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Messages - metalallen

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 建议做个插件筛选自动投票
« on: June 26, 2014, 04:00:49 am »

有个功能好象是叫 lazzy rule,记不清了,对大部分用户来说确实不需要手动投票的。

lazy voter

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Approval Voting 同意投票/赞同投票
« on: June 25, 2014, 10:51:47 am »

然后,虽然我知道这是广告贴,但是也很好奇怎么完爆 :o

+5% 能贴上原文链接然后发到上次那个征文大赛的帖子里吗? 把这些振奋人心的文章汇总到一起  :) 鼓(hu)舞(you)大家的信心! 8)

多谢长弓提醒,刚发过去了,看能不能混点赏金 :P

Marketplace / Re: Professional writer who understands all the details
« on: June 25, 2014, 04:45:00 am »
Bitshares solves all the inherent problems of bitcoin:

- slow transactions per second when compared to a major payment processor like visa (7 tps vs 10,000 tps)
- wallets are machine readable not human readable (as a result something like 5% of btc have been irrevocably lost)
- transactions are not anonymous
- distribution model is inflationary, even if the argument can be made that the inflation has been priced in
- price volatility (obviously this is the biggest deterrent when it comes to adoption as a major currency)
- security of the network cost anywhere from $500 million to $1 billion annually depending on the bitcoin market capitalization
- control of the network is proportional to hashing power not proportional to you relative bitcoin holdings
- centralization of hashing power under the control of a single mining pool

How Bitshares solves these issues:

- DPOS reduces block production to 15-30 seconds and since computational resources are used for the purpose of transaction propagation and confirmation rather than pointless computational work, DPOS blockchains can scale to the transaction load of visa
- Bitshares uses accounts that can be registered on the blockchain. Users no longer need to send money to an alpha numeric string that can be miscopied. Instead you send money as easily you would send an email and in the exact same fashion. It is very difficult to send to a wrong account. You can still send to public keys but its unnecessary and adds little advantage
- Bitshares uses TITAN which automates the creation of stealth address using an accounts registered public key. No need for mixing or "masternodes." All transactions are inherently anonymous without the user needing to do anything
- Bitshares is a 100% proof of stake system so all the shares are pre-allocated and there is no need for the dilution of stake
- Bitshares X is a bank that allows people to hold deposits in whatever asset they want. This system allows investors with a higher risk tolerance to collateralize and trade virtual assets, to ensure that users who simply want to use crypto currencies as a stable medium of exchange can do so without risk due to the volatility of the networks main equity/currency. (That is to say that if you put $100 in the network your deposit always redeemable for $100 worth of bitshares, as a result of the free market peg of bitUSD to real USD)
- The cost of securing the network is simply a fraction of the transaction fees accumulated by the network. Transaction fees are destroyed which acts as an implicit dividend to holders of bitshares and makes Bitshares truly deflationary.
- Delegates compete for votes and the top 101 delegates produce blocks. The job of a delegate is simple include as many valid transactions
in your given block and sign a single block. If a delegate signs multiple blocks they are immediately fired. If a delegate blocks transactions they will be voted out of office. Each round delegates are randomly assigned a block to produce thereby making it that much harder to coordinate a sustained attack on the network without 51% of the shares.
- Shareholder votes are proportionate to the relative number of shares they own. The DAC is completely shareholder run

Bitshares solves all the problems of bitcoin and does not overcomplicate things in the way that Ethereum does. When you view these crypto currencies networks through metaphor of a company you realize how misinformed people are about how these networks should be designed.  It is imperative that the developers of a crypto currency network have a solid understanding of economics and I believe that Dan Larimer and his team have the best economic perspective  in the crypto currency space. To be honest if you truly evaluate the fundamentals ethereum is just not even comparable, both as a crypto network and as an investment. People need to stop buying into hype and do the necessary research before they invest.

I translated this into Chinese. Hopefully it will help newbies in China to see the whole picture.
I translated this into Chinese. Hopefully it will help newbies in China to see the whole picture.

早上看到alt推荐的英文贴,觉得这是个挺通俗易懂的扫盲贴所以就翻译了过来,并添加了少许个人见解,或许能帮助新人们更好的了解Bitshares。翻译水平有限,还请各位大力斧正。 ;D



- 缓慢的每秒交易速度,尤其是和像Visa这样的系统进行对比(每秒7次交易 VS 每秒上万次交易);

- 钱包只能是机读的,可能造成钱包文件、密码、密匙的丢失(这导致了有5%左右的比特币已经彻底丢失);

- 交易不是匿名进行的;

- 分发方式是通胀的,即时有说法认为这种通胀已经被市场消化了;

- 价格波动。显然这对要成为一种主要货币的比特币来说是最大的硬伤;

- 每年在网络安全上的花费在5亿美元到10亿美元,具体数字取决于比特币的总市值;

- 对比特币网络的控制权和算力大小成正比,而不是和个体拥有的比特币数量成正比;

- 一个拥有巨大算力的矿池就能导致中心化。

- DPOS算法将出块时间减低到15-30秒,并把算力资源应用到交易广播和确认上而不是浪费在无意义的计算上。这使得DPOS块链可以承载Visa级别的交易量;

- 比特股的交易地址用的是可以在块链上注册的账号。使用者不用再将钱发送到一串很长的数字字母混合的地址上,并且在拷贝地址过程中有可能误操作。比特股使用者可以像发送邮件一样很简单的给各个账号汇款,这很简单并不容易发错。同时,你也可以选择发送到账号对应下的公共密匙地址(一串很长的数字字母的混合)上,但并没这必要;

- 比特股使用了TITAN技术,它能够在交易中让用户的账号和公共密匙自动“隐身”。不用再混合或使用主节点。所有的交易本质上都是匿名的,而过程中无需用户做任何事情;

- 比特股是100%的POS分发系统,所以所有股份都是预分配的,也没有必要对股权进行稀释;

- 比特股X是一个允许人们存储任何形式虚拟资产的银行。这个系统允许具有较高风险承受能力的投资者们抵押和交易虚拟资产,并确保了用户可以使用币值稳定的加密货币作为交易媒介,剔除了汇率波动带来的风险(也就是说,如果你在比特股X中存入100美元,你总会得到价值100美元的比特资产,因为在自由市场上100比特美元锚定了100美元);

- 网络安全方面的花费仅仅是在比特股网络中累积起来的交易费的一小部分。交易费,像比特股持有者的隐藏分红一样的形式被摧毁,这会让比特股持续通缩;

- 系统中的受托人们会竞争选票,由得票最多的前101名受托人来进行出块的工作。受托人的工作简单来说,他需要在包含很多有效交易信息的区块中签名一个块。如果一个受托人签了多个块,那他将会被立刻解雇。如果受托人阻挡了交易进行那他也会被踢出局。因为每一轮受托人们都是随机签名,并没有固定顺序,所以这个系统很难被持续攻击;

- 股份持有者的投票力度是跟他的持股数量成正比的。DAC完全是股份持有者们在运营。


Bitshares solves all the inherent problems of bitcoin:

- slow transactions per second when compared to a major payment processor like visa (7 tps vs 10,000 tps)
- wallets are machine readable not human readable (as a result something like 5% of btc have been irrevocably lost)
- transactions are not anonymous
- distribution model is inflationary, even if the argument can be made that the inflation has been priced in
- price volatility (obviously this is the biggest deterrent when it comes to adoption as a major currency)
- security of the network cost anywhere from $500 million to $1 billion annually depending on the bitcoin market capitalization
- control of the network is proportional to hashing power not proportional to you relative bitcoin holdings
- centralization of hashing power under the control of a single mining pool

How Bitshares solves these issues:

- DPOS reduces block production to 15-30 seconds and since computational resources are used for the purpose of transaction propagation and confirmation rather than pointless computational work, DPOS blockchains can scale to the transaction load of visa
- Bitshares uses accounts that can be registered on the blockchain. Users no longer need to send money to an alpha numeric string that can be miscopied. Instead you send money as easily you would send an email and in the exact same fashion. It is very difficult to send to a wrong account. You can still send to public keys but its unnecessary and adds little advantage
- Bitshares uses TITAN which automates the creation of stealth address using an accounts registered public key. No need for mixing or "masternodes." All transactions are inherently anonymous without the user needing to do anything
- Bitshares is a 100% proof of stake system so all the shares are pre-allocated and there is no need for the dilution of stake
- Bitshares X is a bank that allows people to hold deposits in whatever asset they want. This system allows investors with a higher risk tolerance to collateralize and trade virtual assets, to ensure that users who simply want to use crypto currencies as a stable medium of exchange can do so without risk due to the volatility of the networks main equity/currency. (That is to say that if you put $100 in the network your deposit always redeemable for $100 worth of bitshares, as a result of the free market peg of bitUSD to real USD)
- The cost of securing the network is simply a fraction of the transaction fees accumulated by the network. Transaction fees are destroyed which acts as an implicit dividend to holders of bitshares and makes Bitshares truly deflationary.
- Delegates compete for votes and the top 101 delegates produce blocks. The job of a delegate is simple include as many valid transactions
in your given block and sign a single block. If a delegate signs multiple blocks they are immediately fired. If a delegate blocks transactions they will be voted out of office. Each round delegates are randomly assigned a block to produce thereby making it that much harder to coordinate a sustained attack on the network without 51% of the shares.
- Shareholder votes are proportionate to the relative number of shares they own. The DAC is completely shareholder run

Bitshares solves all the problems of bitcoin and does not overcomplicate things in the way that Ethereum does. When you view these crypto currencies networks through metaphor of a company you realize how misinformed people are about how these networks should be designed.  It is imperative that the developers of a crypto currency network have a solid understanding of economics and I believe that Dan Larimer and his team have the best economic perspective  in the crypto currency space. To be honest if you truly evaluate the fundamentals ethereum is just not even comparable, both as a crypto network and as an investment. People need to stop buying into hype and do the necessary research before they invest.

I translated this into Chinese. Hopefully it will help newbies in China to see the whole picture.

早上看到alt推荐的英文贴,觉得这是个挺通俗易懂的扫盲贴所以就翻译了过来,并添加了少许个人见解,或许能帮助新人们更好的了解Bitshares。翻译水平有限,还请各位大力斧正。 ;D



- 缓慢的每秒交易速度,尤其是和像Visa这样的系统进行对比(每秒7次交易 VS 每秒上万次交易);

- 钱包只能是机读的,可能人为造成钱包文件、密码、密匙丢失等不可逆转的灾难(这导致了有5%左右的比特币已经彻底丢失);

- 交易不是匿名进行的;

- 分发方式是通胀的,即时有说法认为这种通胀已经被市场消化了;

- 价格波动。显然这对要成为一种主要货币的比特币来说是最大的硬伤;

- 每年在网络安全上的花费在5亿美元到10亿美元,具体数字取决于比特币的总市值;

- 对比特币网络的控制权和算力大小成正比,而不是和个体拥有的比特币数量成正比;

- 一个拥有巨大算力的矿池就能导致中心化。

- DPOS算法将出块时间减低到15-30秒,并把算力资源应用到交易广播和确认上而不是浪费在无意义的计算上。这使得DPOS块链可以承载Visa级别的交易量;

- 比特股的交易地址用的是可以在块链上注册的账号。使用者不用再将钱发送到一串很长的数字字母混合的地址上,并且在拷贝地址过程中有可能误操作。比特股使用者可以像发送邮件一样很简单的给各个账号汇款,这很简单并不容易发错。同时,你也可以选择发送到账号对应下的公共密匙地址(一串很长的数字字母的混合)上,但并没这必要;

- 比特股使用了TITAN技术,它能够在交易中让用户的账号和公共密匙自动“隐身”。不用再混合或使用主节点。所有的交易本质上都是匿名的,而过程中无需用户做任何事情;

- 比特股是100%的POS分发系统,所以所有股份都是预分配的,也没有必要对股权进行稀释;

- 比特股X是一个允许人们存储任何形式虚拟资产的银行。这个系统允许具有较高风险承受能力的投资者们抵押和交易虚拟资产,并确保了用户可以使用币值稳定的加密货币作为交易媒介,剔除了汇率波动带来的风险(也就是说,如果你在比特股X中存入100美元,你总会得到价值100美元的比特资产,因为在自由市场上100比特美元锚定了100美元);

- 网络安全方面的花费仅仅是在比特股网络中累积起来的交易费的一小部分。交易费,像比特股持有者的隐藏分红一样的形式被摧毁,这会让比特股持续通缩;

- 系统中的受托人们会竞争选票,由得票最多的前101名受托人来进行出块的工作。受托人的工作简单来说,他需要在包含很多有效交易信息的区块中签名一个块。如果一个受托人签了多个块,那他将会被立刻解雇。如果受托人阻挡了交易进行那他也会被踢出局。因为每一轮受托人们都是随机签名,并没有固定顺序,所以这个系统很难被持续攻击;

- 股份持有者的投票力度是跟他的持股数量成正比的。DAC完全是股份持有者们在运营。


中文 (Chinese) / Re: Major contributors on chinese subforum?
« on: June 24, 2014, 03:49:53 pm »
推荐 alt,麦可猫



汗,我刚想翻,楼主手真快 :o






General Discussion / Re: Clarifications about BTS X plan
« on: June 23, 2014, 06:11:39 am »
At some point I am going to have to devote myself to the study of clarity among the masses of people that are half-paying attention.   1000's of options is a real mess, people say they want choices, but tend to choose Apple which is famous for removing choices.    People say they want freedom, but then choose tyranny to avoid having to think for themselves.

Understanding this is likely as important as economics and is something we have clearly not mastered.

One chain that upgrades over time is clearly the most simple approach you can have.

BM, don't be frustrated. Contradiction is human nature, especially related to money.
It's late now, have some rest, concentrate to the dryrun test.
A good product worth a Thousand Words.

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