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Messages - badfox

Pages: [1]
GTX 690   very low

PTS GPU Miner PtsGPUz v0.3c 2014-01-17 by z.
Modified from jhProtominer (v0.1e
Fee rate 6%.
Launching miner...
Using 2 threads
CUDA device 0 memory bus width: 256 bits.
CUDA device 0 memory free: 1618 MB, total: 2048 MB.
CUDA device 1 memory bus width: 256 bits.
CUDA device 1 memory free: 551 MB, total: 2048 MB.
Connected to server using x.pushthrough(xpt) protocol
xpt: Logged in with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
New block data - height: 43923 tx count: 0
collisions/min: 210.0000 Shares total: 0
Rounds per second for GPU 1: 0.8000
Rounds per second for GPU 0: 0.9000
collisions/min: 240.0000 Shares total: 0
Rounds per second for GPU 0: 1.0000
Rounds per second for GPU 1: 1.1000
Share found! (BlockHeight: 43923)
collisions/min: 270.0000 Shares total: 1
Share found! (BlockHeight: 43923)
Rounds per second for GPU 0: 1.1000
Rounds per second for GPU 1: 1.0000
collisions/min: 266.2500 Shares total: 2
Rounds per second for GPU 0: 1.1000
Rounds per second for GPU 1: 0.9000
Share found! (BlockHeight: 43923)
collisions/min: 303.0000 Shares total: 3
Share found! (BlockHeight: 43923)
Share found! (BlockHeight: 43923)
collisions/min: 332.5000 Shares total: 5
Rounds per second for GPU 0: 1.5000
Rounds per second for GPU 1: 0.9000
Share found! (BlockHeight: 43923)
collisions/min: 353.5714 Shares total: 6
Rounds per second for GPU 0: 1.0000
Rounds per second for GPU 1: 1.0000

two ip

Pages: [1]