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Topics - Harvey

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EOS (Enterprise Operation System)


以现有的应用程序比如交易所和社交媒体为例,这些应用每天为数百万用户提供服务,每秒平均需处理的事件高达数十万条。作为一个区块链操作系统,如果同时支撑多个此类应用程序的, 系统需要达到更高的性能才可以。 假设有上千个应用程序,每个应用程序每秒处理一千个事件,这就要求底层操作系统每秒能够处理数百万次的事件。



开发一个好的应用程序,需要从设计一开始就重点考虑用户体验。 因此,技术底层平台也必须做到对开发人员友好,而不是期望开发人员来适应某些技术的限制和特殊性。 EOS设计了一个类似于Facebook公司所创建的现代网站开发架构,大大简化了区块链应用程序的开发难度。EOS区块链系统可支持我们能想到的绝大多数商业应用场景。


EOS的结构就像有一组人和机器人脚本,他们之间不断交换着信息。 它可以被认为是一个电子邮件系统,每个用户和机器人都在这个邮件系统里有一个邮件地址。像电子邮件一样,邮件具有发件人,接收者和抄送者。 也像电子邮件一样,邮件在发送出去以后,不一定能保证投递成功。 消息投递成功意味着接收方接受到消息并根据智能合约触发相应处理。不同于电子邮件的是,EOS里的收件人和被抄送人有能力拒收消息,在这种情况下邮件会传递失败。EOS的区块链是一个透明和永久的消息记录系统,记录了EOS系统内部所有传递成功的消息。


由脚本或机器人生成的消息首先作为“未传递的消息”包含在块链中,并在所有收件人接受它们之后再被标记为传递成功。 之所以把还未传递成功的消息记录到区块链中,是为了便于与其他区块链的通信。这将允许EOS上的应用程序与其他区块链上运行的应用程序进行交互和操作。


EOS架构可以同时支持多种编程语言。 EOS将首先支持Wren和Web Assembly,但它也可以支持任何其他合适的高性能sandboxed语言。




EOS使得大规模分布式应用程序得以相互通信,这是在之前底层区块链平台上不可能实现的。 构建在EOS的分布式应用程序,不光用户可以相互导流,而且这些分布式应用程序还可以给彼此提供区块链相关服务。

Hi everyone,

I try to set up an RPC server with BTS 0.9.1 GUI on Mac OS 10.8.5.
The GUI client works just fine, but the RPC server does not response my HTTP POST.

It seems that it I have to build it from source code by myself.
By following the instructions given in this link:

During make, I get the following errors
Code: [Select]
Scanning dependencies of target api
[ 51%] Building CXX object libraries/fc/CMakeFiles/api.dir/tests/api.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable api
ld: file too small (length=0) file 'vendor/udt4/libudt.a' for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [libraries/fc/api] Error 1
make[1]: *** [libraries/fc/CMakeFiles/api.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Someone maybe get the same errors before, it would be really appreciated if anybody could provide suggestions.
My environment is Mac OS 10.8.5, Xcode 5.1.1.

If you have built a BTS 0.9.1 without GUI on Mac, maybe I can use your build on my computer.
Thanks a lot.

Technical Support / The CALL Price in 0.9.1
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:13:39 pm »
It seems that the Call price of short orders is calculated in different manner in 0.9.1.

My short order was filled at the price of 0.020356 BitCNY/BTS.

I own the exchange 2035.607 BitCNY, which is backed by 200,000 BTS from me + 100,000 BTS from the opponent.

According to the rule in 0.9.0, the call price of my short order should be
     1.5* 2035.607 / (200,000 + 100,000) = 0.010178 BitCNY/BTS.

However, in 0.9.1, the CALL price displays as 0.013571 BitCNY/BTS.

Is this a bug of GUI, or the calculation of Call price of short order does change?

Technical Support / Trading engine- problem solved
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:29:43 am »
I have two shorts filled this morning, but the filled price is higher than my price limit:

400,000 BTS  price limit: 0.032 CNY
400,000 BTS price limit: 0.03 CNY

I notice the lowest filled price is 0.016006*2, which is higher than my highest price limit 0.032 CNY

Besides, I got the exactly same problem in the prior version 0.7*.
It seems that this issue has't been fixed in the current version.

Did anyone else get the similar problem?

Code: [Select]


Technical Support / Problem of importing PTS wallet file
« on: January 22, 2015, 04:43:17 pm »
I tried to import PTS wallet file to check the allocation of my share in the BTS v0.5.1 .

However, the BTS client reports error after I import one wallet file:

             "*account_name == blockchain_account_record->name: That key already belongs to a registered account with a different name! "

Then I try to import the same wallet file into the account given in the error message.
Unfortunately, the same error occurs. This time, the Key was reported to belong to the first account! :(

It seems that the keys in the PTS wallet file were registered in both of the BTS account A and BTS account B. Therefore, whenever I import the wallet into either A or B, the same error will occur.   

Someone probably encounter the similar problem.
Any suggestions will be really appreciated. 

DevShares / Fund loss after upgrade to 0.5.0
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:41:10 am »
I upgraded to dev 0.5.0 and found the loss of 10 millions DVS from my accounts.
Even stranger, four delegates of mine, which were registered in the dev 0.4.28 and ranked in the top of list, disappear in the delegates list of the client of dev 0.5.0.

Is there a new blockchain used in the 0.5.0 instead of the old one existed in 0.4.28?

Keyhotee / Check this out, another encryped email system
« on: May 21, 2014, 05:03:50 am »
"CERN Scientists Launch Encrypted Email Service With a Difference"

The official website

科技的创新十分迅速, 在电子货币领域尤其如此: 从第一代货币到第二代货币的演变; 从PoW物理挖矿 再到PoS虚拟挖矿的革新.

在DAC项目中, 我们见证着同样神奇的创新速度.
3I 现任CEO, Daniel Larimer, 在最新的白皮书中提出一个虚拟挖矿机制 (Delegated Proof-of-Stake):
    在未来的 Bitshare X网络, 将由所有 BTS持有者 投票选举出 100个“虚拟矿池”.
    这100个“虚拟矿池”将承担着发布数据块的工作, 同时又权利获取全网交易费的10%作为维护网络的回报. 

虽然PoS虚拟矿机挖矿的概念早在 点点币Peercoin 中就提出了.
但3I现在这个机制把 原PoS虚拟矿机 成功推广到 “虚拟矿池” 的概念:
如果大家把自己手上的BTS 都投票到一个节点, 使得这个节点成为 100个“虚拟矿池”其中之一.
一旦这个节点有权产生数据块, 它也能获得相应的交易费作为回报.
那所有参与投票的人可以按比例分配到收益. 这个过程和 使用PoW物理矿机参与矿池挖矿是一样的.
同时成功组织/维护这个 “虚拟矿池” 的人也获取到适量的补偿.

俗话说 有DAC江湖的地方就有龙门.
龙门客栈经过过去几个月的发展壮大, 已经成为DAC领域一股中坚力量.
为了维护DAC 社区的长久利益 同时也是谋求自身的发展, 龙门客栈有意在未来BTS"虚拟矿池"中占有一席之地.
这个“虚拟矿池”项目会独立运作并被称为 龙门矿业.

龙门矿业 将致力于未来 Bitshare X 网络的 “虚拟矿池” 事业.
期待BTS界 众英雄豪杰的加入, 以图大事. Q群 328671366 .


近日其官方表示考虑在未来的 BitShares 系统中采用纯POS机制维持整个网络.

技术的更替是十分迅速的, 传统POW与新兴POS谁将主宰未来的电子货币网络?

换言之: BTS+PPC (POS驱动) v.s. MSC+BTC (POW驱动), 谁会胜出?

 我有了自己的答案, 你呢?

中文 (Chinese) / 龙门客栈 杨帆启航
« on: November 22, 2013, 08:50:27 pm »
悄悄的进村 打枪的不要~

'募集PTS 投资DACs' 活动 今日落下帷幕.

参加了的好汉们 陆续来到我们的根据地 龙门客栈 共谋大事.


期待 龙门客栈 能在未来的DACs投资中扮演一个重要的角色.


中文 (Chinese) / Harvey老狼-居然还有中文子版块 mark一下
« on: November 05, 2013, 10:27:36 am »
之前一直觉得 Ripple 将会是挑战 BTC 地位的主要选手.  现在看来 Bitshare (Opensource 版的Ripple) 才是王道啊.

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