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Messages - arubi

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General Discussion / Re: BitShares X 0.4.15 Mandatoty Update
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:22:35 pm »
Code: [Select]
:~/bitsharesx# git checkout 0.4.15
error: pathspec '0.4.15' did not match any file(s) known to git.

The branch name is v0.4.15.

Don't forget to git pull first.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X 0.4.15 Mandatoty Update
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:03:25 pm »
I tried rescan to recover the transactions in the gui, but nothing changed.
i'd call it display bug ...

go to "console" and type "wallet_account_transaction_history" ... you'll see your transactions
Exactly. The command line client shows the tx's. The GUI client doesn't, even after running wallet_account_transaction_history in the gui's console.

I'll wait for a bugfix.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X 0.4.15 Mandatoty Update
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:36:58 pm »
Ubuntu server 14.04.1 32bit.

Compiled and running with no errors.
Command line client shows correct balance and transaction history.

GUI wallet shows correct balance, but no transaction history.
At the lock screen, a message about a mandatory upgrade is appearing.
At the accounts section, the message "This account is not voting with some of its stake..." appears above all accounts with balance in them.

I tried rescan to recover the transactions in the gui, but nothing changed.

General Discussion / Re: Possible Solution To Keyloggers
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:37:09 pm »
Not sure how this helps.
If your computer is compromised, it won't matter how strong your password is or how you input it...

It definitely matters how you input the password. If my computer is compromised with a keylogger and the hacker gets my wallet file, he still won't be able to access it due to the wallet being secured with a strong password.

If someone can run a keylogger on your computer, he can certainly run anything else like software to capture images from the camera.

Anyway, he doesn't even need to do that. Once the wallet is in an unlocked state, he can just transfer any funds to his own account..

This isn't how hacking works. The hacker doesn't literally have complete control over your computer (in most all real world cases). The malicious code would likely:

a) Search for and send the wallet .json file.
b) Log keystrokes and send log every X days.

While it's technically possible to log video, it's nowhere near as common or easy to do.

All that aside though, using a QR code to log in would at the very least allow me to input a strong 100 character password in a user friendly way.

This is how "hacking" works today:

It's by no way harder or less common to spy on a webcam than to log the keyboard.
I agree a QR code can help you input a strong 100 characters password, but password strength is used against brute force attacks. Not against a hacker already in control of your setup.

General Discussion / Re: Possible Solution To Keyloggers
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:28:14 pm »
wouldnt it be like 2fa?

Nope, it's just letting the user input a password in a more secure way.

Could also do on-screen keyboard. All modern OS's have this, though I like the idea of some sort of non-typed input. Perhaps a third party add-on.

The problem with an on screen keyboard is I have to use a password I can hold in my memory and it can't be too difficult to type out.

QR code login:

a) Allows for LONG secure passwords
b) Keylogger resistant
c) User friendly (hold paper up to camera)

There's a chance that your webcam could be spied on as well, though, isn't there?

I use a password manager with copy-to-clipboard functionality. The password is never shown, and the clipboard is cleared after 10 seconds. Easy!

It doesn't even matter that the password is not shown. It's still being "typed" into the "unlock wallet" password field by the password manager software.
Also, you do input a master password to access the database, so someone could just log that and copy the database.

Point is, if the operating system is compromised, then there's no way to keep using it for anything.

** saw your edit, my point still holds

General Discussion / Re: Possible Solution To Keyloggers
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:19:12 pm »
Not sure how this helps.
If your computer is compromised, it won't matter how strong your password is or how you input it...

It definitely matters how you input the password. If my computer is compromised with a keylogger and the hacker gets my wallet file, he still won't be able to access it due to the wallet being secured with a strong password.

If someone can run a keylogger on your computer, he can certainly run anything else like software to capture images from the camera.

Anyway, he doesn't even need to do that. Once the wallet is in an unlocked state, he can just transfer any funds to his own account..

General Discussion / Re: Possible Solution To Keyloggers
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:09:45 pm »
Not sure how this helps.
If your computer is compromised, it won't matter how strong your password is or how you input it...

Technical Support / Re: Support Tipping Thread
« on: September 13, 2014, 11:19:32 am »
I've sent $10 to reddit account  moosapor for his 40 posts long support at reddit:

Code: [Select]
2014-09-13T10:22:06 PENDING   talktip.xeroc       arubi               10.0000 USD             reddit support                              0.50000 BTSX        5c322425


General Discussion / Re: Running BitSharesX in remote xterm (Xming)
« on: August 30, 2014, 07:48:01 am »
Yeah, that was htdocs param in config. Works great now  :)

Nice. As a side note, don't forget to secure your ssh server on the remote machine. That means no root access, setting a non-standard port, using public key authentication and if you're not going to access the server from a machine outside your network, bind the ssh server only to an internal address.

General Discussion / Re: Running BitSharesX in remote xterm (Xming)
« on: August 30, 2014, 12:06:50 am »
Got it with a different ssh client for Win. But now localhost:9999 returns a blank page with "Invalid RPC Request" only. Any further suggestions?

You need to have your htdocs folder in the same folder as bitshares_client

Oh yea, you have to edit config.json with the correct path to the htdocs folder.
By default it's set to something like ./htdocs, but you should enter a full path there. By default it's built within the /bitsharesx/programs/qt_wallet/htdocs folder.


This is what I currently have in my ~/.BitsharesX/config.json :
Code: [Select]

  "rpc": {
    "enable": false,
    "rpc_user": "rpc-username",
    "rpc_password": "rpc-password",
    "rpc_endpoint": "",
    "httpd_endpoint": "",
    "htdocs": "/home/<linux username>/bitsharesx/programs/web_wallet/generated"
This works well.

General Discussion / Re: Running BitSharesX in remote xterm (Xming)
« on: August 30, 2014, 12:04:29 am »
Hard to tell...

1. When compiling BitsharesX, did you follow the instructions to make buildweb  ?

2. On linux, when using bitshares_client instead of the BitSharesX binary, it uses a different config.json file, mainly :
bitshares_client uses ~/.BitsharesX/config.json and
BitsharesX uses ~/Bitshares X/config.json
did you edit the correct one with the RPC user and password?

I don't really use windows so much except at work, and even then I load a Linux VM, so it's hard to tell what the problem is. From the error message you're getting it seems like the tunnel is working correctly. Let me know what's up after you check points 1 and 2.

General Discussion / Re: Running BitSharesX in remote xterm (Xming)
« on: August 29, 2014, 06:23:30 pm »
Run the command line binary with the --server and --httpport flags, then create an ssh tunnel between the remote host and your localhost. That way you'll have the web wallet in the browser. Lightning fast.

For reference, this is how I run it.
On the remote machine :
Code: [Select]
me@remote:~$ ~/bitsharesx/programs/client/bitshares_client --server --httpport 9999

On the local machine :
Code: [Select]
me@local:~$ ssh <remote machine> -L 9999: -NThen use your web browser to access localhost:9999
Don't forget to set an RPC username and RPC password in BitsharesX's config.json file on the remote machine.

You'll also need to run :
Code: [Select]
wallet_open <wallet name>while on the remote machine, since there is no way to do this (that I know of) using the GUI, without first logging in.

Good luck.

General Discussion / Re: Moving BTSX from genesis stake
« on: August 14, 2014, 06:35:54 am »
if i understand it correct you are asking if it is possible to claim the snapshot BTSX double or tripple times

i didn't tried it, but i expect with your transaction you once claimed the PTS snapshot BTSX and with the transaction "GENESIS -->your user" it is already included in the blockchain. So you can try to claim again with a other wallet but it is useless.

No, Im pretty sure you can import your PTS into multiple different BTSX Accounts, until the first time that stake actually gets moved.

This makes sense because if you look at your "GENESIS -->your user" transaction, it shows a transaction fee of 0 - because nothing was actually done/changed on the blockchain. Your wallet just added an extra key to its local file.

This is correct.

Thanks all.
I'll move my stake in and out of my account.

General Discussion / Re: Moving BTSX from genesis stake
« on: August 12, 2014, 08:41:11 am »
I'll rephrase.

I claimed my BTSX by importing my private keys (protoshares) into an account I have registered in the BTSX client.
Not I have transactions from Genesis into my account.
I have not moved the BTSX from my account to another account after that. All BTSX I have in my account were "sent" to me from Genesis.

Suppose I now get a new computer, register a new account in the BTSX client, and import those same private keys (protoshares) from before into that new account. Will I have control over these same genesis BTSX, or are they now considered "Claimed" by the first BTSX account I've created?

Thanks for taking the time.

General Discussion / Re: Moving BTSX from genesis stake
« on: August 12, 2014, 07:10:51 am »
My question is simpler than that :
Can genesis BTSX be re-claimed by Account#2 once they have been claimed by Account#1?

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