MemoryCoin / Re: [ANN] MMCPool.com - Win64 / OSX64 - I need your CPU power!
« on: December 26, 2013, 03:53:19 am »Debian wheezy######### Building mmcminer #########
./autogen.sh: 8: ./autogen.sh: aclocal: not found
setup.sh: 80: setup.sh: ./configure: not found
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
cp: cannot stat `minerd': No such file or directory
######### mmcminer Runing Background with screen #########
######## Complete ############
######## Watch Miner => screen -r miner1 #########
######## Stop Miner => kill $(pidof SCREEN) #########
Mining Static => http://mmcpool.com/user?wallet=MFu6BAaEtcaEi7QV7fn9eLce1uELtrJFdP
this script working debian + ubuntu what is you os?
install autoconf try again?
apt-get install autoconf