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Messages - whybts

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My another point:
Yunbi ask community for nothing
It support bts
It never say give me a 100% delegate first is the first bitcny gateway
It has very big risk
It never say give me a 100% delegate first

Btc38 is the first exchange to deposit with bitcny
It has very big risk
It never say give me a 100% delegate first


你说你没钱 那我怎么能信任一个连自己都没法养活的人
如果不想用自己的钱 那也没问题
你说说你要做的第一件事是什么 要多少钱 发动社区募捐
让社区为你筹得第一笔钱 然后你去做事情 证明自己
要是你第一件事情就要上万快钱去搞 那岂不是得你上任一个月后 筹够了那么多钱之后才开搞?

(为节约社区发言人的时候 我先用蹩脚的英语自己翻译 如果有误 劳烦帮忙纠正)
I agree: do some work, let people believe you can, then ask money

If you don't has money
Why I trust a man can't make money

If you don't want spend your money
Tell community how many money to do the first thing
We donate you the money to do

If you want 2500USD to do
Do you mean you will do after you have 100% delegate pay a month later?
Because now a delegate a month earn 2500USD

cn-member is very busy, no time to translate all my Chinese word, but it doesn't matter.
I do myself

My main idea: we need more people do real thing
My example is yunbi exchange
Yunbi has bts blockchain asset:YUN
It is in bts wallet, you easy to find

Everytime I post a weibo (the Chinese twitter) , tell yunbi I want to send some YUN to my friend, yunbi do it
@yunbi I want to send 100 YUN to @bytemaster

Yunbi auto send 100YUN from my account to bm's account in yunbi exchange
Even if bm has no account in yunbi, it doesn't matter
when bm link his weibo account to yunbi exchange, he get the 100 YUN

Everyday yunbi free send many YUN via weibo to many people
You can buy something in yunbi online shop with YUN
It is a good way to promote bts
New people receive YUN, they will want to know what is yun, then they know bts and bitusd
I hope yunbi shop can open bitcny and bitusd to attact more people

This is just a example
I just want to tell: bts is very good, but we need to do real thing

General Discussion / Re: Updates From Adam
« on: December 16, 2014, 01:37:54 pm »
Every time I see all  +5% I afraid
I only has two question

What do you think the most important aspects to the bts promotion?
How will you do ?

Summary Translation :
We have a Tipping bot on Weibo(like twitter)  developed by "" exchange , it helped promotion for BTS a lot .  Is there any similar project in the western world ?
You guys should make one on twitter and facebook .

Come on , we don't have 100% delegates yet , but we are working really hard .

additional translation : did not ask for one cent to develop a tipping bot for BTS .

Catch up .....


这说明有人没做好工作 这是很不好的 加上价格低迷 作为一个投资者我很着急
我只想举一个中文社区推广的例子 让英文社区参考
让你们知道 推广不是坐在电脑前在论坛发帖那么简单

云币网是中国大陆的交易所 和3i有渊源
他们有共同的投资者 李某
这家交易所门可罗雀 但是很努力 不断改进
又有100%准备金证明 对比特股也很用心

比特股里面有一个资产叫云 云币把他结合社交媒体 玩得有声有色
在微博上 你@了云币的用来打赏的账号后 告诉他你要发多少云给某个账号

@todamoon 我要给@bytemaster 100朵云
系统就会从我的账号里转100多云给bm的账号 前提是我和bm都在交易所里绑定了微博
即使bm没有绑定 也不要紧 系统会预留 下次他绑定就可以拿到了
有了云 可以在云商城www.yunaigou.com里买小东西
这里注意到一点 你没有花任何钱买云
云币在贴钱买人气 比特股是受益者

可以让更多人知道比特股 知道可以发行自己的资产
知道比特股多么棒 当然目前也让更多人知道钱包多么不好用
交易所这么搞打赏 也能为自己带来很多客户和人气
互联网时代 人气能打开入口 入口能带来革命
云商城流量大了 可能就能用比特人民币来买东西了

这只是一个例子 用来告诉英文社区
中文社区没有100%代表 但是一直很努力 而且很有成绩 反观你们呢
如果有人能做一个类似的东西 在推特和脸书上搞活动

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