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Messages - Flor

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Marketing plan for Bitshares 2.1
« on: March 02, 2016, 03:40:32 pm »
Why Bitshares hasn't it's own big show ? DEVCON1 had probably a great impact on the Ethereum buzz in media and crypto community. First one (or second if the 0 edition matter) was held in the heart of London then DEVCON2 will be hold in China with major price catalyst to be expected.

Openledger / Re: OpenLedger Suggestions
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:06:33 pm »

I'm a newbie who have registered an account on Open Ledger to bring some money but I'm little bit confused and the system looks complicated.

For example in the trading panel there are assets like BTC, OPEN.BTC, METAEX.BTC but unfortunatly without information on what it is - except NO DATA for some of them. Sometime the loading animation freeze so that I need to refresh the page to continue navigation.

I think it woud be nice to have more liquidity as already said before and also tooltips on hover explaining ELI5 the Bitshares & OL system. Saying this I'm still a big fan of Bitshare :)

I also notice there is no possibility to change the dark theme.

Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:11:15 am » says market capitalization is $ 1,610,017 (3,710 BTC) and report $ 402,346 (926 BTC), why such difference ?

Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:02:12 am »
Hello, I would like to bring some money in Open Ledger to trade regular crypto coin but something is not clear for me.

First thing is why there is 3 assets related to Bitcoin ? (BTC, OPEN.BTC and METAEX.BTC).

I also have "NO DATA" when I click to see the OPEN.BTC market and several others market, what could be the reason behind this ?

I'm a big fan of Bitshares but to be honnest this is no engaging

Openledger / Re: Basic questions on OpenLedger
« on: November 18, 2015, 04:19:14 pm »
It is not clear for me how Bit-Asset can be traded as liquidity is very low and spread high. Do you think there is a posibility to buy large amount of asset at a decent price ?

Openledger / Re: Basic questions on OpenLedger
« on: November 18, 2015, 03:51:58 pm »
Thank you.

Openledger / Basic questions on OpenLedger
« on: November 17, 2015, 11:27:59 pm »

Please find here after few questions I have regarding OpenLedger.

How do you guys transfert BTC to your OpenLedger account ? I have created an OpenLedger wallet but for some reason in the Deposit/Withdraw page there is no address to send money.

My second question concern OpenLedge as a secure way to hold asset. Do you think it is a good alternative to the BitShares client ? I've installed the client but it is took huge time to synchronize with the network. Online wallet seems better.



Thank you all for clarifiying.

Sorry for the basic question but there are 2,363 EUR of share supply for BitEUR, does it mean nobody can buy more than this ? or is the exchange generate BitEUR to supply demand ?

Hi, thanks for clarifying that point.

I already visited this page but haven't notice the short selling possibility.

Trading "again BTS" mean that if I'm long BitUSD and I want to go long BitEUR, I need first to buy BTS, then buy BitEUR. If correct it is a serious drawback for my trading as I can see spead is quite high and I can expect serious losses. Please tell me if I miss some point, I'm newbee with all this :)

Hello all,

I have two trading strategies that gives very good profits and I would like to know if BitShares could facilitate my trading.

- The first one provides daily signal to enter long or short position on BTC/USD.
- My second strategy is also long and short but applies to fiat currencies pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY and AUD/USD.

The position is kept for 7 days in average.

My idea for the moment is :

Both strategies with FX broker that have fiats pairs and Bitcoin CFD.
or both strategies with FX broker that have fiats and BTC/USD pairs (i.e. FX Open)
or BTC/USD strategy with a crypto exchange that propose short selling (i.e. BitFinex) and the fiat with FX broker

Advantage of using FX broker services is the possibility to automatize trading with Metatrader sofware (MT4) and also to sell trading signals to others traders (it could be easy for others traders to follow my signals because several FX broker have Bitcoin CFD). The risk to see my account hacked is also reduced, I think here to the recent attack on BTER.

Drawback I can see with regulated FX brokers is that trading Bitcoin CFD or BTC/USD as a 'normal' securities will lead to legal declaration of profits and huge tax.

I'm newbe with crypto but I know BitShares offer a flexible and decentralized exchange with various securities to be traded and I would like to know how it could help.

Is there enought liquidity to guaranty order of 10k€ execution on a daily basis ?
It is possible to go short BitBTC for example ? and go short BitUSD, or BitGBP, etc ?

Thank you for any help or advise you could give me,

Technical Support / Re: I want to buy BTS without using BTER
« on: January 28, 2015, 01:01:33 pm »
Thank's a lot for your explanation.

My plan is actually to trade fiat currencies with their digital equivalent (BitCNY, BitUSD, BitEUR, BitGOLD, BitGBP, etc.) but I'm not sure it is possible with BTC38.
BTW I'm from France.

Technical Support / Re: I want to buy BTS without using BTER
« on: January 28, 2015, 11:54:51 am »
BTC38 is the best option.

Hi, I open a BTC38 account but deposit can only be done in BitCNY. Can somebody please tell me how I can bought BitCNY with € (have no BTC) ?

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