Do your (X86) CPU and GPU support OpenCL?
Came across this web page by chance while search for any info on opencl on a celeron t3500 (my Phenom laptop hard drive has crashed)
Anyway although not that recent I thought I would mention it here in case anyone else found it informative. I am a newbie and not technically minded so can not answer any question about stuff as I have not a clue..
Written by Vincent Hindriksen
December 29, 2011Featured, General19 Comments
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Does your computer have OpenCL-capable hardware? Read on and find out if your computer is compatible…
If you want to know what other non-PC hardware (phones, tablets, FPGAs, DSPs, etc) is running OpenCL, see the OpenCL SDK page. Processor OpenCL drivers (Q3 2013) + rating MG2j3NWWgUXWX7DTh3L7S87VWEVZVpGbsZ