So lately we've been discussing fees a lot. I feel most of the arguments were already said, it's up to people to decide what's best for BitShares.
What I would like to be discussed here is yield/interest. That was - I believe - the key feature that got so much people into BitShares at the beggining. The opportunity of earning free money. Will anyone resist that? What do people do when the markets are just to messed up for them to go in at that point? They get on the ''sidelines'', watch and wait.
What if people could just earn money without having to trade while having their money safe? I'm pretty sure a lot of people would be interest in that. Think the whales that could park their wealth on BitShares earning interest.
I always felt that was the key feature BitShares provided along with stable cryptocurrencies, however with time, we lost it and forgot about it. This post inspired me to start this discussion.
A lot of people don't get it. WIthout interest, without dividends, without yield, Bitshares 2.0 will not be as feature complete as 1.0. We took a step backwards here. Large holders will hold until they find a better opportunity, and there will be plenty going into the future so I don't see these prices in Bitshares holding up unless you keep the whales interested.
Whales chase yield, dividends, interest, and Bitshares at this time offers none of that. The economics of Bitshares 2.0 are wrong and it wont be fixed by fiddling around with the fees. The argument made to switch from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake was no dilution and we still ended up with dilution (the worst part of Proof of Work). The argument was that Bitshares would be profitable, the argument was that burning fees would be promoted and that there would be 5% interest, dividends.
I mean, people could even hate BitShares from the bottom of their hearts but the opportunity of making money while sitting on the sidelines, dont you think they would eventually come? People don't resist 'free money'.
What could we do to have this back? I guess we can't take interest from the fees we generate otherwise the referral program would go to waste, specially since people want to get them lower... Is the bond market really only the opportunity we will ever get to make this again? This is just the biggest marketing tool BItShares could ever have...