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Messages - Nietzsche26

Pages: [1]
Collusion in poker can be profitable in many ways, it can be as CryptoPrometheus described more or less, but it can vary from two buddies softplaying each others in a tournament "because they won't hurt each other", to professionnal players colluding to prey on the amateurs. in a cash game for example, two or more skilled players could exploit the weaker player at a bigger rate then they otherwise would by exchanging information on how are they going to play on each street in real time. colluding in tournaments can be very profitable also if done right. Some poker formats are already infested with collusion, Sit nGo's are dying because of 'Cartels' colluding and splitting profit (google for more details)
Even the established centralized platforms (ie pokerstars etc) can't stop it, soI'm really curious about how these type of issues are going to be adressed in the future.

I am not talking about players exploiting/hacking the structure, game theory have nothing to do with collusion. I am talking about 2 players (or more) exchanging informations in order to gain an edge, or losing deliberatly against each other etc ...
I am a veteran poker player and well aware of the current centralized   approach to this issue; simply police and enforce, casino/gaming platforms have the means to detect and prove any wrongdoing (access to history, machine ids etc) and act as it sees fit to compensate, ban or whatever.
but in a decentralized environnement how are you going to make sure nobody is colluding? and if it happens, who can settle a dispute or a claim ?

This seems very interesting but how are you going to adress game integrity issues? I can't find anything about it.
ie: 2 or more players colluding to win a tournament, in a poker cash game format this could be a huge deal also.

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