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Messages - godzirra

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General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: September 30, 2015, 10:52:16 pm »
Is there a reason to believe cagara? I mean it's a pretty suicidal move and he is saying all this on a trollbox right? What am I missing? Seems pretty likely he's exaggerating his moves and pretending to be a whale, no?

I mean if this is true, then everyone should just pull their sell orders and it will moon.

General Discussion / Re: Meanwhile at Ripple
« on: September 30, 2015, 03:31:47 am »
What's going on with XRP? The share price is getting crushed. Everywhere I look 2.0 projects are dropping like a rock. Except for bts, we don't have much downside room left.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: September 27, 2015, 06:38:55 pm »
Publicly shorting is a viable strategy, ala Bill Ackman. But you better have the goods.
Shorting BTS at these levels and with the news flow these days... get your popcorn ready.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares needs some type of trademark slogan
« on: September 26, 2015, 10:40:28 pm »
Got Goxxed?
Performance Enhanced Banking
OK more serious ones,
Put Your Money to Work
The Banking Revolution
Smart Banking. Smart Contracts.
Experience Banking Freedom
The Cutting Edge of Financial Technology
Powering Your Financial Freedom
Technology for Your Wallet

Well just throwing some words out there.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: September 22, 2015, 03:08:44 pm »
Just do the exact opposite of what Blazin8888 says he's doing, and you should be alright.

General Discussion / Re: Summoning the great satan Larimer
« on: September 11, 2015, 05:01:52 am »
Keep it up r0ach! I'm following your threads, great reading. Even though it's way over my head. The conversations you're having are the only reason I go to BCT, these days.

Technical Support / Re: Scheduling Proof of Scalability
« on: September 08, 2015, 01:37:25 am »
1. I'm contributing with the following amount of BTS: 2500
2. I'm contributing with the following resources (for testers only): n/a
3. I'm aiming to contribute following amount of transactions per second (for testers only): n/a

General Discussion / Re: Pitchfork Countdown May Begin Next Week
« on: September 07, 2015, 07:42:13 pm »
@kenCode @cube @sudo @Akado @phillyguy @emailtooaj
This is 7 people so far willing to put in some BTS for this 100K tps LAN test.
Anybody else?

I can't do much to test but I can pitch in for the donation.

General Discussion / Re: Active (un)voting initiative II
« on: September 01, 2015, 05:16:33 pm »
I didn't want to hijack delulo's thread but I have to say this. I'm not a crypto person. I'm a equities and commodities trader. I have accumulated millions of Bts over time but have never voted. Part of the reason why is because Bts is not easy for me to understand. It's not my world. I do listen to Beyond Bitcoin and the discussion there is always informative and professional. And I always leave feeling quite inspired. But searching for basic information here on the forum is a pain. And the people here are toxic. I actually never realized that some delegates were receiving 10 million Bts per annum. That's a ton of dilution. As a matter of fact that's more than I have. Is that a simple calculation? Yes. But instead of bitching about it you should be asking yourselves why is it that forum members don't know this basic info and how it can be more readily available and easy to access. My mistake for thinking that this forum was designed to answer questions.

This thread is about voter apathy right? To be honest I'm pretty sick and tired of this place. When the price recovers a bit I'll be selling.

General Discussion / Re: Active (un)voting initiative II
« on: September 01, 2015, 02:44:59 pm »
7 Delegates! How much bts is that?

That was actually a really good interview. I enjoyed it. Thanks guys.

@ cob
Just to clarify. I did this when I donated to AGS last year. This time it's only for the Music donations specifically. I already have my notes from the substituted address, am I correct?

So there's no need for me to do this again?

emulating Bitfinex would be a good place to start IMO

The concept is quite simple really.  Copy the user experience of centralized exchanges.  The difference being a backend controlled by the bitshares blockchain instead of a centrally managed database. 

I like to think of it as similar to http vs https.  Users are trained to look for the 's' at the end to know they are on a secure website.  They have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.  They see no difference when interacting with the secure vs non-secure site.  They just know that general consensus is that the 's' means it is secure. 

Users should see no difference between interacting with a centralized exchange vs a decentralized exchange.  Perhaps they see something that says 'Powered by Bitshares' to confirm security, just as they see an 's' to confirm security.  They have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, they just know that 'Powered by Bitshares' means they are in a secure environment, and that secure environment utilizes the bitshares blockchain as the backend instead of a centrally managed database
+5% Brilliant. I like the way you think.

The best way to get tech support from is through their chat, using QQ.
Just click on that little green penguin icon on their front page.

Always resolved promptly for me anyway. Hope this helps.

General Discussion / Re: OIL. Let's get this asset going.
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:46:35 pm »
Counterparty risk vs. risk for systematic failure

its the taks of the investor to pick a side ;)

Not only the investor, but also (and more importantly), the user.

One thing I've had trouble reconciling in regard to Bitshares and other decentralized tech is the lack of real Customer Support for the everyday user.  It might seem trivial but if you tell potential users that there is no single entity to call or email if they have issues; that's a major turn off. 

Customer support will need to be provided by the services utilizing Bitshares and until they are up and running (online wallet providers, gateways, etc.) I think it's very dangerous to market Bitshares to anyone with a limited understanding of decentralized tech.

Yeah the user experience with bitshares is a major issue imo. The majority of users do not want to have to learn anything new. It really has to be made simple and beautiful and idiot proof.

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