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Messages - neil54321

Pages: [1]
中文 (Chinese) / Re: 我的BTA 4.0 方案
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:38:39 am »
1. 做空者的BTS在做空时是上锁的,他们平仓有买不到BTA的风险。因此需要一定的补偿
2. BTS不是一个银行,BTA也是存在银行里的钱。BTA是为了让钱可以在互联网上随意流通,没有任何国界,快速到账,与真实货币锚定价值。BTA有各种好处,但绝对不是说存在BTS系统里面可以得利息。BTA得到了这些好处,理所因当需要付出些什么,那就是持有费。
3. 只有收取持有费,BTS系统才会得益于BTA的应用。否则BTA是从BTS系统中吸血


你的逻辑很有问题。 如果持有bitasset 都要收费了,那么谁愿意持有bitasset。 bitcny bitusd 谁愿意用?没了这些asset 比特股什么都不是。

我认为bm的想法是, 利息有利于更多的bts被置换成asset从而锁定。 市场上的bts就少了。这样在正常情况下,bts会价格上涨。



General Discussion / Re: Proposed Allocation for Merger
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:21:34 am »
BM, since your this propose released yesterday.

my DNS crashed 40% of market cap
my Pts price is crashing to historical new low.
my BTX is not benefit much.

40% of price crash is NOT normal which means your propose is unfair. 
PTS, AGS and DNS become shit coin within last 24 hours.  hope you can do something responsable to protect our investment.

首先 中国人民团结起来 把捐款的ags 都要回来。
然后  中国人有几个看懂bts xt代码的站出来,我们自己搞。
很多人担心 山寨他们的,没有竞争力,完全被3i压着走。
其实不是这样的 bts xt的问题 还很多,只要我们发现其中的一些问题,并且成功修复,到时候3i的产品出大漏洞,我们的正常运行。那直接就可以把3i的产品打下去。他们3i就算再会忽悠,出了大漏洞 看他还怎么忽悠。

发现问题主要靠测试,我们中国这么多人,这么多电脑。能发现的大问题 肯定比他们多,只要解决的问题比他们多,就可以直接完爆他们,后期产品主要竞争力不再是白皮书,和大量的广告宣传。而是产品稳定、漏洞少。我们还是有希望的


你如果真看好bts,而不是占便宜没够。 钱包一出来应该可以买到便宜的。如果分配上3i可以出尔反尔,那bts就不值钱。 像sharecoin 一样。


General Discussion / Re: Clarifications about BTS X plan
« on: June 23, 2014, 08:18:53 pm »
There are too many BTS investors can't read or understand English. no matter how many times you explaining to them...
let me try once more, pay attention please:

For BTS investors. you will be honored 100% of future banking &financing related DACs, which include bts x xi xii xiii..... plus other banking and financing related DACs. for example , If 3i copied the code of NXT or XCP. the 100% of new coins created will be distributed to BTS holders.
(why no reservation for DEV team ? because 3i own many bts as well. equals to your pts donated before feb 28 multiple by 1.3 . So we are on the same boat :)

3i is a long sight company, it will have more product which not only restricted in banking and financing field . such as 3i music, 3i insurance. For these non finaning related DACs , at least of 10% will be honored to PTS and AGS holders.

I find Chinese bts community become really upset today.  I ask for any reason, but nobody can explain to me.  i think 80% of this nonsense due to language barrier and 20% is because under education.

i give up to explain these to my Chinese people. they prefer screaming rather than thinking with their own brain.

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