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(译注: 这是monsterer以及shentist的100%受托人竞选帖, 原帖的标题是” [MetaExchange] 100%支付率受托人竞选帖!”. 不过他们的100%受托人已经当选了, 而且根据内文第一释出版已经完成了50%)

这是MetaExchange的100%支付率受托人拉票帖. 受托人账号是:


MetaExchange是一个网站, 设计用来将进入比特股世界的门坎降低到0. 它会透过以下方式来达成目标:
* 提供点对点 (p2p)的入金管道给BTS, bitUSD以及其他主要的比特股资产.
* 作为一个网络钱包, 允许人们开始接触比特股, 但是不需要去下载客户端, 等待几个小时的同步只为了一探究竟.
* 提供一个成熟的交易接口以及市场浏览器, 形式就类似于forex/比特币交易商

我的真名是Paul Firth, 我已经再c++软件开发专业超过10年. 在这个计划里, 我和Shentist结为伙伴, 由他来帮助我形塑MetaExchange的样貌并提供我注册受托人的资金.

我也经营了一个关于软件开发的部落格: 以及一个位于英国的股份有限公司 (Wildbunny).

我的真名是Frank Ahrens, 我负责软件支援. 我很高兴Paul和我能够找到一种方式来将我们共同的愿景用于帮助比特股. 在这个计划里我会帮助愿景的形塑以及处理法律以及商业部分的事务.

* 第一释出版将会是一个比特股市场浏览器, 允许用户来浏览市场以及资产, 就像是任何交易者在比特币交易所都会用到的界面.
* 第二释出版将会加入点对点入金系统, 允许用户来挂买/卖单来将BTS以及其他主要比特股资产对比特币交易. 在这个系统里, Metaexchange将会作为第三方托管代理商来帮助安全的点对点 (对比特币)交易.
* 第三释出版将会是一个网页钱包, 并在点对点交易所中加入对法币的入金服务, 这个服务很可能会是跟Fidor Bank AG (译注: 德国的一间银行,合作.

点对点交易所有许多巨大的优势, 例如可以提供一种容易的方式给比特股用户来获得大量的BTS或资产, 而不用直接影响市场. 我们也不会保管任何私钥, 因为我们深深地相信用户资金的安全十分重要.

MetaExchange目前正利用业余的时间进行开发, 但是这样的方式很难有足够的时间来积极开发, 这就是为什么我们正竞选以争取100%受托人. 我估计我们目前大约完成了第一释出版的50%.



作为结语, 我们要说的是我们真的无法在没有你们支持的情况下完成这个计划. 我们需要你们的选票! 谢谢你们的关心.

Paul aka monster / Frank aka Shentist.

注:  以下是一些开发中的产品的截图:

svk & monsterer...  我期望你们可以迈向建立一个通用的开源码基础.
这将会非常的有用, 如果monsterer可以产生一个开源码的”网关”节点来达成以下事情:

1) 当透过一笔BTC交易获得了X数量的BTC并经过了N次确认, 就连同交易发送等量的MEBTC到签署交易者之一的公钥.
2) 当Y数量的MEBTC被接受, 送出等量的BTC给这笔交易中支付的账号.

假设这个产品会是一个独立的服务 (daemon)来和bitcoind和bitshares_client进行沟通.
我认为如果你们是由BTS持股人支付薪水, 那么你们就应该把产品开源码. BTS持股人会从这样的开源码产品中获益最多, 而像是MetaExchang这样的服务是基于声誉以及网络效应之上, 因此无法被轻易复制.

听起来很容易, 但是问题是什么是MEBTC?

MEBTC是一个用户发行资产, 给MetaExchange使用的...是一种IOU资产. 它将会大大地帮助新用户的加入.
IOUBTC是一种可以用来1:1兑换BTC的方式, 中间没有价差 (如果不算中间IO发行者收取的小额的手续费的话), 而BitBTC则是因为流动性的议题所以有价差.
IOUBTC VS BitBTC的市场将会帮助BitBTC流动性的增加, 并提供类似的好处给相对的喂价, 但是IOUBTC会比较需要对于IOU发行者的信任.

好的, 我被你说服了 - 这应该相当容易. 我将会将这个列为第一优先
第二释出版将会是透过人跟人之间配对的比特币/比特资产出入金服务, 因此在metaexchange中的’跨链’是透过第三方托管服务达成.

原作者: monsterer

 HackFisher: 自从上次的状态更新之后, 我们很快地有许多进展:
1.      释出分红以及快照的细节
2.      更清晰的计划以及愿景
3.      网站正在建立
4.      钱包的开发以及区块链协议的制定正稳定地进行中
5.      和许多游戏内容供货商, 发行商, 以及风投保持联系, 并从中学习很多
6.      另一间公司正加入比特股Play计划的愿景当中, 并作为一个非常重要的伙伴: 市场营销, 商业开发, 法律等事务
7.      有几位全职成员要介绍给大家:
logxing: 协助管理, 以及和中文社区的沟通
cristoffer: 协助和英文社区的沟通, 论坛, 月报等等.
8.      Lora的工作内容比较像是游戏内容的提供 (CP, content provide)以及游戏生态系统的沟通, 而不只是设计师
Bm: 第三方托管的操作已经通过了基础测试. Drltc正在努力于加入更多第三方托管的回归测试 ( 支持, 但是目前看来0.4.25应该是可以预期的目标.

Crazybit: 多重签名 (multi-sig)也会在0.4.25加入吗?
Bm: 会

Xeroc: 下一次发布或许将会是一次重大的里程碑…+5%
svk: 恭喜toast   (译注: 关于toast获得选票进入101受托人)
以及给他3千八百万股的人们 (后略)
bm: 我想要向社区投票给toast的人们表示感谢, 你们投票给了他而中间我并未插手. 我想很重要的是大家认识到toast得到了这样的成果, 中间并没有任何”内线”的帮忙
bluebit: 或许是因为我们还没有尝试接触女性族群 (译注:原文在讨论为何社区内会都是男的). 这就是为什么社区内90%以上都是男的. 我提议可以将论坛的颜色从蓝色改为粉红色, 加上几朵花来看看效果如何
cass: 有何不可 就这么办;all
FYI: 驻列式DPOS货币: Qointum

Edilliam: 刚刚无意间找到的:
上面说他将会使用驻列式DPOS…不过我才正开始阅读上面的技术性文件. 有任何想法吗?

Toast: 我猜可能是python实现的智能合约. 如果是那样的方式lua或是JS都会好得多.
不过这句话听起来不错: “由最多通过审核的受托人的区块链来核可简化过的支付验证 (SPV, simplified payment varification)”.
或许我们应该请他们上一次开发者mumble会议? Fuzz你说呢?

Toast: 请联络作者来跟BM讨论QDPOS! 我确信双方都将获益


Bitshares have cought a lot of attentions in the crypto currency industry in four months since it was online . Now , Bitshares is at the forth place at valued roughly 42 million USD market cap .  To a large extent ,Bitshares got the favour of the market is because of the limitless potential for application of the BitAssets such as BitCNY and BitUSD etc . BitCNY and BitUSD have both the same high-speed transaction , trust-less features as Bitcoin , in addition, BitAssets have  stability as the fiat they are pegged to . These features are essential to payment system . Once it applies at a large scale , it would completely remove the obstacles for crypto currencies to be used in payment system . As the original issuer of BitCNY and BitUSD , the market cap of Bitshares would be redefined by that .

As a matter of fact , the market had already valued the importance of BitAssets . When Bitshares was first online , BitAssets was still under development , the practicability was still unproven . Back then the price of BTS was floating between 0.04-0.08 CNY . The watershed of the BTS price happened when BitAssets was brought online , Bitshares rose from 0.06CNY to 0.3489CNY at a couple of days . Although the practicability of BitAssets have been proven , and yet like all new born things , BitAssets weren't perfect at first , so the application of BitAssets like BitCNY was hard to promote . The market once again sent it's signal with the price , the recent drop of Bitshares said that already .

Luckily , for months the inner-market exchange rules for BitAssets have been improved greatly , recently , our DacSun team studied the new rules with great length , we deemed that the essential conditions for BitAsssets to be successful are already there , it's about time for massive promotion of BitAssets like BitCNY and BitUSD . Here are the reasons :

1 ) We like to use BitCNY as an example . The zero cost for shorting BitCNY at the first stage has changed , now shorting BitCNY should pay interest to the long position , the interest rate will be determined by the supply and demand from the market . This rule has solved the situation of huge one-way selling pressure of BitCNY . Because if the selling pressure are higher , the interest pay by the short position would be higher too , that would decrease the demand for shorting . It also means that the long position can get more interest so the buying pressure would be higher . This rule has balanced the buy and sell side of BitCNY and lead to a more robust market .

2)BitCNY short position will no longer be indefinite . For now the shorter need to buy back their BitCNY within a month . The monthly cover makes BitCNY more easily goes back to a balanced position as it's fiat value .

It's not just us who sees that , many senior members of the Chinese community have acutely aware of the changes , some of them have already made explicit plan to be the market maker and exchange for BitCNY just to gave it a final boost for its success . For that , we DacSun team deeply appreciate their efforts , we believe soon there  will be BitCNY market makers and exchanges , and that would be important .

We the DacSun team have no doubt in the success of BitCNY . Of course the massive adoption of BitCNY will not happen for no reason , we hope every member of the Bitshares community can stick together and joint their effort for the payment application of BitCNY after the plan bring online. Of course , we the Dacsun team will do our part as well to offer incentive and support for the promotion by community members . We will also use all our media resources to help the promotion of BitAssets .

We hope within three months we can see the effective application of BitCNY . A little spark may kindle a great fire , the torch has already been lighted up , let us change the world .

The original Chinese post is here :

如果我们允许比特股客户端/钱包内的第三方应用, 那么许多需要中心化运营的服务将会更容易借此实施并且更为用户友善. 举例来说:
-任何运行网关的人 (兑换真实BTC<->IOUBTC)可以发布应用程序, 对此网关感兴趣的用户可以安装此应用并在客户端内将BTC转换为IOU.
- 赠币的服务可以运行一个参照的程序, 让用户可以用它的应用程序来兑换参照程序的优惠券, 或是产生新的优惠券来分享给朋友.  而这一切都在比特股客户端里进行.

- 第三方代理商可以有专门面向自己的服务的应用程序.
- 还有许多其它简单的使用案例, 像是进阶区块浏览器,  市场图表, 等等.
另外的好处是-这会允许客户端尽可能轻盈, 在预设情况下只会有基本的钱包功能, 可以用来注册帐号以及转移资金, 而且他进阶用户所需的功能则可以透过安装应用程序获得, 比如说市场的GUI就可以是一个额外的应用程序.
而在稍后当类似于以太的脚本语言实施完成之后, 同样的应用程序架构可以可以用于区块链的DAPPs之间的互动.

我们需要一个可信的团体来让这一切成为可能, 首先应该要有应用程序的套件库, 其二则是需要让这些应用程序能够接触到私钥, 因此这会是牵涉到很大的安全上的议题. 我建议受托人应该成为为apps负责的团体: 受托人负责发布喂价以及工具组版本. 应用程序的清单可以用json格式发布, 每个应用程序的条目包含了下载网址, API网址 (如果这个app需要跟中心化的服务沟通的话), 检查码以及版本号(如果版本有更新, 客户端会自动升级).
技术上来说, 一个应用程序就是一个Angular.js模组-也就是由html以及js档案组成的套件.  比特股客户端下载这些模组, 验证检查码以及签名, 并将其以Angular模组插入.
不同种类的应用程序需要不同昂的规则, 举例来说, 如果一个应用不需要接触到wallet_* rpc 呼叫, 它可能只需要一个受托人就可以发布, 而需要使用到这些呼叫的则需要10个以上的受托人来发布. 如果要撤销一个应用程序, 受托人只需要停止发布即可-比特股客户端将会在套件库里面把这个应用标注为撤销.  DPOS再次地给予比特股庞大的优势来超越其它平台.


原作者: Valzav (比特股开发者之一)




Zach是一位技巧丰富的可用性工程师, 他对于Namecoin,  去中心化的DNS以及ID具有相当的热情. 任何关心区块链+网络架构的人应该都知道他是谁.
我正支用剩余的私有DNS资金加上一些我自己的钱来让Zach来到VA进行为期一周的试用工作, 时间预计在一月上旬, 情况就类似于当初dbrock以及drltc的时候.
这一周的试用期将会有酬劳, 他大概会做一些关于我们的钱包可用性当中的一些相对容易的部份. 但是此行真正的目的在于看看我们是否在哲学观点上能够彼此融洽, 并一起脑力激荡来找出能让我们持续支持Zach,  并让比特股从中获益, 并找出实现去中心化DNS的过程当中我们将要完成的事项.

请不要为此太过兴奋, 当中仍然有各种不同的可能性存在.  但是可能性当中包含了让Namecoin的核心开发者来为比特股DNS侧链工作, 为此让我们一起善待Zach =D


原作者: toast



General Discussion / What do you think about my new price feed mechanism ?
« on: November 21, 2014, 04:04:53 am »
What do you think about my new price feed mechanism ?
By Alt

The status quo is that the price feed is rely on the external market , so the inner-market has no weight in the price , that is not fair .

But which market should have the real weight ? I think it can't be calculated by a program . So , we should let the delegates decide the weight value , and the final price feed should be calculated by the respective weight value .

I'm planing on offering five markets to weight in : inner-market USD price , inner-market CNY price , BTC38 , Yunbi , Bter .
Further more , the price of each market will continue to choose the sampling of intermediate value , because if we rely on volume it would be more easy to manipulate .

The numbers for sampling points should be decided by the individual delegates as well .

How about that ?

I have 2 computers with the following situation:
1. a personal desktop running BTS wallet 24/7, but it doesn't have a public IP
2. a VPS also running BTS wallet 24/7, but does not want to revel its IP since it is running other servces.

but I do want to help others get blocks synced ASAP, and I found the slowliness is one of the major reasons that would scare away newbies first time using BTS wallet. So I wonder if there is any way that I can be a seed node without public IP/IP revealed?


在持续前进而后又下线了一段时间之后, 在和Cass一起付出许多小时之下, 我很高兴地宣布: (重装上阵!)已经上线了! 新的网站更为简洁, 更加聚焦在我们的核心业务, 更优雅也更易懂. 我希望你们会喜欢.

而我还要说, Cass不只是我所见过最努力的人, 在你所见的成果背后他也是非常聪颖的艺术家以及设计师. 同时他也克服了某些私人领域中极为困难的状况, 才能够如此牺牲地将工作快速完成. 谢谢你CASS! 衷心感谢你.

感谢bytemaster和市场行销人员进行了长时间的会议来深入探讨这个问题: 什么是比特股? 为此我一再地询问在VA投入于此的开发者们. 感谢大伙. 后续的工作还有很多, 但是这个网站让我们首度看到了一个更新, 更有意义, 更高相关性以及更有目的的比特股.

请不要客气, 请大家帮忙找出编辑上的缺失或是任何我们忽略的东西. 并且请提供建设性的批评, 我们会十分感激. 在未来几周之内, 网站将会增加更多页面, 因此目前所呈现的是核心而非全貌. 请享受!


原作者: MktDirector

Newest changes for Bitshares Play whitepaper(additional information)
by Hackfisher

Nearly all value creating comes from the basic needs of humans. As for the gaming fields which Bitshares Play is dedicated to, the needs of game players can be divided into several classes: one is based upon risk-reward or luck, which is focused on reward. The other one is the need for entertainment and a sense of achievement, which is more like consumption or social activity.

Based on these two kinds of needs, different types of games were developed. The extreme example for the first kind is gambling games. There are different feelings toward gambling games in different countries and cultures.  One view is that humans are not perfect thus this kind of need should be suppressed, another view would be to trust the technology that a free market has to offer .

As a decentralized network and technology, Bitshares PLAY doesn't need to care about the different views of values. But as a game platform and DAC, different design would affect the games it should support. The major goal for Bitshares PLAY is to connect the game community and crypto community though technological innovation, so the conflict with different views of values should not be a task for us to care or solve.  So, we choose to support games for consumption and entertainment purposes instead of supporting gambling games.

We choose a one-way exchange model instead of a two-way built-in exchange, especially for on-chain games. That means the system can only trade PLS for game CHIPS (all coin or prop in games ) under present prices, not vice-versa. The income for selling CHIPS will give one part to the game providers, the other part belongs to the system. The price of CHIP from an on-chain game will depend on the total sold value and the total supply of CHIP.

On the other hand, the second hand game-props market still exists between players by the P2P model. The system will automatically match the buyer and seller to enhance efficiency. This kind of automatic exchange model is one of the advantages of a DAC compared to the traditional off-line trading platform. This kind of market model can help the circulation for goods and consumption, protect the interest for the plays, and promote the trading volume for the game providers. Some of the traditional platforms like Steam can do the same thing, but the transparency and trustless mechanism of a DAC is better.

At this point, we can see the model in Bitshares PLAY becomes to simplify and unify, and to be a decentralized game mall and second-hand game props market. The games in the game mall have on-chain and off-chain games, the difference depends on how the price will be set and if it's based on trust. On-chain games refer to those rules and economic models that exist on the blockchain.  The pricing model is based on income history and the current supply amount . On the other hand, the pricing model for off-chain games is solely decided by the game provider, the value of the game coins is determined by the credits of the provider, the DAC would set a reputation system to prevent fraud. Even compared to the traditional games, the advantage of a DAC unmanned company is huge. These advantages include no middleman (meaning lower risk, lower cost), transparency, openness and a degree of automation.

For mass adoption we need a traditional platform like PeerTracks for Music. is such a platform. Like we said before, this kind of platform is just a node in the decentralized network of DAC, just like BitPay for Bitcoin. Everyone can build such platform, the network itself is decentralized and basic on open protocol. PLAY would prefer a model like BitPay to solve the volatility issue instead of a BitUSD model. These two models have different advantages and disadvantages. The reason for to choose the BitPay model is that it's easy to spread and understand. As for future plans, it would not be difficult to change to a BitUSD model after it matures as long as we keep flexibility.

Thanks for Gulu, Clar, HeyD, Boombastic 's contribution for this article.

translated by cn-members  (may be not translated well enough, if something's wrong, let me know)
English text and grammer polished by mira .
the original Chinese post is :

General Discussion / Bitshares Play dev Hackfisher is on mumble now
« on: November 15, 2014, 04:06:19 pm »
Bitshares Play dev Hackfisher is on mumble now    +5%

Label:  BeyondBitcoin
Port: 2077
Username: "Your Forum Handle Here"
Pass:  w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3


The Chinese board complied several technical questions (including some suggestions), with good English translations .
Haven't got the chance to ask you on mumble .
One of the question is from ALT , related to one of his big business plan in China .

Maybe you can edit the replies directly with your admin power to add some answers on the replies , that's how we're providing translation to the people .

You can do that when you're available . Thanks .

Notification from Vikram Rajkumar , developer of the BTS .

All exchanges should rename BTSX to BTS on their site  , and their API to access BTSX wallet should change to BTS as well after the hard-fork.

For example , the API below is for transferring assets out :
  transfer <amount_to_transfer> <asset_symbol> <from_account_name> <to_account_name> [memo_message] [vote_method]

In the old days , exchanges would use the api to transfer BTSX like this :
transfer <amount_to_transfer> <BTSX> <from_account_name> <to_account_name> [memo_message] [vote_method]

After the hard-fork , the exchanges should use the api to transfer BTS like this :
transfer <amount_to_transfer> <BTS> <from_account_name> <to_account_name> [memo_message] [vote_method]

Users who need to immediately use the client will need to change their calls to the API to use BTS instead of BTSX. Users who can wait until the next release may need to make no changes, as the next release may accept the symbol "BTSX" again for compatibility.

来自BTS开发者 Vikram Rajkumar的通知:

转账各种资产用的API是:  transfer <amount_to_transfer> <asset_symbol> <from_account_name> <to_account_name> [memo_message] [vote_method]

在以前,利用这个API转账BTSX,是transfer <amount_to_transfer> <BTSX> <from_account_name> <to_account_name> [memo_message] [vote_method]

在硬分叉发生后,转账BTS使用的API是transfer <amount_to_transfer> <BTS> <from_account_name> <to_account_name> [memo_message] [vote_method]


Afraid you can't read Chinese ?
Afraid you can't speak Chinese ?

Chinese users afraid no one can see what they are talking about ?

Well , not any more .

The Chinese sub-board is gonna provide translation by moderator cn-members .
The moderator account would directly edit your post and add the translation , English-Chinese , Chinese - English .
There are already some posts written in Chinese adding English translation as we speak .

Of course , to make it easy for the moderator , please keep the information as neat as possible .



如:钱包下载下来运行马上崩溃了,我用的是Windows 7 64位,开发者能不能多测试一下再发布? (评:给开发者提供了具体信息,很好。)

如:根本不好用。      (评:看完都不知道你想说啥,不是浪费大家时间吗?)

All issues related to the wallet in the Chinese board please post in here , there will be translation provided , and we will notify the developers .

中文 (Chinese) / [英文區情報] John Underwood造訪
« on: November 08, 2014, 04:27:19 am »
译注: John Underwood就是这里提到的Sun Microsystems Australia前任CEO

Stan: 以下的这几位我想你们将会在未来一年起经常看到他们.  John Underwood是一位造诣深厚的澳洲企业家, 目前位在菲律宾, 而他近来花费了几天跟我们一起待在Virginia.

他有个宏大的计划, 是关于要把我们的科技延伸到汇款产业. 你们会喜欢这个计划的.

John Underwood: 大家好.

我很高兴透露我们的存在, 在我花了整整两天拜访了Dan, Stan以及团队之后, 许多的想法涌现心头…

我觉得这些人实在, 谦虚, 自信, 以及果断. 很清楚地我们可以和坦率的人们有一段真诚的关系.

这里有务实以及竞争, 并且最终以可达成的目标开花结果.

这里流露出的尊重, 耐心以及想法, 一再地超出我的期待.

我们将会定期发布文章以解释我们的计划, 但是在这里我可以这么说: 我们花了将近一年的时间来到目前的境地, 我们是经验丰富并且聚焦在执行面的, 而首先也最重要的是我们必须要相信一个商业模式加上适当的科技将会大大地成长并主宰汇款产业.

我们打算要建立一个长期的团队, 而我们对于如何让事情发生也有清楚的了解.因此, 选择这项技术以及这个团队对我们来说是重大的决定, 因为这必须要能够为我们将来的事业提供支持.

我们很高兴能够跟Dan, 团队以及社区一起努力来实现我们的目标, 并且我们未来也将会待在这里, 一起并肩奋战并建造更好的软件, 以期拖展比特股平台的潜能.

请保持关注, 我们将和你们一起努力, 而这会是一个非常严肃的事业的开始.

John Underwood (也就是ID underwun)


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