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Messages - BTSdac

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Client picks their own slate, they just use the recommendation of other users (and delegates) to do it.
1.  if every translation with 101 voting, does it will increase size of block.
and how to reduce the bloat of chain

7) We can enable "down votes" that simply remove delegates from the "recommended set"
That means I can say I wanna vote for slate 1 except delegate 13 on that list?


A delegate slate is 303 bytes, a slate ID is an 8 byte hash of those 303 bytes.  The fewer unique combinations of delegates the fewer 303 byte hashes.

Your wallet will allow you to "follow" as many delegates / non-delegates as you like and will combine the slates of all delegates, rank the delegates with the votes from those you are following and then select the top 101.    A delegate approved by the most others is most likely to be included in the top of your list.
vote a slate directly or clients of user according to the slate select the delegates to vote

What happened to the idea of having automatic votes based on past performance as default?

Light weight nodes have no means of independently verifying past performance and even evil nodes can appear to be performing well.
Light weight nodes can just vote a round, a around include 101 delegates, the delegate who miss produce block in this round can not get the voting.
1.if a delegate cannot produce block in a round ,he cannot get the voting, so encourage delegate use high hardware ,high speed network , no power off  7*24 hour
2.a round was included in chain , so it also can reduce the bloat of chain.

Hello bytemaster
1.common user vote a round ,this round include 101 delegates , it mean this user vote the 101 delegates in this round
2. the delegate that miss block in this round cannot get the voting , or get the reduced voting

Right Click -> Back

We are working on improved navigation.

General Discussion / Re: Hey, BTSX delegates, come here.
« on: July 23, 2014, 08:47:58 am »
wallet_approve_delegate btsdac-delegate
thanks ,
 I am embarrassed, I didn`t run the delegate on VPS yesterday night because of compiled error ,  it caused my delegate missed all 28 blocks yesterday. but today produced all (100%)blocks after I had ran this delegate on VPS  :P

I always click a link to next interface/page , maybe sometime  there is three or more level from navigation left side, but I want to back the previous level ,there is no mothods . I have to click left side menu.  is there more simply mothods ,
I suggest that add a "back" bottom !

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 我对锚定的理解。
« on: July 23, 2014, 02:32:59 am »
我有点没想明白的是,现在有多少人愿意卖掉 BTSX 换成bitCNY
唯一的出路似乎就是增加 bitCNY 的应用价值,比如lotoo系统中能直接使用,或可以直接支付。
如果持有bitcny 可以获得抵押的2倍的BTS 的投票权呢,

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 我对锚定的理解。
« on: July 23, 2014, 02:28:40 am »


1. 市场上几乎没有 bitcny 的交易
2. bitcny以远低于 cny 的价格交易,锚定失败。

对第2点,我认为也不太可能发生,因为没人愿意以远低于共识的价格发行 bitcny,与其承受这个风险,还不如直接持有 BTS。
那么最终的结论就是,即使现在推出市场功能,在没有应用支撑的前提下,几乎不会有 bitcny 的流通,只会有极少量不是为了盈利目的会参与交易。

关键是算法怎么设定, 让持有BTA资产的人能获得 他们向得到的好处.
比如让最初bitcny 能稳定升值 , 等到运行一段时间后,可以通过投票方式 更改参数让bitcny平稳.
而且开始不一定要在眼于锚定, 如果算法能达到 市场对BTA需求增加的时候,参与者有意愿去创造BTA, 当市场对BTA需求减少是,参与者有意愿的摧毁BTA.  这样一下的话,等应用广阔后,估计锚定就问题不大 

log所言的"付款请求"大大增加了付款的复杂性,需要双方多次信息确认.时间长,麻烦.如果双方在不同的时区(例如一个在美国一个在中国), 搞一个付款请求确认, 你来我往要2个工作日很正常. 因为你发了付款请求给我的时候,我还在另外一个时区睡觉呢. 等我起床了,你又睡觉了. 这种方法感觉回到了原始社会.

我在德国多年, 可以参考老外的做法:

转账发起人必须同时确认收款人的银行帐号和姓名,这二者都是匹配的, 转账才能成功.
所以企业之间转账的时候, 需要同时输入帐号和姓名. 帐号错误的概率是千分之一, 姓名错误的概率也是千分之一的话,那么双重错误就类似于飞机2个发动机都同时出故障,这个概率是0.1% * 0.1%

结论: 应该同时公布BTSX的帐号和名称给对方. 这样就不容易错误, 也不需要收款方参与"付款确认"了.
例如: 我的帐号是william, 我的BTSX ID是BTSXABCD991.
那么对方必在第一行时输入william, 在第二行输入BTSXABCD991.那么转账才会成功. 这样效率最高,成功率最高. 请3i考虑采纳.

听起来不错, 但有个问题,
1.如果名称是由用户注册时候设定的,还是根据私钥钥算出来的,  如果是用户注册时候决定的,那么在块链上是公开的吗,如果是公开的,那么骗子也可以注册相似的别名和相同的名字.这样的后果是安全性相等,但用户认为有两道防线,实际应用安全性降低.如果是根据私钥算出来的,那么多名字就是随机的,也比较难记住.   要么就是 别名是唯一性的,名字也要唯一性.


General Discussion / Re: Hey, BTSX delegates, come here.
« on: July 22, 2014, 02:26:54 pm »
wallet_approve_delegate btsdac-delegate

General Discussion / Re: sum of approve for delegate over 100%
« on: July 22, 2014, 01:28:04 pm »
Interesting, that is not the behavior I am seeing when I vote, but we will look into reproducing it.   Do you have a trx ID that we can lookup and inspect?
it is right ,I am wrong ,sorry

General Discussion / Re: sum of approve for delegate over 100%
« on: July 22, 2014, 11:58:06 am »
It is only centralized on init delegates until enough people can get onboard to vote them out.   During the dry run no large stakeholders were voting.
Every user can vote 33 delegates, and each delegate obtain the same voting no mattter how many delegates the user vote . doest it mean user can make his voting magnify by 33 times at max ,how many delegates one user delegate at average, I guess it is must less than  33.
if quantity of average delegates user vote is 20 (why I assume 20, I just vote one delegate, so I think 20 is a larger quantity),  it mean common users just enlarge these voting by 20 times, but a attacker can enlarger his voting 33 times at most.
does it mean it reduce the attacker cost?
A slate can contain 101 delegates .. not just 33 ..
above topic said one user can vote 101 delegates, but I select 99 delegates and transfer 10000 BTSX but the block show my translation only vote 3 delegates
Code: [Select]
init72:  10,000 BTSX
init8:  10,000 BTSX
init0:  10,000 BTSX

上次没有来得及参加,发500BTSX 过把瘾 +5%

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