The theory (at best) that value rises as supply is diminished does not necessarily work well in practice.
When has it not worked to increase price?
I just showed you where it has not worked to increase price. Look at the charts.
To increase "value" you just have to keep adding value to it.
Exactly. That is why am am proposing adding more value by dynamic burning through the creation of bitassets instead of adding less value through direct burning.
Why wouldn't you want to burn BTS so that it takes less market cap to reach $1 per BTS?
That is exactly what I am advocating. Either you didn't read what I wrote or you don't understand it.
Deflation is in the form of burning is even better than a stock buy back and also because Bitshares was was diluted, it is now owed to the community of loyal supporters and the network to return the loaned BTS back to parity and the only way to do it is to burn. Burning is the only way to reverse the dilution and bring Bitshares back into deflationary status.
Dynamic burning would be better. You achieve the same result as burning bitshares or a stock buyback, but those bts remain useful on the network.
Burning is kind of like burying perfectly good gold in the ground and throwing away the treasure map in an attempt to make gold holders richer,
No, Bitshares is not like gold. BitGold is mapped to gold. Bitshares is like Bitshares and should not be compared to a precious metal. Bitshares is stake in the network and the only thing that should matter to you as a member is the percentage of stake you own.
What does this (bolded) even mean? Bitshares is 3 things (and yes it can be all three of those things):
1) a digital commodity
2) a stake in a decentralized company/network
3) a currency
But you were here for the debates and saw the effect on the market the dilution had? The merger? The moment Bitshares became inflationary and stopped being deflationary, a lot of people started dumping, and it's now at bottom.
You don't understand markets. Maybe you have never been an investor or trader. Nobody knows exactly what effect the
dilution combining of blockchains and restructuring had on price. Look at ethereum. There has been no material change in dilution (other than just talk) or their business plan, yet the price has declined 80% in 2 months. Bitcoin prices rose several orders of magnitude during the worst inflation period it will ever see. How can these two examples be polar opposites? Because asset inflation on a relatively small scale doesn't have that much of an impact on price. Human psycology, the herding instinct, and crowd behavior (among other things) are large drivers of price, probably more so than a little bit of inflation or deflation here and there. Markets are more or less patterned after human behavior. Look closely at the price charts of the best crypto projects. You will notice similar patterns.
Now that you don't have the 5% dividends the only thing you have to get people to hold BTS is the burning. There is no other reason to hold onto it. BTS isn't a currency, it's not Bitcoin, it's not supposed to be the cash for activists in the developing world. It's meant to be stake in a profitable decentralized exchange.
Thats the only thing, really? As I said above, bitshares is 3 things, including a currency. Perhaps you can give some insight as to why bts should not be used as a currency? In fact, its is the reserve(backbone) currency of the bitshares system.
while that gold still has perfectly good industrial uses. Imagine if that gold could still be used in an industrial setting but not available to be sold on the open market.
No let's not imagine that. Bitshares is not gold and never was marketed as gold. BitGold was marketed as gold, but that is because it tracks the value of gold. If you want to hold the value of gold then hold BitGold. Bitshares is a stake, and you gain absolutely nothing from "industrial uses", it's just a stake which you use to vote and pay transaction fees with. It's more like fuel, to power the network, combined with share properties, to make you into a member/owner.
Now you are starting to agree with me even though you are contradicting yourself... and yes obviously bitshares in not gold but it is like gold in the fact that it is an asset with limited supply.
Ownership requires an entirely different way of thinking from the consumer like thinking you're doing. An owner wants to increase the price of whatever he or she owns.
How am I thinking? I want the price to increase also.
One example of an asset that does not necessarily add value when the asset is burned is gasoline. Gasoline is an asset of limited supply that is burned, both literally and figuratively.
Bitshares is meant to be more like fuel, like gas, not like gold. You're confusing Bitcoin which is maybe based off Bitgold, with Bitshares which was never trying to be a currency, or precious metal. Bitshares in the beginning was described as a DAC, it was always to be a share, and shares are supposed to APPRECIATE.
There you go contradicting yourself again... and gas is like gold in that it is an industrial commodity with limited supply. Bitshares has the same properties. It is useful as collateral to produce bitassets. That why shares should be dynamically burned in order to retain that usefulness.
Bitcoin is gaining value while the price gets cheaper because miners keep inflating by adding new Bitcoins but this is because it was the only way to secure the network.
Your perception of what moves the market is clouded, most likely because you don't have enough experience in trading and investing. You attribute the price decline over the past 2 years to inflation. So why has the price risen over the past 6 years, much of which was during even worse inflation. I agree that inflation on the scale of what fiat currencies experience has detrimental effects on an asset, but small amounts of inflation possilby have a negligible effect... and keep in mind,
I am advocating deflation, not inflation.Bitshares doesn't have mining at all and one of the ways Bytemaster made that case is specifically the fact that mining is inflation and Bitshares can be the first deflationary DAC.
Exactly, and I would like to keep it that way also.
When you hold a Bitasset you are holding Bitshares. Bitassets are made up of BTS. And if you trade then you're spending transaction fees.
Yes but when you are holding a bitasset, you are not holding the value of bitshares. So why not have more bitassets in existence for users to trade?
This is bad economics. You're talking about treating Bitshares like the dollar and doing some sort of fed like QE propopsal to help the Bitshares economy?
Where did I advocate creating more bitshares? QE is just a fancy term for inflating the money supply. Either you don't understand QE or you don't understand my proposal, or both.
Why would people leaving their national currency choose to hold BTS if BTS is inflating too and even faster? This is why it has to be deflationary. If it is deflationary then it's a lot easier for people to hold it without feeling it is risky. The higher the deflation rate the less risk the long term BTS holder will feel they are taking.
Exactly. That is why I am advocating deflation through dynamic burning... and why are you comparing bitshares to a national currency if bitshares is not a currency.