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Messages - BitPangda

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Hello Guys,
Spark Blockchain is hosting 2019 U.S.-China Blockchain Gaming Investment Summit SF during  #SFBW  on 11/1, 20+ Gaming experts, investors will be there.
Celer Network
Continue Capital
NEAR Protocol
and more speakers!
Join us if you are participating in SFBW
RSVP Free:

Does it make sense to be Co-Host of a defi conference for companies when bitshares currently would not pass AML/KYC regulation ?
The DeFi Summit is aiming to provide the opportunities for people to understand what is DeFi, what are the use cases within the DeFi world, what the technology and tools are available to use, etc. It will be giving the most exposure on the available tools, what could develop, and how to develop on BitShares as co-host. In New York where is one of the center of Finance and Fintech, it will have a great impact.

成熟的金融机构在规模、资源等多方面都具有巨大优势,多数初创企业难以望其项背。传统金融服务行业已是一片红海,市场被几大巨头割据,新进者很难打破原有格局。然而随着分布式技术的飞跃式发展,去中心化金融(decentralized finance)在红海中开辟出了一条新路,逐渐重构了传统的金融领域。2019 年,去中心化金融成为了金融和区块链行业的热点话题,提供 DeFi 服务的平台和产品不断涌现,相关的技术与监管内容也日趋成熟,金融世界的未来正在被改写。

2019去中心化金融区块链峰会(The 2019 DeFi Blockchain Summit NYC)旨在为去中心化金融行业的参与者提供建立联系、分享见解、探讨新机遇的平台。 本次峰会将于11月13日在纽约时代广场举行,峰会采取主旨演讲,炉边谈话,圆桌对话、机构项目展示等多元形式,聚集超过1000位来自对冲基金,数字资产管理,投资银行,交易所和其他行业的从业者,共同探讨如何投资数字资产,去中心化金融发展趋势,区块链技术在金融行业的应用等话题。 在峰会前一天11月12日,全球顶尖区块链媒体 CoinDesk将在曼哈顿举办全球数字资产投资者盛会Consensus Invest,吸引全球顶级机构投资者和数字资产项目的关注。

本次峰会主办方「星火区块链」是北美领先的区块链咨询及孵化公司,总部位于波士顿,辐射纽约、芝加哥、西雅图、洛杉矶、旧金山,以及中国和东盟各国等。在 2018 年「星火区块链」在美国主办了 10+ 场顶级区块链大型峰会和活动,80+ 场线下及高校活动, 12,000+ 区块链峰会与会者、600+ 演讲嘉宾、100+ 项目、200+ 投资人与 100+ 行业媒体,成为北美最顶级的区块链活动组织机构之一,拥有广泛的中美区块链资源网络。

关于Consensus Invest
Consensus Invest 由全球顶尖区块链媒体 CoinDesk 举办,是结合会议与展会模式的全球数字资产投资者盛会,专注于加密货币发展趋势和投资机会等问题的探讨,吸引了资产管理,商业银行,对冲基金,共同基金,保险公司和商业服务提供商等全球投资者和区块链行业从业者的关注,他们将从自身的专业领域出发,共同分享、探讨加密货币市场的潜在机会与挑战。
2018年的Consensus Invest汇聚了来自48个国家的超过1500名虚拟货币爱好者与金融行业专家,其中包括 Fidelity、Goldman Sachs 等顶尖投资机构的管理层,以及美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 主席等政界高管。与会者占比最高的十大国家包括美国,中国,加拿大,韩国,英国,法国和新加坡等。
2019年Consensus Invest将重点关注数字货币发展与宏观经济周期之间的关系,经济学家、基金经理、投资专家将就这个话题展开讨论,同时就数字货币如何进一步扩大其影响力进行讨论。
The 2019 DeFi Blockchain Summit NYC 是 Consensus Invest 期间聚焦「去中心化金融未来」主题的最大会议。

作为首个去中心化交易所,BitShares起源于去中心化金融行业,众多知名的 DeFi 项目也诞生于此。但是,由于缺乏落地应用以及使用场景,不能有效的帮助社区项目进行成长,类似Maker 这样源自 BitShares 社区的优秀开发者团队不得不选择离开社区,自立门户独立发展。BitShares发展至今,有着最可靠的高性能的技术架构,其高效、稳定的交易平台是理想的金融交易工具。为了让更多投资机构更好的了解 BitShares 以及社区内的优秀项目,扩大其在全球舞台上的影响力以及巩固其在去中心化金融市场里的领先地位,BitShares需要去中心化金融区块链峰会这样的全球化舞台。
过去几年 BitShares 在美国缺少一个参与主办的峰会发声平台,BitShares 需要一个年度北美发声和凝聚资源和人气的曝光峰会舞台。举办Defi峰会有利于吸引嘉宾和投资人深度了解BitShares生态发展,扩大品牌影响力。
经过 2018-2019 年的社区发展和 BitShares 3.0 发布,在年底时机,借助纽约金融中心区位优势,利用峰会平台,向各国区块链及传统金融圈,传递 BitShares 最新发展进展以及 2020 年规划,有利于寻找更多合作资源。
The 2019 DeFi Summit 将吸引来自金融与区块链行业的专家和具有国际传播力与影响力的媒体,汇聚全球 DeFi 领域的最新项目成果,是展现项目价值,增强与业内专家交流,寻找商业资源的最佳平台。
2019 DeFi Summit 将于11月13日在世界金融中心纽约时代广场举办,纽约作为全球金融机构的聚集地,聚集了最优秀的金融与科技领域从业者,峰会将邀请来自 Bakkt、Coindesk、Allianz、J.P Morgan 等全球金融和区块链领域领军者进行分享。在峰会前一天11月12日,在峰会前一天 11 月 12 日,是全球最顶级的区块链媒体 Coindesk 主办的年度全球区块链投资峰会 Consensus Invest,这一系列活动将吸引大批金融与区块链行业的专家,扩大活动影响力。

时间 & 地点
2019 年 11 月 13 日(星期三)
  • 9:00 AM -- 6:00 PM (峰会)
  • 7:30 PM -- 11:30 PM (鸡尾酒会 & 社交晚宴)
Midtown Manhattan Hotel

  • 发行平台
  • 去中心化交易与开放型市场
  • P2P 借贷
  • 稳定币
  • 虚拟货币资产管理
  • 预测市场

  • 峰会门票
  • 展位费
  • 峰会赞助收入分成
门票总数      500
公开发售门票数   300
门票价格      $199   
门票总收入(包括折扣门票)   $19,900

       赞助费   $80,000
       赞助费   $60,000
       赞助费   $30,000

展位费   $10,000
展位总收入   $20,000



Agenda (TBD)
9:00 A.M. -- 9:10 A.M.  活动开幕 & 主办方致辞
9:10 A.M. -- 9:30 A.M.   主旨演讲
9:30 A.M. -- 10:10 A.M.   炉边谈话:区块链与去中心化金融
10:10 A.M. -- 10:30 A.M.   主旨演讲
10:30 A.M. -- 11:30 A.M. 研讨:去中心化交易与开放型市场
11:30 A.M. -- 12:15 P.M. 研讨:稳定币与监管环境
12:15 P.M. -- 1:15 P.M. 午餐
1:15 P.M. -- 2:00 P.M. 研讨:哈希时间锁定合约及其应用
2:00 P.M. -- 2:40 P.M.  研讨:P2P 借贷
2:40 P.M. -- 3:10 P.M. 研讨:投资 & 虚拟资产管理
3:10 P.M. -- 3:50 P.M. 研讨:DeFi 未来的机遇与挑战
3:50 P.M. -- 5:00 P.M. BitShares 社区项目展示
5:00 P.M. -- 6:00 P.M. 活动闭幕 & 社交环节

Paul Veradittakit | Partner, Pantera Capital
Maggie Wu | CEO & Co-Founder, Krypital Group
Yunpeng Ding | Director of International BD, GXChain
Alex Mashinsky, Co-Founder & CEO of Celsius Network
Vanessa Grellet, Executive Director, Consensys
Lauren Stephanian, Investment Associate at Pantera Capital
Shuoji Zhou, Founding Partner of FBG Capital
Chuck Kimble, Head of FI Partnerships at Circle; Head of Membership, CENTRE
Jack Lee, Managing Partner of HCM  Capital
Chris Li, CTO of Thunder Token
Yubo Ruan, Co-Founder of 8 Decimal Capital
Igor Denisov, Head of Strategy and Business Development at Polymath
Elie Galam, Chief Investment Officer of Eastmore
Sarah Olsen, Head of Business Development at Gemini
Li Huo, VP of Huobi
Jason Qiao, Former Executive Director at JPMorgan Asset Management
John Kingston, Executive Editor of FreightWaves, Head of Community Engagement for Blockchain in Transport Alliance
Katina Stefanova, CEO of Marto Capital
Greg DiPrisco, Business Development Lead, MakerDAO
Aries Wang, Co-Founder of Bibox
Theodore Gray, Advisor of Newton, Co-Founder of Wolfram Research
Bryant Nielson, Executive Director of Blockchain Academy
Qi Zhang, PhD Research Staff Member of Enterprise Solutions IBM Thomas J.Waston Research
David D'Amico, VP of Speaker Signature Bank
Mitchell Dong, Managing Director of Pythagoras Investment Management LLC
John Slyusarev, Managing Partner, SMC Capital
Chi Feng, Founder, Genesis Group
Jeremy Gardner, Ausum Ventures
Tristan Zhang, Partner, MD, Helix Capital
Lingxiao Yang, COO, Trade Terminal
Xian Huang | Paxos
Victoria Zavyalova | Reporter, rbth
Nisa Amolis | Forbes
Ronghui Gu | Cofounder, Certik
Samir Kothari | Partner, Stellar
Eran Efrima | Marketing and Community Manager,

* 无特定顺序
Annemieke Dirkes, Legal representative, BitShares Blockchain
Jademont, ​Committee Member of BitShares, Co-founder of Waterdrip Capital
bitProfessor, Committee Member of BitShares
Bitcrab, Committee Member of BitShares, Founder of GDEX.IO
John Conlin, Managing Director at DaoStreet Inc.
Ryan R. Fox, Development Coordinator at BitShares
Aaron Mangal, Editor @ The Latest Crypto
abit, Committee Member and Core Developer of BitShares
Digital Lucifer, Manager @
Chuck Kimble, Head of FI Partnerships at Circle; Head of Membership, CENTRE
Alex Mashinsky, Co-Founder & CEO of Celsius Network
Fabian Schuh, Fonder of Blockchain Projects BV
Greg DiPrisco, Business Development Lead, MakerDAO
Daniel Wang, Co-Founder & CEO, Loopring
Kunal Shah, Founder & CEO, Cred
Nadav Hollander, Founder & CEO, Dharma Labs
Robert Leshner, CEO, Compound
Calvin Liu, Strategy Lead, Compound
Trevor Koverko, CEO, Polymath Network
Joshua Stein, CEO, Harbor
Jun Hasegawa, Founder & CEO, OmiseGO
Loi Luu, Co-Founder & CEO, Kyber
Yu Lei, Founder & CEO, The Force Protocol
Mike Ross Kane, Co-Founder & CEO, Hydrogen
Bowen Wang, co-founder and CEO of DDEX
Jack Peterson, Co-Founder, Augur
Tyler Winklevoss, CEO, Gemini
Don Mosites, Co-Founder, Airswap
Varun Deshpande, Co-Founder, NUO
Andrew Peel, Head of Digital Asset Markets, Morgan Stanley
Adam White, COO, Bakkt
Lauren Stephanian, Investment Associate, Pantera Capital
Billy Newport, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
Shuoji Zhou, Founding Partner of FBG Capital
Dan Morehead, CEO & Co-Chief Investment Officer, Pantera Capital
Hector Rosekrans, Director of Policy and Operations, Messari
Marek Olszewski, Founder, Celo
Henri Arslanian, Fintech and crypto leader for Asia, PwC
Jason Qiao, Former Executive Director, JPMorgan Asset Management

BitShares 获益内容
获得 联合主办方 名号
峰会开幕致辞 & 主旨演讲
项目 Demo 环节可推荐 4 个社区名额
BitShares 专属合作交流会议室

峰会期间 BitShares 推广视频展示
获得顶级 10+ 区块链媒体曝光及报道

After Party
参与 After Party 机会
20 张 After Party 免费入场门票
额外购票可享有 30% 优惠

BitShares 协办预算: $115,000

2食物 & 饮料35,000
5音/视频 & 投影设备35,000
13After Party35,000
14场地服务费 & 税74,900

关于协办方 Spark Blockchain
「星火区块链」以开发者关系为核心,成为北美领先的区块链咨询及孵化公司。总部位于波士顿,辐射纽约、洛杉矶、旧金山及湾区,中国,以及东盟等。2018 年 3 月成立至今,依托咨询与孵化业务,迅速在北美的区块链行业圈内站稳头部位置,与中美顶级的项目以及投资基金建立良好合作关系。「星火区块链」目前的客户不仅包括前 100 名知名公链,还包括 DApp、量化团队、区块链服务提供商、媒体、区块链投资基金等,促进了中国与美国区块链圈的多层次和多维度的交流发展。

截至目前为止,「星火区块链」主办了 10+ 场峰会(包括纽约区块链周期间的 2019 BWB Summit、Crypto Hedge Fund Summit,、Token Expo、Consensus After Party 等),在美国举办了100+ 场 meetups 活动,聚集了 12,000+ 与会者、600+ 演讲嘉宾、300+ 项目、200+ 投资人与 150+ 媒体。「星火区块链」作为国际化区块链平台,旨在向潜在投资人提供有价值的区块链内容和相关项目,力求达到技术、资本和应用的最大化整合,推动区块链行业健康快速的发展。

2018 US-China BlockInvest Summit at Harvard
2018 年 3 月,星火区块链在美国波士顿成功举办了 2018 中美区块链投资峰会,超过 30 多名来自中美的区块链投资领域的嘉宾及行业专家出席,现场与会者逾五百人,超过 10 支优秀区块链团队参展,备受行业各界广泛关注及报导。峰会通过主题演讲、炉边谈话等形式就从业者对加密货币的展望、区块链技术的底层建筑以及与其他产业的融合等议题展开讨论,为中美区块链社区的搭建一个开放、专业的交流合作平台。

2018 Blockchain Without Borders Summit at Consensus Week NYC
2018 年 5 月 12 日, 星火区块链与燎原于纽约曼哈顿联合主办了 2018 无国界区块链峰会。该活动是 2018 纽约区块链周的重要一环,全球最具影响力的区块链专家、学者和相关产业领袖共聚一堂,深入探讨区块链技术对各行各业的革新运用、全球市场动态、区块链技术发展趋势等前沿热点话题。该峰会致力于在纽约汇聚和分享多方位技术智慧,全面打通全球区块链体系,行业大咖齐聚一堂,实现真正的无国界对话。星火区块链旨在通过此次峰会构建全球区块链生态系统,推动数字经济浪潮及区块链技术发展,加速产业融合。

2018 Crypto Hedge Fund Summit in Wall Street
2018 年 7 月 27 日,「星火区块链」在纽约主办了 2018 虚拟货币对冲基金峰会。400 多位与会人员现场就虚拟货币对冲基金和传统基金的投资与未来进行了深入的探讨,并积极洽谈了相互的合作发展。本次峰会聚集了华尔街对冲基金高管、虚拟货币投资人、政府官员、交易所管理层等各界领军人物,围绕加密货币二级市场、交易所监管等热点话题展开了讨论,为未来区块链的发展提供了更多的思考与可能。

2018 Mars Blockchain Summit NYC
2018 年 10 月 18 日,由星火区块链、火星财经与共识实验室联合主办的 2018 火星区块链(纽约)峰会“寻找转折的力量”于 在纽约举行。峰会集结了来自华尔街与中国的实力金融机构和行业领袖,围绕 “NEXT STEP” 进行了为期一天的高峰对话,在低迷市场背景下为全球区块链行业,寻找转折向上的力量与契机。除主题峰会外,活动还设有超级路演、After Party 晚宴等环节。

2018 ASEAN Digital Assets Summit
2018 年 12 月 9 日, 由星火区块链与新加坡壹展国际联合主办的东盟数字资产峰会(ASEAN Digital Assets Summit)在泰国曼谷举办。该峰会被认为是首届侧重于建立东盟地区封锁中心的区块链峰会,聚集了全球 850+ 与会者、 45+ 企业高管、80+ 演讲嘉宾与 55+ 顶尖媒体。在会议中,来自东盟地区、中国和美国等地的区块链业内专家、投资企业、政府机构和媒体人对数字经济中最热门的相关话题展开了讨论。

2019 Consensus
本次座谈会作为峰会期间唯一一项聚焦中国区块链行业发展状况的亮点活动, 旨在帮助中国资金和项目对接全球合作资源。虽然近年来区块链技术在中美地区的发展势头尤为强劲,但仍面临着许多挑战。届时,星火将邀请六位区块链行业领袖出席活动,对中美区块链未来5年的发展机遇与挑战进行开展深入探讨,寻求推动全球区块链技术的发展的动力。

For a long time, it is difficult to break into the traditional financial services industry for the majority of new entrants. The large, well-established financial institutions had advantages in market share, capital and reputation. With the development of distributed technology, decentralized finance is going to remake the traditional financial industry. With technology and regulation development in 2019, decentralized finance is changing the traditional finance world and reshaping the future of the financial industry.
The 2019 DeFi Blockchain Summit NYC aims at connecting experts in DeFi industry, sharing insights and exploring new opportunities. It will be held on November 13th in Times Square, New York, in the forms of the keynote speech, fireside chat, private roundtable discussion, and institutional presentation. The summit will bring together more than 1,000 experts from hedge funds, digital asset management, investment banks, exchanges and other industries to discuss how to invest in this new asset class, the recent trend in DeFi, Crypto Assets and financial application of the technologies. On November 12th, the largest digital asset investor outlook Conference and Exhibition Consensus Invest will be held by the top blockchain media CoinDesk in Manhattan, it will attract thousands of industry experts around the world.

The main host of this summit, Spark Blockchain, is a leading blockchain consulting and incubation service provider in North America. Headquartered in Boston, it radiates its influence through NY, LA, SF and the Bay Area, China, ASEAN, etc. In 2018, it successfully hosted 10+ summits (including 2018 BWB Summit in Blockchain Week NYC, Crypto Hedge Fund Summit, Token Expo, Consensus After Party, etc.) and 100+ meetups in U.S. 12,000+ attendees, 600+ Speakers, 300+ projects, 200+ Investors, 150+ media have joined this blockchain networking platform.

About Consensus Invest
Consensus Invest is one of the world's most impacted forum focused on delivering discussions on the trends and investment opportunities for digital and crypto assets, the fastest growing alternative investments in history. Invest brings together global investors across asset management, commercial banks, hedge funds, pension funds, mutual funds, insurance companies and service providers, all with unique perspectives and experiences to underline the current sophistication of digital securities and commodities.

In 2018, it attracted over 1500 C-Levels, VPs, directors and above from more than hundreds of companies. Top 10 countries in attendance are including the US, China, Canada, Korea, England, France, Israel, and Singapore.

In 2019, Invest: NYC will focus on the intersection of macroeconomics and crypto. Economists, fund managers, and investment experts will debate these themes and more, as bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies find their way onto the global stage.

The 2019 DeFi & Blockchain Summit NYC is the largest conference focusing on the topic related to the future of decentralized finance during the Consensus Invest, which is the largest digital asset investor outlook Conference and Exhibition held on November 12th in Manhattan, New York. During the past Consensus Invest, it attracted more than thousands of industry experts from China, the United States, Europe, and the rest of the world.

Why Attend
BitShares is an open-source business development and financial management platform, the first decentralized exchange and first decentralized stablecoin issuance platform. Its applications root deeply in the financial industry and itself is a representative program in the DeFi industry. Therefore, it is necessary for BitShares to participate in the DeFi Blockchain Summit to consolidate its pioneering position in the DeFi industry and promote the brand and expand the connection at the same time.

Enhance Position in DeFi Industry
As the first decentralized exchange, BitShares originated itself in the DeFi industry and has cultivated multiple DeFi programs. However, its development speed in recent years disappointed the community. BitShares enjoys advanced technology to provide a stable, fast, and low-fee transaction, which makes it a perfect platform for financial application. In order to continue leading the DeFi industry and gaining more recognization form the financial industry, BitShares need to be on the best stage and expose itself to a broader audience.

Promote the Brand
In the past few years, BitShares lack a platform to promote the brand and expand the network. Holding the DeFi Summit is an excellent opportunity to source new cooperation during the summit and improve brand influence.

Announce Development Plan
After the community development and BitShares 3.0 release in 2018-2019, the DeFi Summit could be an ideal platform to announce the latest developments of BitShares and the 2020 development plan to practitioners in blockchain and financial industry. It will be helpful in brand marketing and develop new collaboration.

Unrivaled Networking
The 2019 DeFi Blockchain Summit offers a great forum to network with experts in the blockchain and financial industry from all over the world. The Summit will house various DeFi related projects, service providers, and multiple media hits. The dedicated booth and exhibition floor is designed to facilitate communication and collaboration.
Financial Center & Targeted Exposure
The Summit will be held in the heart of New York -- Time Square. It will provide targeted exposure to the major financial institutions, media, and community. It helps explore more cooperation opportunities with the traditional financial industry.

Engaging Consensus Audience
The Summit will be held on November 13th, following the Consensus Invest on November 12th at New York City. Consensus Invest is the largest digital asset investor outlook Conference and Exhibition organized by the top blockchain media Coindesk. 2018 Consensus Invest attracted more than thousands of industry experts from 48 countries all over the world. Being one of the series activities during the Consensus Invest Conference, BitShares could be exposed to more blockchain experts and potential investors.

Time & Location
November 13th, 2019 (Wed)
  • 9:00 AM -- 6:00 PM (Summit)
  • 7:30 PM -- 11:30 PM (Cocktail Party & Social Night)
Midtown Manhattan Hotel

  • Issuance Platforms
  • Decentralized Exchange and Open Marketplaces
  • Lending Protocols
  • Stablecoins
  • Digital Asset Management
  • Prediction Markets

Financial Projection (Revenue Generation for BitShares)
Potential revenue generation for BitShares
  • Ticket Sales
  • Booth Selling
  • Sponsorship Revenue Sharing

Number of the Ticket issued      500
Number of the Ticket Sale(Potential)    300
Ticket Price                    $199

BitShares community enjoys a 50% discount on tickets (200 tickets)
*Income from tickets purchased with BitShares discount will be paid back to BitShares community.

Total tickets revenue (with discount tickets): $19,900

Sponsorship (20% of sponsorship generate from BitShares goes to BitShares):
Diamond Sponsorship          
Price            $80,000
Platinum Sponsorship                    
Price            $60,000
Gold Sponsorship                    
Price            $30,000         
BitShares Commission Rate      20%      

Total Sponsorship commission revenue: Any Sponsorship Achieve * 20%

BitShares community enjoys a 50% discount on Booth (4 Booths)
*Income from Booth purchased with BitShares discount will be paid back to BitShares community.

Booth Price            $10,000
Number of Discounted Booth      4

Total booth revenue (Discounted Booth at 50%): $20,000

Total sponsorship and event revenue (estimated):
 = $19,900+$20,000+Any Sponsorship*20%

Target Audience
Crypto Asset Manager
As one of the key components in the digital financial world, asset managers are very important as clients and customers. New York is the best place where the asset managers to seek for the new tools and opportunities. It is the best place for them to learn how to implement the tools from BitShares. 
Digital Asset Exchange
Exchanges as one of the most important roles in the ecosystem, it provided a market where the liquidity of the market is happening. With the participation of the exchanges, it will provide different angles of the important perspective to the audience.
Hedge fund
With the more comprehensive regulatory environment towards the crypto world, hedge funds eager for new opportunities. As the world financial center, New York is where most hedge funds located. The important perspective from them will accelerate the development of the DeFi use cases and adoption.
Investment Banker
With the evolution of the Internet in the early 21st century, traditional banks have expanded their interests into Cryptocurrency and blockchain space. They are seeking for significant growth in the market.
The magic will not happen without the developers. With the support from the developer currently in the market, it will elevate the of state of the art conversation. More important, New York as the new choice of HQ from Amazon, Facebook, and other giants, it’s potential of the development power would be valuable.
Individual Investor
The veteran from the leading financial institutions from Wall Street is one of the powerful groups in New York. As individual investors and investor groups, they are trill of the blockchain technology and looking for more opportunities with their experience and connection as support.   

Agenda (TBD)
9:00 A.M. -- 9:10 A.M.  Opening Remarks
9:10 A.M. -- 9:30 A.M.   Keynote Speech
9:30 A.M. -- 10:10 A.M.   Fireside Chat: Blockchain and Decentralized Finance
10:10 A.M. -- 10:30 A.M.   Keynote Speech
10:30 A.M. -- 11:30 A.M. Panel: Decentralized Exchanges and Open Marketplaces
11:30 A.M. -- 12:15 P.M. Panel: Stablecoins and Regulation
12:15 P.M. -- 1:15 P.M. Lunch
1:15 P.M. -- 2:00 P.M. Panel:  Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLC)
2:00 P.M. -- 2:40 P.M. Panel: Lending Protocols
2:40 P.M. -- 3:10 P.M. Panel: Investing & Crypto Asset Management
3:10 P.M. -- 3:50 P.M. Panel: Challenges and Opportunities of DeFi
3:50 P.M. -- 5:00 P.M. Demo of BitShares Community Projects
5:00 P.M. -- 6:00 P.M. Closing Remarks & Networking

Past Spark Blockchain Events’ Speakers (Partial)
Paul Veradittakit | Partner, Pantera Capital
Maggie Wu | CEO & Co-Founder, Krypital Group
Yunpeng Ding | Director of International BD, GXChain
Alex Mashinsky, Co-Founder & CEO of Celsius Network
Vanessa Grellet, Executive Director, Consensys
Lauren Stephanian, Investment Associate at Pantera Capital
Shuoji Zhou, Founding Partner of FBG Capital
Chuck Kimble, Head of FI Partnerships at Circle; Head of Membership, CENTRE
Jack Lee, Managing Partner of HCM  Capital
Chris Li, CTO of Thunder Token
Yubo Ruan, Co-Founder of 8 Decimal Capital
Igor Denisov, Head of Strategy and Business Development at Polymath
Elie Galam, Chief Investment Officer of Eastmore
Sarah Olsen, Head of Business Development at Gemini
Li Huo, VP of Huobi
Jason Qiao, Former Executive Director at JPMorgan Asset Management
John Kingston, Executive Editor of FreightWaves, Head of Community Engagement for Blockchain in Transport Alliance
Katina Stefanova, CEO of Marto Capital
Greg DiPrisco, Business Development Lead, MakerDAO
Aries Wang, Co-Founder of Bibox
Theodore Gray, Advisor of Newton, Co-Founder of Wolfram Research
Bryant Nielson, Executive Director of Blockchain Academy
Qi Zhang, PhD Research Staff Member of Enterprise Solutions IBM Thomas J.Waston Research
David D'Amico, VP of Speaker Signature Bank
Mitchell Dong, Managing Director of Pythagoras Investment Management LLC
John Slyusarev, Managing Partner, SMC Capital
Chi Feng, Founder, Genesis Group
Jeremy Gardner, Ausum Ventures
Tristan Zhang, Partner, MD, Helix Capital
Lingxiao Yang, COO, Trade Terminal
Xian Huang | Paxos
Victoria Zavyalova | Reporter, rbth
Nisa Amolis | Forbes
Ronghui Gu | Cofounder, Certik
Samir Kothari | Partner, Stellar
Eran Efrima | Marketing and Community Manager,

Potential Speakers(List may be extended, not final)
* No particular order
Speakers from BitShares Community
Annemieke Dirkes, Legal representative, BitShares Blockchain
Jademont, ​Committee Member of BitShares, Co-founder of Waterdrip Capital
bitProfessor, Committee Member of BitShares
Bitcrab, Committee Member of BitShares, Founder of GDEX.IO
John Conlin, Managing Director at DaoStreet Inc.
Ryan R. Fox, Development Coordinator at BitShares
Aaron Mangal, Editor @ The Latest Crypto
abit, Committee Member and Core Developer of BitShares
Digital Lucifer, Manager @
DeFi Speakers
Chuck Kimble, Head of FI Partnerships at Circle; Head of Membership, CENTRE
Alex Mashinsky, Co-Founder & CEO of Celsius Network
Fabian Schuh, Fonder of Blockchain Projects BV
Greg DiPrisco, Business Development Lead, MakerDAO
Daniel Wang, Co-Founder & CEO, Loopring
Kunal Shah, Founder & CEO, Cred
Nadav Hollander, Founder & CEO, Dharma Labs
Robert Leshner, CEO, Compound
Calvin Liu, Strategy Lead, Compound
Trevor Koverko, CEO, Polymath Network
Joshua Stein, CEO, Harbor
Jun Hasegawa, Founder & CEO, OmiseGO
Loi Luu, Co-Founder & CEO, Kyber
Yu Lei, Founder & CEO, The Force Protocol
Mike Ross Kane, Co-Founder & CEO, Hydrogen
Bowen Wang, co-founder and CEO of DDEX
Jack Peterson, Co-Founder, Augur
Tyler Winklevoss, CEO, Gemini
Don Mosites, Co-Founder, Airswap
Varun Deshpande, Co-Founder, NUO
Andrew Peel, Head of Digital Asset Markets, Morgan Stanley
Adam White, COO, Bakkt
Lauren Stephanian, Investment Associate, Pantera Capital
Billy Newport, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
Shuoji Zhou, Founding Partner of FBG Capital
Dan Morehead, CEO & Co-Chief Investment Officer, Pantera Capital
Hector Rosekrans, Director of Policy and Operations, Messari
Marek Olszewski, Founder, Celo
Henri Arslanian, Fintech and crypto leader for Asia, PwC
Jason Qiao, Former Executive Director, JPMorgan Asset Management

Event Cost
1Event Venue Renta65,000
2Food & Beverage35,000
3Exhibition Setup20,000
4Wifi Service9,000
5AV & Projection Package35,000
8Hotel Rooms5,000
10Event Promotion23,000
13After Party35,000
14Venue Service fee & Tax74,900

BitShares Co-Host Benefits
Co-Host Benefit
Titled as Co-Host
Co-Host flyer handing out at the registration table
Verbal recognition during opening remarks
Keynote speech slot
Member of the private seminar session
BitShares named Tech Session for Developers
Four Reserved Dedicated Booths (50% Discount for BitShares Community, All the Sales goes back to BitShares Community)
200 tickets enjoy a 50% discount (all the sales goes back to BitShares Community)
Private meeting room   

Marketing and Promotion
Online (Conference Website)
Promotion BitShares Videos during the Summit
Full page ad on digital advertising materials
Printed Signage or Display
Pre-Summit Email campaign to conference attendees      
10+ Top Blockchain Major Media Exposure

After Party
Presence in during After Party
20 Complementary After Party Passes
30% off for additional Social Night passes

BitShares Co-Host Support Budget: $115,000

About Co-Host Spark Blockchain
Spark Blockchain is a leading blockchain consulting and incubation service provider in North America. Headquartered in Boston, it radiates its influence through NY, LA, SF and the Bay Area, China, ASEAN, etc. Since its establishment, it has quickly established a leading position in North America's blockchain community and has established great cooperative relations with top-tier projects and investment funds in China, and the United States. The current clients of Spark Blockchain include not only the top 100 blockchain projects, but also DApps, quantitative teams, media, and blockchain investment funds.

In the past, Spark Blockchain hosted 10+ summits (including 2018 BWB Summit in Blockchain Week NYC, Crypto Hedge Fund Summit, Token Expo, Consensus After Party, etc.) and 100+ meetups in U.S. 12,000+ attendees, 600+ Speakers, 300+ projects, 200+ Investors, 150+ media have joined this blockchain networking platform. We aim to present the valuable blockchain content and related venture projects to potential investors as a global Blockchain platform, in order to achieve the maximum unification of the technology, capital, and application of blockchain, and promote the development of the industry healthily and rapidly.

2018 US-China BlockInvest Summit at Harvard
Spark Blockchain co-hosted and organized The 2018 US-China BlockInvest Summit on March 2018 at the Harvard Charles Hotel in Cambridge, MA. The BlockInvest is a high-level conference aimed at unraveling the hype, addressing the core of blockchain potential, and highlighting the present-day & near-future business cases for blockchain applications. Connected over 500+ blockchain advocates, investors, industry leaders, and tech innovators.

2018 Blockchain Without Borders Summit at Consensus Week NYC
On May 12, 2018, Blockchain Without Borders Summit 2018 organized by Liaoyuan in collaboration with Spark Blockchain, was held at the New York Marriott Marquis in Manhattan. The event was one of the opening summits of Blockchain Week NYC 2018.
More than 650 blockchain experts, investors, and enthusiasts from around the world were present at the summit. The atmosphere at the venue was buzzing with excitement, kicking off a good start for Blockchain Week NYC and Consensus 2018.

2018 Crypto Hedge Fund Summit in Wall Street
On July 27th 2018 at the New York Marriott Downtown, Trade Terminal and Spark Blockchain presented the first ever blockchain summit focused on Sino-US secondary market. More than 200 industry Wall Street experts, researchers, and managers attended and discussed the trend in how hedge fund managers should evaluate and invest in this market. The summit discussed the current market, the difficulty of investment, the difference of crypto investing and traditional investments, and the lack of infrastructure in crypto investing.

2018 BWB Token Expo & After Party
In August 2018, Spark Blockchain has successfully held the 2nd Blockchain Without Borders Summit at Times Square, Manhattan, New York. Compared with the previous blockchain summits only focused on panels, the 2018 BWB Token Expo based on blockchain venture projects by integrating fireside chats, roadshows, and exhibition, which greatly improved both the quality and quantity of the exhibitions. Token Expo increasingly created more opportunities to attract investors focusing on emerging projects and help the development of blockchain applications.
Over 50 speakers are on the books and set to present throughout the BTE. With a mix of local New York, Americans, and international speakers set to deliver a fantastic event that is a rich representation of the local and global identity of blockchain. The after-party was a great plus to the expo which tracked more than 200 people to join the informal, but efficient social event during the after hours.

2018 Mars Blockchain Summit NYC
Mars Blockchain Summit NYC “Seeking the Power of a Turning Point” was held on October 18, 2018, in New York. This unrivaled event is hosted by Mars Finance and Consensus Lab, co-hosted and organized by Spark Blockchain. As the global financial center, New York has a profound influence on blockchain’s policy regulation, secondary market, and trend for blockchain derivatives. The summit invited senior representatives from Wall Street, Nasdaq, cryptocurrency exchanges and academic institutions with the intention to generate in-depth discussions on blockchain regulations, stable coin, secondary market, tokenomics, governance, the next generation of public chain and other concurrent topics on cryptocurrency. We are also invited top blockchain projects and token funds to participate in the roadshow.

2018 Consensus Invest Summit After Party
The Consensus Invest Summit in Nov 2018, brought together institutional investors, family offices, hedge funds, asset allocators and service providers to underline the current sophistication of digital securities and commodities, as well as to offer forecasts on the evolution of these assets in 2019. At the same time, we hosted the Fintech & Blockchain social networking party on November 27th, 2018. The party attracted more than 200 industry blockchain investors and entrepreneurs, including the popular speakers, scholars, and related token fund practitioners of the Consensus Invest 2018.

2018 ASEAN Digital Assets Summit
The ten ASEAN countries have a population of about 600 million in total, which consist of different ethnic backgrounds and different constitutional systems. In 2019, the Blockchain technology will enter the mainstream cognitive and industrial realization stage of the ASEAN market. One expose and Spark Blockchain seized the opportunity when the international currency and Blockchain communities are experiencing huge change, the Asian Blockchain enterprises are looking for base, and the Thai policy framework is constantly improving. There were 850 attendees, 45 executives, 80 speakers and 55 media partners globally attending this event.

2019 Consensus
Spark Blockchain is a blockchain consulting and incubation service provider in the U.S. with developer relations at its core. Their conference event—“China and the U.S.” —was the only session focused specifically on a comparison of two major international players in the blockchain industry while looking to the opportunities and challenges of blockchain for China and the U.S. over the next five years.

Please share your feedback on conference ideas!

Business model would be the key issue for future growth.
It would be valuable to have more conversation about this.

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