中文 (Chinese) / Re: 希望bts2.0能脱胎换骨
« on: August 02, 2015, 03:11:35 am »
2.0 从根本的规则上就是错的
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[Edit: Shortened]
Thanks BM for providing your views around yield.
Firstly, I’m still struggling to see how we deal with high yielding currencies. If users are forced to lock it away in the bond market for yield, it won’t be used for transactions.
I would summarize it like this: does cash pay interest? do checking accounts ever pay meaningful interest? There are many people here claiming that the "longs should pay the shorts" well, that is happening naturally by the longs *not charging interest* to the shorts. This will increase supply of BitUSD and reduce the premium above the feed. Any interest payments will only add to the risk profile the shorts face and create larger premiums above the feed. No one ever pays meaningful interest for "on demand instant liquidity investments".
To get high interest bonds usually requires locking up your funds for a period of time in some kind of bond. It normally entails some kind of risk.
If the blockchain mirrors the real world then BitUSD can ben lent at interest for fixed terms in the bond market to shorts who want the guarantee of not being called or who want extra leverage. There will be a huge market to borrow BitUSD against other, more-stable, collateral. IE: Borrow BitUSD using BitGold as collateral. Here is a market that has minimal BTS exposure and will likely have large demand.
So those who need liquidity can stay in BitUSD, those who want yield can offer their BitUSD to the bond market. The existence of the Bond market creates arbitrage opportunities where you can buy BitUSD and then lend it at X% interest. This is just like banking / cash where you have the option to get yield, but not everyone takes it.