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Messages - callmeluc

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Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] witness.hiblockchain
« on: January 29, 2018, 07:01:34 am »
A stable explorer is important and urgent.

1. 所有经费全部用于直接支付给交易所,用于营销活动,不用于其他任何用途。
2. 已经跟三家国内主流交易所就举办活动相关事宜达成一致,需等待资金到位。基于活动效果的考虑,需要对涉及的交易所和活动详情暂时保密。
3. 巨蟹和梓岑直接负责与交易所的对接,技术支持,以及活动时线上宣传配合等工作。
4. 巨蟹和梓岑对确保资金合理使用负全责。

1. All funds will not be used to other activities except for expenditure to exchange, operation fee and promotion fee.
2. we have already reached an agreement about launching numerous events with three main domestic exchanges but funds not fulfilment yet. For the sake of the result of event, all details of involved exchanges and events are need to be confidential.
3. Bitcrab and Zicen are directly responsible for negotiating with exchanges and online activities promotion.
4. Bitcrab and Zicen are in full charge of ensuring reasonable use of funds.







Zicen 及大中华区代表团队


Joint Marketing Campaign of Exchanges WP
Recently, several international version of Chinese exchanges have been launched, and a series of global marketing activities have been held to attract new users.

For instance, the yoyow team spent 2 million yoyo to launch the joint marketing activities with Binance Exchange on November 7th, which has achieved extraordinary results. On the day of the event, the trading volume soared over 1400btc, Baidu Index increased by 200%, and WeChat Index even astonishingly skyrocketed by 2070%.

Holding such marketing activities can attract a large number of new users to greatly increase the project popularity and transaction activity, and finally to completely change the problems of terrible operation and insufficient point of growth that BTS has long been facing.

Therefore, the joint marketing campaign of exchanges has been proposed.

Total expenditure:
1.8million bts

Fund usage
Used for organizing large co-marketing activities with at least three mainstream exchanges

Zicen and Greater China Representative team

Fund usage and activity operation supervisor








Zicen 及大中华区代表团队


Joint Marketing Campaign of Exchanges WP
Recently, several international version of Chinese exchanges have been launched, and a series of global marketing activities have been held to attract new users.

For instance, the yoyow team spent 2 million yoyo to launch the joint marketing activities with Binance Exchange on November 7th, which has achieved extraordinary results. On the day of the event, the trading volume soared over 1400btc, Baidu Index increased by 200%, and WeChat Index even astonishingly skyrocketed by 2070%.

Holding such marketing activities can attract a large number of new users to greatly increase the project popularity and transaction activity, and finally to completely change the problems of terrible operation and insufficient point of growth that BTS has long been facing.

Therefore, the joint marketing campaign of exchanges has been proposed.

Total expenditure:
1.8million bts

Fund usage
Used for organizing large co-marketing activities with at least three mainstream exchanges

Zicen and Greater China Representative team

Fund usage and activity operation supervisor

i like this worker proposal, China is the place where bitshares is most used as far as i know and a perfect place for us to be making more businesses. I never make any input on worker proposal price as that depends on a lot of factors but i definitely think more businesses on top of our chain is what bitshares needs.

I understand the community ask for reports, some kind of reports will be needed but that will be just define a place where updates are posted regularly like on what presentations the worker  team was on, what business partners he is negotiating with, what business was convinced to came on board and so on.

I unfortunately don't know much of the people involved so i have to relay on what @bitcrab and @abitmore have to say about it.

my voting stake is very small and will not make a difference but i just voted for it. all the luck :)

sorry I didn't bring more information about the team.

zicen(and that would be me), co-founder and CMO of YOYOW, BTS committee member, the Directly Responsible Individual of And I am also one of the 5 committee members in the media foundation built in China by 25 media organizations of blockchain  industry such as and sosobtc.

zhaomu, the diplomatist of bitshares community, I think you all know him from the UI worker proposal.

Alex, PR expert, maintaining good relationship with more than 10 exchanges.

And bitCrab and abit will be the escrow and governor of this proposal for both the fund use and the whole working progress.

Worker Proposal: BitShares Greater China Representative(more details:

Since the birth of BTS, the Chinese community has always been playing a very important role. From the early promotion to the follow-up community building and application publishing, the Chinese community has made considerable contribution and drawn large traffic. Over the last three years, the trading volume of Chinese exchanges have accounted for more than 70% of the global total. Nowadays, about half of the global positions are in Chinese users’ accounts. What’s more, there are 4 Chinese committee members of BTS, and 7 active witnesses from Chinese community.

For a very long time, however, after the leaving of BM, BTS has been misunderstood as a project with “no official team, no operation, no maintenance, and no one responsible “by the ill-informed new users. Therefore, it is urgent to form a team representing official BTS, which is responsible for the project promotion, operation, and activity organization. To solve the problem, the following worker proposal is put forward.

1. Proposal Name
BitShares Greater China Representative

2. Team
witness.still, Zicen, member of BTS council, a full-time blockchain worker

Team members:
the former HelloBTS team, whose members are all the early evangelists and investors of the domestic blockchain industry. They are also the depth participants of BTS, focusing on the development and expansion of the infrastructure network application based on BitShares. HelloBTS is now running the world’s largest BTS Chinese community, whose products include information center and WeChat subscription. It now owns a more-than-ten-thousand community. After selling all its exchange business in September 2017, the HelloBTS team continues to stay focus on the promotion and operation of BTS.

Once approved, we will build a team of about 10 members, which at least includes the following positions:

Head: 1,
in charge of work coordination, connecting and negotiating between important resources of all circles

Operating Officers: 2,
zhaomu8, Zhaomu, representative of OpenLedger China. In charge of communication between BTS Chinese community and BTS international community.
Alex, responsible for legal supporting and exchanges negotiations

Copywriting Group:
at least 1 editor, 1 UI Designer, and several freelancers

Operation Group:
3-5 online operators, responsible for online promotion, FAQ answering and question collecting; 1 offline operator, responsible for activity organization and site arrangement

Advisory Group:
1 Technical advisor plus 1 management consultant

3. Proposal Details
Total funds: 90,000 BitUSD
Duration time: 6 months
Work Plan:
Combine business discussion, online and offline activities to rebuild BTS’s image. In particular, seize the potential opportunities brought by the current domestic policies to attract users and large funds into BTS.

a. Launch BitShares China tour campaign. Hold at least one offline activity every two weeks to promote BTS in the major cities nationwide, focusing on Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Wuhan.
b. Launch public relation activities. Strengthen the cooperation with other communities, co-construct high-quality communities, raise the profile of BTS and expand its influence, look forward to high-quality programs online BTS Dex.
c. Strengthen communication between exchanges and investors. Try hard to list BTS on more exchanges and provide technical supporting for listing.
d. Continue to update all kinds of tutorials, analysis and promotion articles to constantly expand the scale and improve the quality of the community.














1. 启动BitShares中国行活动。至少两周举行一次线下活动,在全国各大城市宣传推广BTS,重点覆盖北京、上海、深圳、成都、重庆、南京、杭州、苏州、武汉等城市。
2. 开展公关活动。加强与其他社区合作,共建优质社区,提高BTS知名度,最大限度扩大BTS影响力。与各大项目组加强交流,寻求优秀项目上线BTS内盘交易。
3. 加强与交易所和投资人的对接。争取上线更多交易所,并为上架BTS的交易所提供技术支持。
4. 继续更新各类教程、分析和推广类文案,不断扩大社区规模和质量。

YOYOW / Re: YOYOW见证人微信群
« on: September 08, 2017, 04:01:07 am »


YOYOW / Re: YOYOW测试网报名帖
« on: August 18, 2017, 03:51:31 am »
ID: still


YOYOW / Re: YOYOW测试网报名帖
« on: August 17, 2017, 05:19:44 am »

If you are from English community, you could just skip this part to the lower half.









我自认并没有什么特殊的能力,仅有的一点优点,是认真、忠诚和坚韧。在BTS社区,我绝大多数时间都在做一个组织者,又或者是一个布道者的角色,比如BTS 1.0发布时创建了国内受托人联盟群,致力于早期的网络维护、技术支持,比如与社区伙伴共同创建了社区服务组BTSadvisor,同时作为负责人带领草根社区做了大量的推广尝试。再到后来坚持HelloBTS的运营,走到今天,即使YOYOW已经走上快速通道,我仍然在继续兼顾BTS的推广。


自2014年BTS从0.34 CNY的高位坠落,我们经历了长达三年的熊市之旅。对始终坚守的BTSer而言,那是最黑暗最煎熬的三年,“迷失的三年”。我们经历了所有陷入低潮的组织会面临的一切,资金的流失、用户的流失,很多社区精英失意离开,再也没有回来。我带领社区服务组,做了我们能想到的、能做到的所有尝试,在那样的市场趋势下,在他人看来显得执拗而又幼稚得可笑。








If you are from English community, start from here:

After thoughtful consideration, I decided to run for committee member of BitShares.

I am callmeluc, known as BTS_自扯自淡 and YOYOW_梓岑. Check it here:

Please vote for the committee ID witness.still, if you believe I can bring BitShares to the next level.

Why support me

Loyalty and Perseverance, Since PTS, I have been working for BitShares community for 4 years. At the time BTS was plummeting, I did not left. And when the market have been keeping sluggish for over 2 years, watching old friends left full of disappointment one by one, I stay still. promoting, managing, and answering questions about BitShares everyday, I was like the solitary watchman. I stayed, not because I‘m stupid or I have no other choice, because I believe in the blueprint we create and the world we want to build at the beginning, and because I know there has to be someone who persist from the begining to the end.

Our team. I am a team member of HelloBTS and co-founder of YOYOW. We have deep understandings on the development of BitShares and graphene toolkit, with the full supports from our team, I'm sure that me and my team will became the backbone of BitShares community in the future.

Contribution. Since 4 years ago, I have been translating BitShares articles to Chinese and have done lots of works on improving the eco system of BitShares community. We promised we will be always with the BTS community and yes we have been holding that. Our ICO on bts dex showed the whole market how powerful the BTS system is, and successfully attend for adding a great applications to BitShares. In future, the YOYOW team will continue helping to improve ecosystem for BitShares.

Visions. After 4 years of managing, I have been growing with the whole community. I built my own connections , and have much better understandings on market and human nature. I am sure with my connection and all my experiences, I can bring much more benefits to BitShares.

Most of the time I bave been an evangelist, like in BTS 1.0 I have created the delegates group dedicated on network maintenance, technical support etc. I created a community service group BTSadvisor, as the leader of the group I have made lots of attends on promotion. after that it is the HelloBTS. now event YOYOW is on fast track, I will still working on the promotion of BitShares.

The lost three years
Since 2014, the price of bts dropped over 90% and didn't recover for 3 years. For BTSer, it was the darkest time. The loss of users and many community elites frustrated to leave and never came back. I led the community service group and did what we can to promote BitShares.

Failed but we didn't lost
Yes, we failed not unexpectedly, fighting against the market. but we didn't lost, the community gathered trustworthy members and development team, like bitcrab, baicai, alt, xiaoshan, Abit,Ebit, a qiang, necklace. We have been accumulating little by little for 3years, and all of a sudden, the market was soar again. It takes us 3 years to make the supply of BitCNY breakthrough 5 million, but after that it only take two months to reach 80 million.

we are on the right path right now. But no one can predict when the market decline again, but when it happen and even so I will be STILL standing, doing whatever I can to do to serve the community.
that's why I like the word STILL so much. Anytime and anyhow, I will be STILL with BitShares.

Vote for me if you believe in me: witness.still

General Discussion / Re: how about to raise block reward?
« on: March 01, 2017, 01:58:33 am »
witness.still is updating.
sorry for the delay, work overnight...

I have been on vacation an probably just missed the opening post.

We were just cut out for recent vote update...
Need your support, sir.
For nonstop trying for the past 2 years, and what we stick to doing now, we deserve to be approved by this community! 

Our witness have been running for more than 2 weeks, but I have never got any feed back from English community. No support, No objection, No suggestion, No nothing.

At least let me know what you think of this proposal, please.

just give me something, guys, please....

@xeroc @cass @aboy @fav @Xeldal @wildman .....

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Proxy: xeroc
« on: October 06, 2016, 10:09:11 am »
Is there any chance our witness "witness.still“ can get your support?

Our proposal is here:,23336.0.html

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