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On spawning DACs honoring the Bitshares Social Consensus

Each time a new DAC honors the Bitshares Social Consensus, the Bitshares AGS and PTS holders are happy since they receive a fifth or more stake in the new DAC. Each time Invictus launches a new DAC, they honor the Bitshares Social Consensus and give the Bitshares AGS and PTS holders a fifth or more stake the new DAC.

Why does Invictus do this?
Because Invictus promised to do so in exchange for the funding provided through AGS and PTS. In addition, Invictus are themselves holders of AGS and PTS, so they have incentive to follow through.

Why would anyone else do this?

Through funding Invictus has come into possession of significant capital. This allows them to create an attractive infrastructure that promises all young and aspiring DAC creators a slice of heaven if they commit to the Bitshares Social Consensus.

How does Invictus and the AGS/PTS holders promise young and aspiring DAC creators a slice of heaven?

So far there have been a number of suggestions.

1. Prizes, Bounties and Stipends
-- Stan's idea of a Shark Tank-like competition with a panel of judges where the prize is incubation, hosting, consultation support and promotion, and maybe stipends and cash?
-- Bounties for DACs honoring the Bitshares Social Consensus, such as those suggested by Adam
-- Stipends to cover legal fees, travel/stay at incubator, etc.

2. Hosting and Incubation
-- Work in one of the incubators.
-- Free fully equipped office space.
-- Participate in presentations and meetings.
-- Interact with the Invictus team.

3. Consultation and Support
-- Legal, accounting, financial and tax support.
-- Forum and web site support.
-- Consulting with Dan Larimer and the team of innovators.

4. Promotion
-- Promotional support integrated with the global marketing campaign.
-- Help with reputation on the forum and through the Bitshares website.
-- Opportunities to speak at a major conference.

5. Community
-- Ready-built community - lots of informed eyeballs on your idea that help to refine it.
-- Attract PTS holders as a pre-selected informed group that have proven they won't mine and dump.
-- Attract AGS donors as a pre-selected informed group that have proven they will invest in good ideas.

6. General
-- Get help from Invictus and the AGS/PTS holders in removing whatever obstacles stand in your way.

Arguments for young and aspiring DAC creators to honor the Bitshares Social Consensus

So far there have been a number of arguments.

-- What's the alternative? Many would suggest you give it *ALL* away to mostly fly-by-night mine-and-dumpers, or that you keep it to sell, in which case you could be accused of transmitting money, offering securities, or pre-mining.

-- Of all the fair share distribution models that have been tried, the PTS/AGS combination has been perhaps the most fair. In addition, this model has perhaps produced the most successful funding campaign in crypto history.

-- What happens when your DAC suddenly has multiple competitors cloning it and looking for ways to overcome its first mover advantage? Think ahead and attach yourself to a large, fair, open and prosperous community.

-- With as little as 20% to the AGS/PTS holders there is still as much as 80% left for whatever you desire. One option is to do an AGS-style fundraiser where people donate crypto to your cause for a stake in your DAC.

Meta / Re: New DACs on Forum
« on: March 06, 2014, 09:33:03 am »
Agree, list two or three of the proposed new DACs as childboards under Alternative DACs.

Also list Social as childboard under General Discussion.

And finally list Proposed Bounties as childboard under Bountiful Bounties.

Finally, move this thread to meta section of the forum.

General Discussion / Bitcointalk Presence
« on: March 03, 2014, 06:23:50 pm »
Bitcointalk Presence

Invictus and Bitshares have not yet established a solid presence in the crypto community.
One of the major obstacles to gaining a central place in the crypto community is being a solid presence on
This thread concerns ideas around, worries about, and the format of promotional content creation.
A lot of what is discussed here should also generalize to reddit, facebook, twitter, etc.

Who can contribute, and when?

When I thought about building our presence on it quickly dawned on me that we need to space this out between different people posting in threads at different times.

My own approach has been to plan out a set of threads that I can make across a space of weeks. But we also need people to comment on these threads lest they drown, and we need other people to make threads as it will quickly begin to look stupid if I'm the only one posting threads.

List the amount of posts you can make per week, and what your expertise is or PM me to get involved!

Ideas for content and formats?

It also quickly dawned on me that my creativity for content creation is extremely limited. I also need you the community to come up with ideas for threads we can post. We can and should dissociate the ideas for content, the creation of content and the posting of content.

Ideas so far have been the following:

In general,
-- Bump old threads continuously, (Keyhotee thread, Bitshares thread, Bytemaster threads, + the ones we create)
-- Always aim to use a diverse range of formats (pictures!, memes, movies, slogans, links, etc.),
-- Aim for a diverse range of themes and target different sections of the forum (off-topic, political, altcoin, etc.)
-- Themes do not always need to be directly related to Bitshares or Invictus; many indirect ways.
-- Always act as support and courage people to send PM's and ask questions.
-- Redirect as much as possible to this forum and good sources of relevant information.
-- Promote threads via other social media (cross-post, mention in chats/trollboxes, twitter, etc.)
-- We should show what problem Bitshares can solve
-- Promote the economic, profit motive - DACs need to be profitable.
-- Promote the concept of DACs.
-- We should link to Bitshares when it's released and help people to either buy them or earn them.

Concrete Threads,
-- [ANN][PTS] February 28th Bitshares X Snapshot!
--  Re: Introducing Keyhotee - Next Generation Identity, DNS, Messaging, and Wallet
-- Topic: Bitshares, Ethereum and Mastercoin Three-way Panel Discussion
-- Skandinavian, (I'm Norwegian), Er desentraliserte børser og banker neste steg for Crypto?

Threads I'm planning to do:
-- Price speculation threads, .. on Bitshares X or PTS, etc.
-- Politics and Society Threads: The volunarist-meme video posted here, with some voluntarist ideas.
-- Thread  February newsletter as well as March, etc.
-- Thread concerning the Invictus incubator model, as well as the upcoming DAC-centric conference
-- Threads concerning articles; The Three Laws of Robotics, Is Bitcoin Overpaying for False Security? and DACs That Spawn DACs.
-- Thread concerning the updated Bitshares X whitepaper.
-- Q&A threads.
-- Threads about DAC ideas.

List your ideas for content and formats!

What should we worry about?

That there will be a lot of critical questions we can't answer.
That a hard push might backfire as paid advertising.
That Bitshares clones dominate and establish themselves as more fair.

Some solutions,
-- Effective anti-propaganda
-- Dominating presence
-- Kindness/honorable code
-- Economic incentive

List what we should worry about and how to resolve the worry below!

What am I missing?

Post suggestions and I'll update this thread!

I have some vague idea that we should link the various social media efforts into this, but I am unsure how.

BitShares PTS / Post here when snapshot is taken!
« on: March 01, 2014, 02:38:46 am »
I want to know right away. :D

Random Discussion / Inspiration Thread
« on: February 21, 2014, 11:35:36 am »
Elon Musk on creating a company:

Jason Silva on the adjacent possible:

General Discussion / DAC analysis and evaluation
« on: February 12, 2014, 12:30:52 pm »
DACs currently have a set of metaphors and a few use cases that spring to mind whenever one tries to think their general nature. Could we enhance our creativity by looking at prominent components and perhaps develop a metaphor for each one? Furthermore, how do we evaluate these innovative DACs?

Suggestions welcome!

DAC analysis

0) Storing information.
    - Securely, and in a distributed fashion! Namecoin, torrent trackers..
1) Storing information-property.
    - Secure, distributed with unique, private access. Information as a commodity.
2) Consigning information-property to a set of rules.
    - Time lock information-property, gamble with it.
3) Exchanging information-property.
    - Trade information like a commodity.
4) Predicting information.
    - Predicts the answer to any question.
5) Providing (even empirical) information.
    - Data feeds; weather information, confidential information, answers to factual questions.
6) Using empirical information to create pseudo-empirical information-property.
    - Bitshares X turning the value of the dollar into information-property with the value of the dollar. Patent DACs turning ideas into information-property that can be invested in.

7) ...

DAC evaluation

My evaluation of DACs starts with:
1) Business Model
    - all dacs have one primary business model, transactions
    - so a business model is really a set of transactions supported
2) Profitability  (same business model can have different levels of profit)
3) Security Model  (POW vs POS vs Consensus)
4) Scalability
5) Economic Principles
     - free market, socialist, anti-hoarding, voting

Then there is the tools available to DACs:
   1) Market Mechanisms  (prediction markets and trading algorithms)
   2) Auctions
   3) Issuing Shares
   4) Dividends
   5) Nash Equilibrium
   6) Multisig
   7) Swaps
   8.) Options
   9) Interest

General Discussion / Replacing Facebook
« on: February 11, 2014, 02:11:58 am »
Two faults with Facebook laid out for anyone to see,

Facebook is something that can obviously be fixed
and improved with Blockchain technology.

General Discussion / Thoughts on Prediction-Markets (Brain Analogy)
« on: February 10, 2014, 10:59:57 pm »
Perceptrons or Why Does the Brain Predict?

The brain is mainly a prediction-machine. It takes sensory input and through the process of perception figures out what sensory input will occur next. It does this by compressing sensory input in both time and space; if you see an occluded figure, you'll typically still recognize it. If you hear part of a song, you'll typically still recognize it. The brain has compressed the total figure and song, and will be able to predict its presence based on any fraction of the total information.

Why does the brain predict? To make useful actions possible. All moving creatures need to predict the consequences of both sensory input and the result of their own actions (output). This is why brains exist - to coordinate perception with action. At first, nervous systems were used to react immediately to stimuli, but over time the reactions grew to become thoughtful. At heart, the ability to predict the affordances of stimuli and the consequences of action are fundamental.

How do our run-of-the-mill IQ tests try to assess our intelligence? "Which number comes next?" "Pick the figure that completes the pattern," etc. Here we typically expect someone to complete a pattern on the basis of some limited sensory experience by means of finding an elegant way of compressing the given input where the unknown comes out simply.

There are also lots of patterns that are irrational in the sense that they cannot be compressed elegantly to reveal the unknown. To predict events in the world we typically mix these two forces: On the one hand we look for elegant, beautiful ways to compress the total information we are given. On the other hand, we are collecting a vast store of known patterns that exist in the world even if they are ugly (not easily compressible).

What can we draw from all this? First, prediction-markets should be seen as trying to complete incomplete knowledge in two senses, rationally and empirically, and never just temporally. Second, we should recognize that "incomplete knowledge" is a subjective feature that apply to limited perspectives, whether the limit be in intellectual power e.g. we can't compute the answer, scientific insight e.g. we don't know if it's empirically possible, or empirical knowledge e.g. we don't know if a particular fact is true.

I also want to mention that Perceptrons can take hypotheticals as input; IF x, then ?. This is what happens when Perceptrons are used to predict the consequences of the predictors action, it puts the given action as a hypothetical x, and then tries to predict what will happen. In this way we get the additional result that prediction-market also provides predictions about hypothetical situations.

BitShares AGS / Bitcointalk ANN for AGS
« on: February 07, 2014, 02:29:40 pm »
Is this the only ANNounce and response on Bitcointalk?

General Discussion / VC DAC
« on: February 05, 2014, 12:30:08 pm »
How does one create a Venture Capitalist (VC) DAC?

A VC DAC will get money as input and intelligently spend them as output. In this way, people can put money into the VC DAC and easily get a return on their investment. VC DAC is the DAC of all DACs.

How to make the VC DAC intelligent? One way is to construct the VC DAC in such a way that the people who process the input most intelligently are incentivized to work for the VC DAC. Call these people optimal VCs.

It may be sufficient incentive for the optimal VCs to work within the VC DAC that they are given more purchasing power by the people who put money into the VC DAC. In this case, the people who invest increase the intelligence of their money, and the optimal VCs get more money to invest.

I assume here that it's better for an optimal VC to have 100 bitcoins that they get 50% return on investment from, than it is to have 50 bitcoins with 100% return. Is this true, or true enough?

Meta / Suggestion: Add a Banner linking to Invictus Homepage
« on: January 31, 2014, 10:12:37 pm »
It's not easy to find - if someone stumbles on this forum first, a banner might be good.

General Discussion / The NXT Clones Beware
« on: January 29, 2014, 04:04:55 pm »
Well worth paying some attention to the kind of organic movements we're seeing here. NXT is involuntarily having lots and lots of baby clones, and the process seems to be self-organizing.

Would be interested to hear what you guys have to say about this phenomena.

General Discussion / Charity DAC
« on: January 22, 2014, 11:53:36 pm »
X% saved for charity fund.
As much transactions fees as possible go to charity fund.
A voting system.
Designed to have an extremely fair launch.

The premine is impossible to use until the coin reaches randomly specified milestones where x sums of money will automatically be given away to the charity with the most votes. This way no one will know in advance when the price falls, small "donations" to the charitycoin will generally push the price in a positive direction leading to speculation, and ever larger donations to charity will increase the publicity of the charitycoin. Would this work? Ideas?

Call it Bitshares Charity and it would be great publicity for Invictus and  AGS/PTS holders even if we earn nothing.

Inb4 bytemaster telling me why I'm wrong and that he has written a novel on this topic. :D

General Discussion / Allocation of Resources from AGS donations
« on: January 22, 2014, 09:44:52 pm »
There are two open doc logs tracking the Angel Account Transactions.

One for BTC and one for PTS.

I suggest the larger community is given more insight into the overall plan for allocation of these resources. I think an open discussion on this topic will benefit us all, not just in the name of transparency and healthy curiosity: Spending the amount of money flowing into AGS is difficult and requires the kind of creativity a forum discussion may help provide. What do you guys think?

If this is discussed elsewhere I recant everything.

General Discussion / Liquid Democracy DAC
« on: January 18, 2014, 08:52:42 pm »
How about a DAC version of Liquid Democracy, or similar systems?


My immediate thought is that The Pirateparty movement would love this. The Norwegian Pirateparty branch that I am familiar with have been thinking very seriously about how to discuss/form opinions, how to reach consensus, and how to discover truth. Many of them are also already familiar with and enthusiastic about Bitcoin and related technologies. Potential allies?

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