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Messages - blockchained

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I really like the fact the bot is built into the GUI.
great work!

this was the main idea, to give a bitshares users a simple way to try such tools as a trading bot

Привет, уважаемые пользователи RuDex и сообщество Bitshares!

Пока все грустно поглядывали на свои позиции на умытых кровью рынках, мы не теряли времени даром и подготовили для вас нечто новое и весьма полезное. Итак, интерфейс биржи RuDex пополнился новым разделом с говорящим названием “Боты”.

На данный момент в нём представлены два бота, воплощающих в себе стратегии SpreadTrade и TrailingStop.

Со временем наш зоопарк публичных торговых ботов для Bitshares DEX будет дополняться новыми экземплярами, так что приглашаем всех ботоводов подписаться на этот блог и следить за обновлениями.

Мы искренне полагаем, что публичные боты критически важны для развития DEX и увеличения ликвидности на платформе за счет автоматизации рутинных действий, именно поэтому мы решили вооружить вас подобными инструментами. Если вы также не против, чтобы всю работу за вас выполняли роботы, то прочитайте представленную ниже инструкцию или посмотрите видео-туториал о том, как использовать их себе во благо.

Здесь вы можете найти более подробное описание и видео -

Hello, RuDex users and the Bitshares community!

Today we have prepared for you something entirely new and very useful. So, the RuDex exchange interface got a new section “Bots”, which name speaks for itself.

At the moment there are two bots that present the strategies of SpreadTrade and TrailingStop.

Over time, our zoo of public trading bots for Bitshares DEX will be expanded, so we invite all users to subscribe to this blog and check the updates.

We sincerely believe that public bots are crucial for the development of DEX and increasing liquidity on the platform by automating routine actions, which is why we decided to equip you with this tools. If you are like us don't mind robots doing all the work for you, then read the instructions below or watch a video tutorial on how to use them for your own benefit.

Here you can find more detailed description and video -

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd
« on: November 21, 2018, 08:32:25 pm »
Announcement of a public trading bots from RuDex: SpreadTrade and TrailingStop can be found HERE

Dear BitShares users!

 We are pleased to announce that our initiative aimed at updating the official BitShares Web UI has taken off. Our working proposal is not only finalized and agreed upon with interested stakeholders but it also received the necessary support from the community. We have begun the project and from now on you will be able to see the progress reflected in the project roadmap.

 One of the most important things for us that would define the success of the project is feedback from the most active and interested users of the BitShares community. We need to deepen our understanding of how you use the BitShares application, what features are important for you, what frustrates you about the User Interface, etc.

 Decades of experience in designing and implementing complex User Interfaces and crafting User Experience in conjunction with your feedback will allow us to take BitShares to the next level and design a new version of the application that is intuitive, responsive, scalable and much easier to use.

 We’d like to extend an invitation to you all to fill out the questionnaire and share your experience with the current BitShares Wallet

The questionnaire is quite simple and should not take over 10 minutes to complete.

 Looking forward to receiving your feedback.

- ROSSUL and Graphene Lab teams.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd
« on: October 20, 2018, 06:19:00 pm »
TT (Travelchain) Delisting Announcement can be found HERE

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd
« on: October 09, 2018, 04:23:36 pm »
Whaleshares gateway on decentralized trading platform Bitshares RuDEX launched announcement can be found HERE

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd
« on: October 04, 2018, 05:13:06 pm »
SMOKE gateway on decentralized trading platform Bitshares RuDEX launched announcement can be found HERE

ROSSUL and Graphene Lab are excited to present a new version of the Bitshares Exchange UX Design proposal (2018-09-rossul-ui (Worker 1.14.124). This new version was created in close cooperation with BitShares Blockchain Foundation (BBF) and the current UI team.

Changes and upgrades:

1. We decided to take an advantage of escrow services offered by BBF – thus, a new proposal was published on the blockchain on behalf of
2. The proposal now includes cooperation with the current UI team and makes it easier for the current UI team to continue supporting the new UI.
3. Refined internal and external collaboration process that includes 3 teams. 
4. The proposal more clearly identifies the boundaries and rules of support for the components being developed as part of the proposal.

In addition, the time frame for the proposal was changed, since the start and end dates are no longer relevant – the work on the new proposal starts in October 2018 and continues until the end of March 2019 (5 months, including a small reserve).

We encourage the community to support the new version of the proposal. You can vote for the proposal with the help of the official BitShares application in the Voting menu, the Proposed tab, 2018-09-rossul-ui (Worker 1.14.124)

Due to the inability to remove the initial proposal from the blockchain (Worker 1.14.114), we are kindly asking you withdraw your votes form the original worker and move them to new one 2018-09-rossul-ui (Worker 1.14.124).

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd
« on: September 22, 2018, 03:21:36 pm »
Gridcoin (GRC) gateway on decentralized trading platform Bitshares RuDEX launched announcement can be found HERE

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd
« on: September 08, 2018, 05:42:02 pm »
Any plans on adding a Bitcoin Cash gateway?

we have a plan to give the community a tool to vote for the gateways we add

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd
« on: September 08, 2018, 05:40:16 pm »
Peercoin (PPC) gateway on decentralized trading platform Bitshares RuDEX launched announcement can be found HERE

比特股(BitShares) 用户,你们中的很多人可能好奇为什么这样先进的区块链没有得到应有的重视。如何这么高性能和高效的共识算法如委托权益证明(DPoS)只能引起公众对Bitshares DEX近5年来分散市场缺乏流动性的怀疑?
根本没有必要进行全面的研究来找到这个问题的答案。 众所周知,这与复杂和有问题的注册过程有关。 如果有人克服注册障碍, 維持一个活跃的用户同样具有挑战性。当前比特股(BitShares) 区块链的经验是很乏味,复杂,而难以驾驭。

比特股(BitShares) 交换的用户体验/用户界面改进提案

我们的团队(ROSSUL 和石墨烯实验室)为了发展这个提案而聚集在一起。 这个合作伙伴关系中的两个团队在各自领域都很有经验,包括深入了解区块链与加密货币。比特股(BitShares) 区块链是我们每天都使用的一种服务,因而非常熟悉用。这使我们能够精确地查明用户界面的当前缺点,而且确定需要什么步骤来处理并更正它们。 我们相信结合我们的知识和技能将使我们能够产生高质量的结果, 把当前的困惑和沮丧的用户经验变成一个既方便又不费力的区块链的用户体验。

那么比特股(BitShares) 需要加強什麼來達成這個目標呢?该答案很简单 – 我们必须使它易于使用,直观, 尽可能用户友好。

多年来,比特股(BitShares) 被称为“由工程师为工程师”开发的服务。问题是,刚加入加密货币领域的普通用户通常对区块链不熟悉,因而为了吸引和保持它们的关注,本产品应该简单易用。寻找特定的功能应该是直截了当,并提供优秀的用户体验。

为消费者设计一个以用户为中心,直观,实用的产品是我们的专长。 我们的技能讓我们有独特的优势专注于有可能被工程师,开发者及程序员忽视的细节和區域。这区块链需要的是一个优秀的,专业的,先进的用户体验/用户界面设计。我们致力于以最有效的方式,尽我们最大的能力来解决这个需求。

各方都将在其专业领域内工作。ROSSUL是一个可以编写程式码的專業设计机构,这也是为什么经验丰富能够处理该项目开发的石墨烯实验室选择与我们合作 。


ROSSUL 成立于2003,是一个加拿大多伦多领先的用户体验/用户界面设计机构。ROSSUL 专注于具有复杂工作流程和多样的用户基础的企业网路和移动应用程序。Rossul被独立公司Clutch评为加拿大顶尖的用户体验设计机构,该公司对领先的科技產業IT,市場营销和商业服务公司保持中立的评分和评價。ROSSUL为金融行业设计产品和移动应用程序有丰富的经验,而且我们的評估通常是准确的。 我们为GP Morgan设计了界面,上周我们开始与火币网(Huobi Exchange)交流,我们为众多银行设计了移动应用程序,如PNC Bank of America,丰业银行 (Scotiabank) ,Libro Credit Union, 多伦多证卷交易所 (Toronto Stock Exchange)等。链接到产品组合。(

石墨烯实验室 是一个经验丰富的区块链开发者的团队,专门从事基于石墨烯的区块链。 该公司于2017开始运营,目标是为行业创造创新产品。 我们的主要产品是“Karma”,比特股(BitShares) 用于p2p贷款。 随着该产品的开发,我们了解到我们的激情在于加强和不断地发展社群,这就是为什么我们目前着眼于改进现有的产品如 比特股(BitShares)。石墨烯实验室已经谈论过对于API 节点一些改进,给区块与钱包开发者提高可用性。我们的开发人员与比特股(BitShares) 核心团队保持联系,表达了我们对实现新功能有兴趣, 这将全面性的提高整个平台的功能。



为了使我们的提案被接受,我们需要至少2.65亿张选票。 如果此提案得到批准,比特股(BitShares) 区块链的用户将在2018年底获得一个全新的和強化的界面。 这将是他们不仅能够以快速,容易和舒服的方式操作资产, 而且还可以充分利用区块链由于可访问性问题而无法为大多数人所知的其它能力。 代码改进和修复也會同时提出。


1。登录您的比特股(BitShares) 账户
2。在右上选择 “投票”
3。在表格中选择 “Workers”
4。找到“Worker proposal: 201808_Rossul&GrapheneLab_New_UIUX”。点击“批准”按钮

加入我们在Telegram 上聊天。我们将尽力回答您的问题。 (

这链接来访问给比特股(BitShares) 利益相关者的全面提案。
允许比特股(BitShares) 区块链达到其全部潜力!

以我们的尊重为比特股(BitShares) 社区, & Graphene Lab
由Blckchnd ( 支持

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