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Messages - puptothekit

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Yunbi voting against the workers could be looked at as them protecting their customers.  By voting against the workers, they are preventing the dilution of their customers bts. Dilution has direct negative price pressure and adds an additional variable to trading.  Workers and development doesn't necessarily mean higher price.

Also there is no "social contact" that the exchanges need to follow, and constant vilifying of exchanges is going to hurt the bts price much more than an exchange actually using the system the way it was designed.

You're a complete idiot.  You've proven that over and over again.

OP makes a compelling case.  Will the community rally around this idea?  There is still time for BitShares to become one of the dominant chains alongside Ethereum and Bitcoin, but the window of opportunity is starting to close.

General Discussion / Re: Missing opportunity for BTS
« on: June 29, 2015, 01:29:12 am »
fun fact :

news A : bank accounts of people from XXX have been frozen

news B : people from XXX buy bitcoin like crazy .

Me : how the hell can they buy bitcoin when their account have been frozen ?

You're missing the point. Try reading this post again: 

No-one's suggesting the BTC price during the Cyprus events or now will be primarily due to increased usage in the effected country. Bank failures & capital controls cast a spotlight on and expose the weakness of fractional reserve banking to billions in countries with exceedingly high debt to GDP and grossly over leveraged banks.  Concerned about their own financial security these events act as a catalyst for them to move a larger portion of their assets outside of that system into gold, silver and digital currencies, particularly in some of the weaker EU countries that are next in line to be Cyprus'd/Greeced. There is also always concern about systemic risk & that Greece might act as a catalyst for that, causing people to temporarily move assets into crypto, while the situation plays out.

The delegates will have to sell this BitUSD on the market to get BTS and then continue to fund the reserve pool.     This is not an ideal situation because it takes the delegates 2 weeks to take any action.  So I was proposing to automate the process of selling the BitUSD and funding the fee pool.

Automation would be ideal. Couldn't the transaction include operations to do the conversion via the market? For example, a fill-or-kill limit order asking for exactly the amount of BTS needed (in exchange for the BitAsset) to pay the transaction fee, where the proceeds from that immediately go to pay the fee. If the liquidity of the market suddenly becomes really bad since the transaction was created such that the full conversion cannot happen within the price limit, then the transaction becomes invalid. If the nodes reject transactions that would not be able to satisfy the fee with the state of the market at the end of the previous block (despite the risk of false positives), it could reduce the amount of invalid transactions that need to be processed in the inner single-threaded engine at the cost that users might need to be willing to accept a slightly higher limit price to get their transaction processed.

The clients could automatically modify any transactions that deal only with BitAssets to add this fill-or-kill limit order operation to pay the fee and make the process entirely transparent to the user. If the user had plain-text BTS in the account (and the client settings were set to prefer it, which would be the default), the client would prefer using BTS directly since it would make the transaction slightly cheaper. Otherwise, it would all still work without the user having to worry about manually converting the BitAssets to BTS.

Furthermore, this could be used as an alternative to the fee pools of privatized BitAssets and UIAs assuming the BTS/{BitAsset,UIA} market had sufficient liquidity. The client could even automatically calculate whether the fee pool conversion ratio set by the issuers was likely to be cheaper or more expensive compared to fill-or-kill limit order method and choose appropriately.

Very thoughtful analysis as usual.  I think it makes sense to give the user options re: paying the fee, but it needs to be transparent or at least trivial to the user by default, otherwise adoption will suffer.

I think he was saying startcoin, the projects he's  been pumping. Or at least meant to say.

Listen to it again.  He listed Bitcoin, SmartCoins, StartCOIN, Gold and Silver. 

General Discussion / Re: Dan's Interview is on 'Let's Talk Bitcoin'
« on: June 21, 2015, 07:27:11 pm »
Wow, that was great.  Adam is a top-notch interviewer.  And with limited time to cover a lot of ground, Dan really gave a fantastic overview for anyone newly looking into Bitshares.  Of course it would be great if they could do a follow-up, with a deeper dive into some of the details, perhaps this time with Andreas participating.

Beyond Bitcoin [closed] / Re: *update*
« on: June 20, 2015, 03:09:12 pm »
A big storm hit us very close with lightning and my upload of the hangouts is stalled until the net is back up.  Just wanted to give everyone an update because it might take a little on gee because of this to get it uploaded. 

Any further updates on this?  Eager to listen to this week's hangout.  Thanks!

General Discussion / Re: Cryptonomex? WTF is this?
« on: June 14, 2015, 12:40:19 pm »
A lot of ground has been covered on this thread, and it seems that multiple issues are being conflated.  But let's look at things logically.  For starters, I take it as a given that the devs want BTS to succeed.  I also understand that the devs need to be paid for their work.  And we should be looking to ensure they can devote as much time as possible to continuing the development of Bitshares.  If there are enough funds currently available to sustain every dev, great.  If not, it is understandable that they would need to supplement their incomes.  Whether they do so as individuals or as a company is really none of our business. However, what does NOT seem appropriate is for Cryptonomex to separate the intellectual property from Bitshares considering BTS shareholders have funded the development. Not to mention, in that case we'd have a divergence of interests between the devs and BTS shareholders.  This does not imply there are any nefarious intentions on the part of the devs.  But the realignment of interests would be undeniable and problematic.  I think this should be addressed ASAP as uncertainty around this issue can't possibly be helpful.

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