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Messages - skywalker861

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btsx :worldbitshares  thanks a lot

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 哥今日起每天免费送BTS!
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:21:00 am »
worldbitshares 求赠,万分感激

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTS下一步是什么,有人知道吗?
« on: July 28, 2014, 07:10:03 am »

DAC 委托人 / Re: 受托人拉票贴
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:04:03 am »
worldbitshares 请给我信任的一票 谢谢


We Chinese are the most important supporters of 3I.
Donating a  lot of BTC and PTS for Bitshares,wating for such a long time , we still can't see the result we want!
How can we trust your ability!?
If the product can't come out ,We will use the law to protect our right or .....another ways you know :)
We are not weak ,just stop treating us like poor guys who can't do anything. Alright? :D
             My English is so poor,if you have seen this article,please reply it for our benefit.

The forum is full of two kinds of posts:
  • Those who are happily testing the software which becomes more polished every day.
  • Those who are very angry for reasons we can't understand.
We see that all this evidence of success is not making it through to our Chinese friends.  If it was, how could you be angry?

We are very proud of our progress and it's all plainly visible for anyone to see.
Where is all of this fear, uncertainty and doubt coming from?

I wonder if someone is sending you misinformation?



I have some words to say.

1. i think 3I are pushing forward the development of the BTS-XT for these days and there have been some progresses recently.

2. chinese people made some contributions: they have invested a lot of money. many people do not understand programming and they even do not know much about English, so they cannot make too much contribution about programming or even the test. but they invest their money and trust. it is important because that is why 3I could have the opportunity to try their so many crazy or maybe genius ideas and do not need to worry failure because a lot of investors would pay the bill.

3. i know anger and complain are useless, people should shut their month up and let the team focus on the development.
but i understand their emotion. I also feel anxious too. quite quite worried.

firstly, from your performance: I know you are making progress, but i think it is not very efficient, and you guys cannot even make one stable wallet without any real market function? most altcoin can but you cannot with so much money and with waht you so called a strong R&Dteam?

secondly, from your attitude: I think all 3I team members are nice and polite people, but you seem to be a little too optimistic and sometimes even arrogant . for over half a year, without anything comeing out, i never hear a word that we are sorry, we didn't do well, but all i hear is that we made a great thing, we are awesome. we are terriffic.  Maybe i am wrong, you are all talented people, BM is like Steve Jobs, but we are just ordinary people. but please at least admit that, in these six months ,you did not do well and the market has given the answer.

thirdly, yesterday' post by BM is a blasting fuse. first, many investors feel they are fooled,  and what i am dissapointed is that i thought BM is a talent, but all i see is he hasn't finished a stable wallet, and stroll on this forum everyday, answering almost everyone's post, i think it should be someone else's responsiblity.  you guys don't make any labor division? diffrent people are responsible for different part of jobs? so worried about the team management or lack of excution. i hear that keyhotee team take away 100+ Bitcoin every month, i don't know if it is ture, but i think it is disaster. from the work on keyhotee, i guess this team is not very good. and 3I still uses such a team to work on BTS X, no wonder a wallet we still could not be released yet. 

finnally, i just want to say, we do not want to complain too much. but the thing is that most people in this forum don't think you did a good job and what is worse, you don't think that you did a terrible job in these six months. And that is why we are so afraid of the future of 3I. and since a lot of people have been trapped in this investment, so they complain and complain again. if today they can leave without any lost of moeny , they would just leave right away, without saying any word.

so if you think you don't wanna hear too much complain, you could just give back the money we invested and we would stop complaining and get away? i am just joking, i know it is ridiculous, i just want to say, please at least stand on investors' position and understand people's complain
well done!










中文 (Chinese) / Re: 出win的钱包了
« on: June 21, 2014, 07:21:59 am »

没有XTS了, 但我自己创建了嫩模资产,已经给你发了5000个过去。好好享用,别太急,注意肾。


General Discussion / Re: XT GUI - v0.0.2 - OS X and Windows
« on: June 21, 2014, 07:15:39 am »
can anyone send me some xts for test,thank you!

喜得六一女宝宝一枚,Bitshares baby,发红包10bts!

来自我的 HUAWEI P6-C00 上的 Tapatalk

欢迎土豪捐赠,累计到奖池。捐赠留言即可。等bts上线后,大善人把承诺的捐款发给靠谱的人,比如log或alt(知道大家不相信我 :'()。然后我来统计数据。
发送奖励的日期是出BTS X之后十天内,然后承诺捐款的大善人要在出币3天内到账,进行统计2天,五天后开始发~

*本活动为论坛成员自发组织, BTS X具体发布时间未定,目前BTS X网络正在紧张测试中, 鉴于测试工作的不确定性, 希望各位不要有过于乐观的预期。


新浪微博  Jerrylee4013

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