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Messages - earthbound

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BitShares PTS / Re: OpenCL GPU miner opensource (for AMD cards)
« on: January 11, 2014, 07:11:04 pm »
I will implement this in arCUDAminer and rename it to arGPUminer if there's enough demand for it

Please donate to me

I'm sending you a donation.

If possible I strongly suggest pushing/merging your modifications to dga's open source archive, and using his model of volunteering the option to not mine for the developer, but asking to. If you do that and I can get it to compile, I'll set a higher donation amount for your address (so mark your address in the source).

I will want it to include the option to mine on multiple cards.

I looked into iruu's proposed dirty hack, and I just don't think I have the stomach for it. I'm also out of my depth trying to port in the network etc. code of other miners (to iruu's AMD/OpenCL prototype) :(

(I cancelled that bounty I had up, btw, but I will giver further as I say here, if you additionally follow my suggestion.)

2014-01-01 update:

I've committed some new changes to the repository.  Some are cosmetic, but three are important:

  1)  Memory use on the host side is reduced by about 500MB.  This may or may not matter for you.

  2)  Speed is boosted by 10-20% on a lot of platforms.  I have another speed boost patch coming next week once I've made it not horrible, but this one gets a decent chunk of the gains.

  3)  There's now a developer fee that goes to me.  Kinda. 

I'm doing an experiment with this code release in the developer fee:  It's easy to disable.  It's not hidden.  But it's also just a list of addresses that share the dev fee equally.

So here's my proposal:  If you port this software to another platform or release a binary, don't remove my address.  Instead, add yours to the list -- I've tried to make it super easy for you to get your own share.  If this works out, I'll continue to release improvements and try to make it even easier for other developers who improve upon the code, because we'll all have a reason to make software that remains open source and which is user-friendly and high performance.

If you think this is horrible, let me know and let's try to find a way to make it work better.

If you're a user who hates the idea of a dev fee, the source is yours and you can delete the addresses listed there and/or add your own.


Sorry I missed this. I think this is a good idea. Maybe :)

BitShares PTS / Re: OpenCL GPU miner opensource (for AMD cards)
« on: January 11, 2014, 07:34:00 am »
I have this compiling and executing. (Reassembling tool-chains is a pain.)

What reference miner functionality might it be easiest to port into this (so that I can do something with these collisions/m)? Minerd? jhprotominer? I'd like to have -o -u -p etc. command-line options as well . . .

OR, I'd be happy to collaborate with anyone to tell them how to reassemble the toolchain.

But it must be released open-source, day one.

ALSO: If all or most other rights are given for the risk/benefit of the world, yet I think that trademark rights should be well wielded and defended. I think the dual open-source/well-defended trademark approach of the Mozilla Foundation is an excellent example of this.

Okay! Lookie here! I penned an epic! :)

These are my thoughts regarding item 3) Preventing businesses that believe in intellectual property from using any DAC that doesn't honor the SCSL:


Observations to consider, and factors to balance:

At some point--possibly sooner than you think, if it is not so already--the Really Big Boys will not only want a piece of the "pie," they will catch on to the fact they too can create incredibly good pies (as it were) out of thin air. What you can probably count on, however, is that they will fail to appreciate how exactly your social contract and model empowers your, uh, pies. They will therefore expend great efforts in forming what you might only regard as half-baked pies; and worse, if you adopt a model which is at odds with their silly proprietary crutches, they might either be too frightened to proceed more aggressively with their ideas--as the market hopes they will--let's bring everything out at full speed and see what survives and what doesn't!--or they might fumble with the difficulties and inevitable misunderstandings and/or perceived vagaries of your model.

Whatever their possible weaknesses (and who knows but what they may be right with some of their silly ideas that you might regard as crutches), I propose that we absolutely want to welcome the Really Big Boys with arms as wide open as they can possibly stretch.

How wide?

A Public Domain Dedication-wide. My explanation of how I believe this will best advance your cause, will segue from the following philosophical tract which I beg you to indulge.

I personally strongly dislike any license which places any constraints whatever on anyone. (That means both copyright and copyleft, and anything and everything so obligatory-copy-or-not-copy-whatever.) I mockingly penned a variant of the Public Domain Dedication in rebellion against such.

It is my opinion that all (most?) copyright and license etc. organizational/rights models have produced various things of value. I can point to one brilliant piece of software and say: Open Source created that, and I can point to another brilliant piece of software and say: Proprietary technology/intellectual property/copyright methods made that. (Or, if it isn't necessarily brilliant, the fact that they got so many people to use it despite the fact is brilliant . . . if perhaps sickening . . .)

I therefore personally would not wish to curtail any process of innovation which anyone chooses to undertake, nor the necessarily associated intellectual property ideologies (or lack thereof) from which they would pursue their undertaking. This includes knowingly and voluntarily risking that anyone could therefore undertake what I consider to be abuses of bodies of work which I have created, hoping that somewhere in the mix of those abuses there is also a mix of benefits to society. (Actually, that is an arguable case for current copyright/trademark/patent laws. Possibly with the exception of software patents, and some copyright whores of corporations (I really can't use any other word there.)

Probably the only exception I would make is that I would absolutely want to forestall intellectual property/copyright etc. trolls from abusing the public with claims that my work violates their intellectual rights/copyrights, so that under the duress and intimidation ("chilling effect") of such claims, those whom they oppose are squelched out of existence. An example of this horror is in software patents surrounding video codecs. The minefield of video codec intellectual property laws and litigations is in my opinion a despicable pandora (yes--let's mix these metaphors--a pandora of minefields), which has inhibited so much innovation and, ultimately I would argue, has also undermined the whole market and area of video codecs, and associated video copying/distribution means, etc. The last I researched it, intellectual property questions about video codecs place a stranglehold on those who wish to simply create absolutely Public Domain/royalty/intellectual-property-entanglement-free video codecs. Troll after troll lays in wait to pounce on any new video codec which they claim abuses their rights in some algorithm or idea.

A Public Domain Dedication could prevent that by making (for example) the following clear: 1) what exactly you've contributed that is original and marketable--arguably even disruptive-- 2) that you irrevocably decree that anyone can exploit those ideas without any limitation and for any purpose whatever.

This naturally and inherently squelches all questions of copyright trolling, because it makes it clear that you did this first, and you also said that anybody else can do this without limitation, so that anyone who comes along and claims otherwise (in other words, any troll X who claims others can't use the ideas for profit, because troll X supposedly has sole rights to those ideas) -- anyone who claims otherwise is dismissed with prejudice, owing to the very public, well-known origin of those actual rights, and that moreover, those rights were and are irrevocably dedicated to everyone.

Yes indeed, those irrevocably dedicated rights include the right to go all, uh, closed-source on the public, if anyone wishes to. So, no, this would not prevent others from e.g. creating closed-source or otherwise proprietary clones of your ideas. But for the reasons I gave after I linked to my text, it is my strong preference to risk that.

Consider what is even now unfolding in these forums, surrounding GPU proof-of-work momentum (PTS/MMC or whatever else) miners. What model are so many choosing (or at least initially they have), right here in an arena where you would think there is hearty support of an open-source model? They're all trying to bait people into mining with miners which they (pointedly!) refuse to open-source, possibly owing to the (ridiculous!) fear that if they did so, some portion of a supposedly finite pie would become lost to them.

You paid dga a very nice ProtoShares bounty to open-source his GPU miner code, and then a few ran off with the code, modified it to run on Windows, compiled it, did not (so far as I'm aware) publicly post their modifications of the source, but did release binaries . . . which mine a percent of the time to their own address. Meanwhile, I for example want access to the source so that I can e.g. modify it to recognize more than one graphics card--I might hastily pull the source, code my proposed changes, and push it back up if the source was there -- but I can't: yes, a lot of miners are making ~10x the profits they previously did . . . while innovation is stifled for the gambit.

(By the way, EDIT: I keep waffling about whether I support completely open-source code for miners or closed-source where I donate a percent of mining to the coder. I think I'd like both together best.)

Your development philosophy/social contract etc. may have difficulty gaining full traction among the very folks who are most enthusiastic about the potential outcomes of your work!

What kind of traction do you expect your model will find among, say the Really Big Boys?

It's simply fundamentally incompatible with the mechanisms they've exploited to make their untold fortunes. That is a hard, hard sell. (Apparently, even among many of your peers who highly esteem you.)

If Invictus Innovations wishes to be part of a truly global and truly transformative/distruptive movement, the fact of the matter is that you've got to be able to let folks who prefer a different playbook to operate from that playbook. And last I heard, the proprietary/closed/secretive playbook was still very much the playbook of, uh, the world's largest and most powerful corporations. (And many people who frequent this forum.)

The risk is that your work will probably be abused by so many silly fools. The benefit, however, is that in enabling (as you may suppose) people to do whatever they will, those who would abuse your work and yet who also wield enormous power--these will expose your ideas to the wider world. And you know what? The wider world will become curious, get educated about what's going on, and see that there's a better way to do it . . . and then they might be motivated to start up their own enterprises in a globally frictionless market, and wipe the Really Big Boys' arses with their better approaches and ideas.

And what of the folks who agree with your philosophy/approach? Well, whatever way you go with this philosophically, the folks who like your approach will follow it.

However, if the Really Big Boys are warded off by fear of breaking your model/social/intellectual property/whatever contract, the masses whom they could potentially expose the ideas to may therefore not be so exposed to such ideas (and their origins). But if the Really Big Boys are made very welcome to try whatever the heck they think is a good idea, they might give it a shot. Yeah they may be liable to not quite "get it," and make mistakes in what they try--there are hundreds of very ridiculous patent applications out there which for all the world describe only a shadow of Bitcoin, because the folks who file them simply do not yet fully grasp the technology, and the nature of this Blockchain Revolution, shall we call it.

And while the Really Big Boys are giving it a shot ... the stakes will be made higher for those who would play in the field even against the Very Big Boys . . . and the potential payoffs will therefore also be higher.

All that said, I would not wish to relinquish moral rights in my work (and I understand that a Public Domain Dedication cannot relinquish those rights, and that no license can). This includes the moral right to publicly object to any abuses of my work, knowing full well that my only accomplishment in such objections may be merely expressing my view. Which views may or may not be of worth to others. Which views may or may not liberally heap shame on others who flagrantly abuse my work.

To that end, you are entirely free to adapt that very text I cite above. Perhaps in the section:

Code: [Select]
-- perhaps in that section, you could express your wishes as to how people use your model/code/software/process etc., and opinion that all intellectually property is, well, malarkey. You could, moreover, describe the general organizational/process/logical/ideological/systems organization of e.g. Keyhotee/Bitshares/Distributed Autonomous Corporations/Blockchain-based contracts/Digital Assets, and assert e.g. your organizations' contributions of original expressions and ideas in software/social engineering etc. -- in other words, you could express and lay claim to intellectual property rights to everything original Invictus has created, and at the same time permanently and irrevocably deed all such rights to the Public Domain. It would meanwhile preserve your moral rights (more about that in a bit), which are in any case irrevocable, and moreover they are also the better power and influence in this enterprise (more about that in a bit).

As described, this would first dismiss the dangers of intellectual property trolls by making it prominently clear that no, these ideas were your ideas, and you dedicated as many of the rights in them to the Public Domain, so that everyone has the right to do whatever they want with these ideas--including using the ideas in ways that anyone would pretend to have sole rights to--while clearly, they don't actually have those rights--because everyone has those rights, and they are simply trolls.

A Public Domain Dedication would, I think, best open up the whole world of possibility to, well, the whole world. It would open up all the possible global risk/reward ratios that who-knows-what-people out there will discover and invent. Let silly bandits and nincompoops be silly bandits and nincompoops. But please make it as easy as possible to play with your ideas and code, because the people whom you hope will see through the bandits/nincompoops probably will, and as I've described, they'll probably be the ones to show up and show how it should really be done.

Also, if you express your ideology/social contract clearly in the section (of my above linked dedication) which I invite you to, and couple this with an expressed wish that everyone will follow that guideline, I think that might best vouchsafe your moral rights. This is because your expressed wishes will be coupled with the full risk of your gamble that people might abuse their rights and go against your wishes--and when they do, and when they topple as a consequence, so much better the lesson of experience both for them and for bystanders.

(And so much the better your right to get up and say "I told you so!--" although I hope you would let bitter experience punish people enough, without adding ridicule to defeat.)

Seriously, please freely adapt the Public Domain Dedication which I have written and linked above--who would not want to read something that so joyfully thumbs its nose at so many restrictions, if I may say so? Yeah, maybe some would write it off as simply loony. But folks who are inclined to write you off are going to do that anyway, whatever you do.

All of the above is why I think a Public Domain dedication is the best option. It would necessarily have to exclude everything you've made use of which is e.g. under copyleft/copyright models: I would just put all of your work in the Public Domain.

I have urgent legal advice for Invictus, which I will email or message to you privately.

[Asides: I'm inclined to agree with you that so many ideas around intellectual copyright are silly, btw, and this stunner of an article was among such things as began to persuade me thus:

I might make exceptions for the idea of copyright of general creative, non-mathematical works, but, for anything mathematical (which is all software), I'm inclined to think because strictly and literally, all software is zeros and ones (or in the case of qubits, possibly any other number base system), it cannot and should not be copywriteable. Intel was laughed at for attempting to copyright the number 8086, but at the logical, literal, final express form of software, too many people copyright large numbers.]

BitShares PTS / Re: OpenCL GPU miner opensource (for AMD cards)
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:15:40 am »
What setting need type to poolmining?

This does not mine (it does not connect to any pools). It is a prototype (benchmark) compile with source code. The freely available code is begging to be integrated into a full-blown miner. (Please see the thread I link to in my second post in this thread.)

General Discussion / Re: hello and paper wallet question
« on: January 10, 2014, 11:37:56 pm » has an option to generate PTS addresses (and many other cryptocurrencies).

This tool which I announced here--

-- can help you quickly get a secure passphrase-generated PTS address via

You can use a "brain wallet," which can be made by generating an address from a secure passphrase. Write down and store the passphrase someplace (ideally many places) secure. In my opinion, this is the most secure way to control deposits and addresses, as it doesn't even have to rely on (potentially corruptible and/or theft-targeted) computer data storage.

Strictly, all you need is that passphrase to regenerate the public address (key), with the corresponding private key that controls it. (You should never give your private key to anyone). Simply send funds to that generated public address (you don't even have to have a data wallet to do that--as you are actually announcing the deposit to network nodes, who record it into the blockchain). When you get or use a data wallet, you can import the private key to gain control over the funds at the address.

Here's a tool I coded (and announced here) that can help you come up with a great passphrase:

Here are tutorials about importing private keys:

The adage gets a bit stretched when it comes to digital theft; especially if you never planed to buy the movie if you couldn't down load it...but I'm sure some folks download vs bought.

Refusing to engage in commerce on the basis of refusing to give others their due (or, more accurately, insisting on getting something for nothing) = greed = same driving principle (often) behind theft = same diff. I don't see a difference, and I don't think that's stretching it.

BitShares PTS / Re: arCUDAminer 64 bit - PTS GPU miner for Windows
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:48:51 pm »
Speed report, feature request, and fix report:

GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2x (two cards) init string:
Code: [Select]
arCUDAminer_highperf.exe -o -u myUsername.myWorkername 1 -p x -m sse4
~320 c/m; but it would be ~640 c/m if it recognized both cards (GPU activity only spikes on CUDA device 0). How do I tell it to use the second card? Maybe that's a needed command-line option (with supporting program logic? :/

Thanks! Sending donation, and more will be forthcoming from mining results (on top of the 20 rounds/day this mines).

At first run attempt it threw a missing .dll error. I fixed that by installing "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012;" from here:

archit, I suggest you update the OP to state/link to that requirement (and/or compile in/distribute whatever supporting .dlls it requires). I installed the x86 and x64 variants (not sure if this requires either/both).

[I swear I read a post by someone else who got the same .dll error? I think installing that vcrdist will fix it.]

BitShares PTS / Re: OpenCL GPU miner opensource (for AMD cards)
« on: January 10, 2014, 09:06:25 pm »
Dunno. Maybe you need to install the AMD App SDK and/or the newest driver for your card?

BitShares PTS / Re: OpenCL GPU miner opensource (for AMD cards)
« on: January 10, 2014, 07:30:09 pm »
After I installed both of the following, I was able to run a benchmark: re

This seems to run really great collision rates on AMD hardware, with the following initialization strings/resulting rates:

For an ATI Radeon HD 580 as device 1:
Code: [Select]
momentum_gpu.exe -m 288 -d 1 -b 2Result:
Code: [Select]
2 repeats, average 507.5ms, 865.645 col/m
For an AMD Radeon HD 78 as device 0:
Code: [Select]
momentum_gpu.exe -m 288 -d 0 -b 1Result:
Code: [Select]
1 repeats, average 906ms, 377.754 col/m
Am I smoking weed? This would be a combined average 1243.399 col/m on commonly available GPU cards. Those are great figures, aren't they?

Three mugs O' beer finally sent :)

An excellent passphrase is crucial in order to secure anything important (and which can be secured by a passphrase, e.g. a Keyhotee Profile/ID).

To more easily create such passphrases, I coded the following:

Feel free, anyone, to hork it and work it up wherever you will, for whatever purpose (all of the javascript can be viewed simply by bringing up the page source in a web browser).

I discovered only after coding this that this has perhaps been been better done by others--I had searched around for a tool like this, but of course only found what I was looking for after bothering to code this. Still, this helps suit my purposes.

About my nickname: This (abc123) is the only account I have on this site, I registered it only to search posts on this bbs about 50 days ago, and I doesn't think that I will post a topic one day then. Now, I think abc123 is a very rare nickname, which can't be get on most site, so I decide to use it.

Ya gotcha self a deal, Cap'n . . . if I can figure the heck out how to build a release version . . . :)

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