation for PTS/AGS Holders goes here!
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:53:17 pm »
First I saw bm's proposal I thought ptser were all fucked, but looks like the agser after 228 were fucked more seriously....
bm, have you ever considered who were they? They're your true believer who supported you during your darkest days!!
I'm a pts holder and a agser pre-228... I make this post just want to tell you and everyone in this forum that a lier won't get 2nd chance!  You betrayed your believer once,  you will certainly do it again.... Be careful

来自我的 HUAWEI HN3-U01 上的 Tapatalk


General Discussion / Re: Stan and Dan Great Leaders
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:30:36 pm »
Only second hand people need leaders.

What u mean?

General Discussion / Re: another beautiful peg picture
« on: October 24, 2014, 05:00:06 pm »
Question.  How price feed work?

I don't understand the perspective of those who think "the social contract was not fulfilled". In my opinion, that outlook is a result of overly rigid thinking. A social contract shouldn't be like computer code or a math formula. It's not an if then else statement.

It was used to attract investors. It wasn't legal obligation. However III pointed it while marketing AGS/PTS . They didn't put enough effort to warn the investors of the fact that they might not honor it fully. It is a mistake that could enrage a lot of investors. AND induce doubt on their ability to fully fulfill any future promise.

What if honoring the social contract "fully", would probably result in BTSX eventually being worth nothing? The greater good was honored.

+5% +5%  The biggest social contact is to succeed for investors.  That takes precedent over all others.  What good is your "social contact" if your investment goes to zero and btsx/pts/ags are sitting in the dust bin of history?
Come on guys let's not argue based on fear mongering tactics using "what if" statements.  You don't know that this merger won't result in everything I3 has done result in being worthless seeing how they are putting all their eggs in one basket now.

Even BM accurately stated that this move was what he thought was the right decision but that he could be wrong.

If your argument is that no statements or contracts or agreements should ever be binding for BM and I3 because you implicitly trust them to make the right decisions, then that is a perfectly fine argument to make with no need to invoke impossible to prove "what if" scenarios.

I would not call it fear mongering at all. Look at it this way:

They always speak clearly and honestly about the options.

People were upset when they moved away from mining: Now it is common sense!

People were upset when they introduced AGS: Now ICO's are common sense!

People were upset when they introduced DPoS: Now it is our best chance to survive!

People were upset that bitUSD was an experiment: They made it work!

Now people are upset at merger and share issuance, so is this time different? I don't think so; if you watch closely veterans of all stripes on this forum seem to agree with the proposal.
Just because a merger might be successful doesn't mean the old paradigm couldn't have been.  You nor anyone else knows that BTSX as a stand alone DAC was going to die for sure (in fact about a week ago everyone was convinced it was in great shape and going to be greatly successful) so it's disingenuous to use that as an argument why it's OK for I3 to violate the social consensus.  I'm not even arguing that violating the consensus is the wrong move, just that if you want to take the position that there should be no constraints on what I3 can do in the future based on their previous statements, you should make that clear rather than positing some fantasy scenario where BTSX was apparently doomed until a few days ago.

Oh u think u know best for Bitshares!  Why cant u just get OVER IT!  Keep opinion to youself!  Stop hurting Bitshares because u angry.

General Discussion / Re: Stan and Dan Great Leaders
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:56:13 pm »
Long live the King!
Or the kings

+5%  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Stan and Dan Great Leaders
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:48:56 pm »
  By the way I do believe that the brothers are doing a great job, and although no one is perfect, I have find their integrity and desire to do right by people unassailable.


They make Bitshares what is to day.

They always speak clearly and honestly about the options.

Honesty is overated.  Why people keep talking about social contract?  So they change and some people dont get what promised them.  GET OVER IT!

This is FOR BETTER BITSHARES!  Stan and Dan dont have time talk to every one make every one happy.  They must DO what is best for them.  If means some people loose shares SO WHAT!

Every one need to sacrifice for BITSHARES DREAM!  To the FUTURE!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Son of a bitch, the social contract is shit!!
« on: October 24, 2014, 05:27:30 am »
House Divided Can not Staind.


Every body LIE!  SO WHAT?!

General Discussion / Re: Perspective is Everything
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:52:23 am »
Perspective is everything, there is no "objective" right thing to do in this case.  The stories we choose to tell ourselves affect how we feel about things. 

So there you go... change the perspective and it changes the perception of "fair".   

Now back to work on making BTS great. 

YES! +5%

BTSX will overtake all coins!  STAN U IS GREAT MAN!  THANK YOU!

What is "fair"?  What is "truth"?  All perspective!!!

Don't compete with us, join us! 
It's more profitable for everyone.
But if you choose to complete with us,
we would be forced to compete with you,
to protect our stakeholders' hard-earned network effect.

So come,
add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.



General Discussion / Stan and Dan Great Leaders
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:31:40 am »
Stan and Dan Great Leaders

I so sick of people attaking Stan and Dan.  Without Stan and Dan their is NO BITSHARES!!!  Stan and Dan Larimer are GRAET LEADERS!!!  Y do u people not suport them???

Hear me...

So some people say Stan and Dan dictators of Bitshares.  I say, "Alwrite SO?! Why u care?!"
All GREAT LEADERS make decisions on there own.  Why should u be asked what to do?  Do you think you SO SMART?!
Stan and Dan are the geineses behind BTSX, no?  They knew what best for BTSX!  LET THEM LED!  If u SO SMART, you have own scheme, but no you don't.  Suport them or GET OUT!  We don't want trators.

So some people say Stan and Dan destroy social "contract".  I say, "Alwrite SO?! Why u care?!"
What make u think u have right to anything?  Stan and Dan work so hard to make BTSX and you keep wating more.  They give their lifes to BTSX and you ungraetful.  U should be happy they give you any thing after the way u act.  Maybe they dont like u?  I say OK take there PTSX AGNS.  Maybe if they like you u get more BTSX?  Take from the tractors.

So some people say Stan and Dan sometimes not tell truth.  I say, "Alwrite So? Why u care?!"
This people dont know histore.  All GREAT LEADERS LIE!  FACT!  Y think no?  Really?
Mao, great leader revoltuionary... LIAR!!!
Lenin, great leader revoltuionary... LIAR!!!
Bil Clinton, great leader sold my people nuclear secrets... LIAR!!!
ALL GREAT LEADERS!!! So, they lie a little.  So what?  U so perfect?  U no lie?  I think NO!

So some people say Stan and Dan make bitshares price go down.  I say, "Alwrite So? Why u care?!"
All coins go down.  Maybe problem u?  Have u told friends about bitshares?  Coworkers?  Parents?  People on street?
People say I talk but people dont understand.  Excuses.  Do u think every one is as smart as Stan and Dan?  Not EVERY ONE UNDERSTANDS BITSHARES!!!  THEY JUST BUY!  They don't want to buy?  LIE TO THEM!  U DO THEM BIG FAVOR ANY WAY!!!  Tell them it Bitcoin but new name.  Stan and Dan don't explain EVERY THING, SO WHAT?  They just tell you to BUY BUY BUY!!!  If all people BUY WE ALL MAKE MONEY!  What is wrong with that?

Stop critising Stan and Dan.  Stan and Dan u are GRAET LEADERS!!!!!  BITSHARES FTW!!!

Xiao Ling (BitshatKing)  +5%!

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