How about we add somewhere on the website a text a la:
"Want to refer users to BitShares on a commercial basis? Contact and we will help you set up with what you need!"
I have no problem buying interested webmasters an LTM (after evaluating their inquiry), either through marketing worker or reference faucet worker.
Although it's a generous sentiment I think that kind of "process" would become a bottleneck in any kind of growth path...By definition when something becomes popular through organic growth...e.g. "going viral" does so BECAUSE there are no gatekeepers.
Moreover it assumes that you will always make the right decision when it comes to "evaluation of their inquiry". The person or entity you choose ...might be a diamond or may be a dud...That it will get expensive...
We have to keep in mind that BTS and crypto in general is global...therefore multicultural...which means there can be cross-cultural misunderstandings or persepctives, etc and something that is perceived to be a negative character trait on one side may just be considered entrepreneurial zeal on the other..
EXAMPLE: A young person (not a lot of accumulated assets) who does not have much formal education (by Western standards) but is quite energetic, has good business intuiton and a reputation in his community of being able to get things done through a growing netwok of contacts... and people pay him well..just to help them get through govt.bureaucracy and roadblocks, etc.
{In the US it is formally called being a "consultant"}
He earned his rep. and popularity because he also happens to be a former high school star and a current huge fan of the sport of CRICKET..... which is VERY popular..mainly in former Commonwealth countries.....So long story short.... he comes across BTS as a result of his curiousity about Bitcoin and then has an idea that would involve BitShares and being able to combine his business with his love of cricket and its worldwide fan base into a global income generating venture...
Do you (or the appraiser) know anything about the history, business, and current state of affairs when it comes to the sport of CRICKET?
Second problem.. his English language skills are limited.. so he will need to pay for an interpreter to explain his ideas to you...
So as you can see...many many different situations can arise to complicate things...change gender, substitute different pong, road cycling, archery, rugby, skateboarding, etc..different countries, legal issues..and so on...
"Evaluating an inquiry" may not be so simple and rejections will always leave a lingering negative reaction.. Better to allow the industrious, creative and hardworking types earn their LTM for themselves..