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Messages - TreantBG

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Re: Handshake status 429 Too Many Request
« on: September 07, 2018, 07:47:09 pm »
i use the python library and i call the account orders

Technical Support / Handshake status 429 Too Many Request
« on: September 07, 2018, 02:27:51 pm »

im experimenting with bitshares and im writing an integration tests

and this error is occurring only on my tests?

what does it mean?
do i make too many at one time? because the tests are just shooting away.
Or i do too many for a given amount of time like a day or hour?

General Discussion / How assets are backed?
« on: July 28, 2018, 06:12:09 am »

i read a lot about this topic but i'm still little confused
can you please explain a little bit more

my question is how assets are backed and who owns the coins?
can exchange touch the backed coins?
and how to convert the asset to its original value?

for example OPEN.BTC its btc backed asset
so open ledger have their own BTC wallet that stores that 1:1 backed asset right?
can open ledger access this wallet to make transactions?
And how can i use the BTC value or the value of any coin backing this asset OPEN.X or BRDGE.X without withdrawing from the exchange?
for example there is a new exchange that issues EXCHANGE.BTC and they close cuz are scammers or something else.. is it possible to take the BTC value back ?

As i look into the UI code to figure out how to get what is my deposit address for any coin i saw that
Code: [Select]
ok cool but in the documentation nowhere is mentioned about the deposit keys?

what are those deposit keys and how to get it like a normal rpc call or with the python lib?

Technical Support / Re: Python Lib graphenelib not working
« on: May 09, 2018, 03:47:20 pm »
ok i might decide to use insted
at least the sample code is working

quick question about the connection to my witness node
Here in the BitShares() objet there is rpcuser/rpcwassord
Code: [Select]
:param str node: Node to connect to *(optional)*
:param str rpcuser: RPC user *(optional)*
:param str rpcpassword: RPC password *(optional)*

is that the same as username/passwords in api-access.json ??

Technical Support / Re: Python Lib graphenelib not working
« on: May 09, 2018, 03:11:08 pm »
yeah i even created docker file to test

Code: [Select]
FROM python:3

RUN apt update && apt install -y \
    libffi-dev \
    libssl-dev \
    python-dev \
    python3-dev \

RUN pip3 install bitshares
RUN pip3 install bitshares --user --upgrade

RUN git clone
WORKDIR ./python-graphenelib
RUN make install
#RUN pip3 install graphenelib
#RUN pip3 install graphenelib --user --upgrade

RUN mkdir /opt/workspace
WORKDIR /opt/workspace

CMD [ "python", "./" ]

#docker build -t python-bitshares .

no luck with that too

Technical Support / Python Lib graphenelib not working
« on: May 09, 2018, 01:14:36 pm »
it seems i cannot understand how to make graphenelib to work.
i have installed it trough pip and also manually
But i get this error
from grapheneapi import GrapheneAPI
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name 'GrapheneAPI'

i use Python 3.6.4 :: Anaconda, Inc.

I also tried to contain it in clean docker environment with the same success..
What am i missing?

ok thanks i run it with TRACK_ACCOUNTS with only one (mine) account

And it syncs again from block 0...

Another question when the node downloads the blocks and save them on the disk is the information there FULL and just some options are loaded into the ram?
So if i decide to include another account to TRACK_ACCOUNTS options and i restart the node - do i need to download again the blockchain or its needed only to upload the new information to the ram?

and what is that error about?
" Multiple limit match problem (issue 338) occurred at block #22743248"


My question is simple: Why full node consumes 16gb+ram?
Does it load the whole blockchain in the ram and will it demand more ram in the future?

 i just started a project and i needed to interact with the blockchain API
My development pc is solid it has 20gb of ram but when i start the witness node it syncs about the 25 milion blocks and get slower and slower
I did turn my pc off and it took more time to resync the blocks
It's impossible for me to develop on the machine while running the node.

so i guess i have to buy a server pc and i will
but how to communicate with the RPC interface that runs on localhost?

Technical Support / Tutorial for starting bitshares node in docker?
« on: March 02, 2018, 10:04:33 am »

i want to setup a full node in order to access the API for my APP.
Can i see in github project that there is a dockerfile and docker composer yaml
but is there an guide or tutorial how to easy start the bitshares full node on docker?


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