Author Topic: My investment is in FreeTrade  (Read 11868 times)

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Offline Tigerlore

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FreeTrade, here's an idea: A coin called "Lessons" or "Experience" and maybe you could team up with some of the PANDA guys for it also. The marketing approach is that you've learned through hard experience what it takes to make a coin successful. Then use the mistakes of the various team members to illustrate how this new coin is superior.

Bad reputations can be rehabilitated. Even taken advantage of. Celebrities and companies do it all the time. IBM used to be an evil empire, but hardly anyone remembers that now. Rob Lowe's career was completely dead there for a time and now he's a rising star. Not that your problems compare to those examples. Memory Coin left the door open for corrupt elements to enter it. I'm sure there were other mistakes too, but that was the big one.

Honest people would find this approach appealing and those are the kind of supporters you want anyway. Stories of redemption are very popular, so there'd be support coming from that angle too.

Offline Tigerlore

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I'll just leave this here in case anyone want to run with it . . .

You're missing the point, as are a lot of people. Founders are an irrevocable part of the legacy of any project. One can't be separated from the other. Robber-barons start philanthropic foundations to take advantage of this concept.

Memory Coin is terminally ill and it's because of the mistakes you made setting it up originally. I don't think those mistakes were stupid, organizing people is one of the biggest challenges there is, but I also don't think you are a saint.

That being said, I hope you start another coin. You are very well educated in the process. There is no better education than making mistakes, and boy have you made your share! :)

Offline stalemate

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To speak the truth, MemoryCoin died long time ago. If you wish, I can offer you something in USD  if its price rises to a certain level for a certain period. (like in Binary Options).
Just name your price, FreeTrade or others and we will see what we can do. We now have enough funding to buy MemoryCoin entirely or to rebuild a new coin which should base on PoW/PoS with voting system. However, we don't want a developer like FreeTrade or any others in this community. Maybe you can redirect us to a honest developer.
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“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline tomorrow

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不明觉厉. 这个价位这个阶段,没强哥如都能活下来的话,MMC前途无量.
newmine可能之前被MMC1.0坑了,或被强哥鄙视了,或........,所以‘‘铭记在心’’. 俺最喜欢看辩论了,可惜英文只能看个大概,写就更谈不上了. 中文字体如版主看不顺眼就删了吧,俺飘过,潜水ing.......


Tigerlore and sgsong: newmine is a hemorrhoid of MemoryCoin. If you holds MemoryCoin, he is already your enemy. His words made the worst influence of Memorycoin community and market. The best we can do is not only to ignore him, but also to silence him.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 01:23:23 pm by tomorrow »
Vote for seraphim to lead a team of supporters as MMC CSO
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Offline Tigerlore

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"I'm putting a spotlight on the issues I don't want in the spot light" is what you are saying.

I have zero complaints about what you are doing. Cry away. Just because you got butt hurt for losing the art designing contest for a MMC logo, and you decided to try your turn at the next internet Dick Tracy which lead you to FreeTrade and your subsequent jabs at the current CEO doesn't bother me one bit. Just know that I will be there to correct your inexperienced view of events that unfolded when you most likely had no idea Bitcoin and the Alts even existed.

There is a reason no one has responded to your juvenile cry for help on the General Discussion board.

Twisting my words to suit your agenda, personal attacks against me and your attempts to direct attention away from your actions, illustrate your inability to justify your continued association with Memory Coin and presence on this forum.

Offline Tigerlore

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You are exacerbating the very issue you are whining about which makes you a moron.

I'm putting a spotlight on the issue. If your actions were honorable, you wouldn't have any complaints about that.

Offline Tigerlore

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Thank you for the link. I read the entire thread. Don't think I missed that it was started as a call to have you banned.

There is nothing there that changes my view of you or your influence on the coin. You are subverting and contaminating it and have been from the beginning. As long as your presence is tolerated the coin will never amount to anything. If DACs can't be constructed to deal with people like you, then they are all vulnerable.

Offline robonix

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You want to quote Robonix? The guy that took my ideas for coin decoration and used them without giving me credit or, at that point, even acknowledging my existence? The guy that threw a few filters on art I made and submitted it for a contest? That guy? He's your character witness? I guess that's all you got.
OK I guess I have to break my silence on this whole thing (because my character is being questioned), first of all the images that I submitted that are reminiscent of Tigerlore's In the competition page are not copied or filtered, anyone with photoshop can download the .psd file that I made available alongside every single submission and see that I made them all from scratch. Secondly In the first two sets that are inspired by Tigerlore's (not copied) I clearly state that they were inspired by Tigerlore's submission and anyone can see that I have not just recently edited them:

Third and most important and please don't take offense because that's not the way it's intended, Tigerlore's idea for the MemoryCoin logo is interesting but it's not very refined, the “M” in the Memoratus text on the top part of the coin clipped off part of the last star among other things that need to be filed down, aligned and perfected. Tigerlore's design provided a good starting point but it needs work.

And If by any chance one of my submissions (inspired by Tigerlore's were to win) I would split the prize equally because it was a team effort and that IMO (along with how I have conducted my self from day one) lives-up to the spirit of community forums and the MemoryCoin community...
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 05:09:49 pm by robonix »

Offline sgsong

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不明觉厉. 这个价位这个阶段,没强哥如都能活下来的话,MMC前途无量.
newmine可能之前被MMC1.0坑了,或被强哥鄙视了,或........,所以‘‘铭记在心’’. 俺最喜欢看辩论了,可惜英文只能看个大概,写就更谈不上了. 中文字体如版主看不顺眼就删了吧,俺飘过,潜水ing.......

Offline Tigerlore

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Wow, we have a fight between MemoryCoin's oldest squeaky wheel and MemoryCoin's newest squeaky wheel!

Please excuse my paraphrasing in the following:
newmine's position: FreeTrade is a self-serving jerk who has twisted and manipulated MemoryCoin from day 1.
Tigerlore's position: FreeTrade is a gift from the gods, our true savior and bringer of coin profits; anybody against him is "Too disturbed to create anything of value."

Let's see how this plays out!

So Memory Coin is a joke to you?

Creators of any sort are inextricably tied to their creations. Even FreeTrade could never completely break his ties to Memory Coin. There is a link there that cannot be undone.

Maybe FreeTrade is corrupt. If he is, then so is the coin and it should be abandoned by all. That corruption could never be expunged.

I've put out a call for an independent third-party investigation to be done

Hopefully, this will get sorted out. If not then the coin is doomed and so are DACs, because what is happening here could happen to any of them.

Offline biophil

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Wow, we have a fight between MemoryCoin's oldest squeaky wheel and MemoryCoin's newest squeaky wheel!

Please excuse my paraphrasing in the following:
newmine's position: FreeTrade is a self-serving jerk who has twisted and manipulated MemoryCoin from day 1.
Tigerlore's position: FreeTrade is a gift from the gods, our true savior and bringer of coin profits; anybody against him is "Too disturbed to create anything of value."

Let's see how this plays out!
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Offline Tigerlore

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So you are the toxic element?

Yes your posts should be deleted. You should be banned from the forum entirely. You have and are continuing to commit treason. Even freedom of speech has limits.

That you persist in your delusions, despite your failure with MMC 1.0, is evidence of your insanity. You want to remake this coin in your own image and that is impossible. You are too disturbed to create anything of value. All you can do is contaminate and poison. You are gleefully cutting your own throat and encouraging others to do the same.

You should feel shame for what you are doing. You are to blame for suppressing the coin and it's supporters. Regret will be the only reward for your actions.

This man is an enemy of Memory Coin and the community, and so is anyone who aligns with him. He is what is wrong with Memory Coin.

Offline Tigerlore

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Someone with a lot of MMC hijacked MMC 1.0 and corrupted it. That's a fact.

The MMC they had was converted, or whatever, to the MMC 2.0 currency. That is also a fact.

This person is a sick motherfucker. That's an opinion, but a hard one to argue against. And, the chances are, that they are still around with all the MMC they had plus what they have mined since. It is also a near certainty that they despise FreeTrade for shutting down MMC 1.0 and will do anything in their power to get him as far away from the coin as possible. Including spreading vicious rumors and opinions and supporting bullshit candidates.

I've referred to a toxic element in the community. This person is the toxic element. Him and the people who believe the poison he is spreading.

I'm not in a position to judge whether or not the coin can survive this twisted person's influence. If it can I'd like to be around to see it. If not, I hope FreeTrade starts another coin, with a clean slate, so I can be part of that.

If you believe the founder is shit, then the coin is shit. What the hell is wrong with you that you are still hanging around? There's tons of coins out there. Dump your MMC and find one you believe in. Sheesh! What's wrong with you people!?!

Offline Tigerlore

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Tigerlore, the only moderating I did to change your post was just simply splitting the topic and placing your request in the support & help section.

This was the first post that I noticed anything about a competition for a MemoryCoin logo:,48.msg154.html#msg154 in which delinquency mentioned that he would award 800 MMC for the wining design, since then, he upped the bounty to 5000 MMC, obviously no one has won the bounty and since there was no time limit, this change falls well within it’s parameters…IMO since this was not a paid job there is no payment due to anyone until there is a definite winner announced…

Oh, okay. I see what's going on. I guess I could apologize, but "Holy crap, what a clusterfuck!". I thought you deleted the original contest thread but actually you started the new one in a different sub-forum? But you're saying it's not a new competition? Then why a new thread? And why a different sub-forum?

And why can't you do anything in an open, honest and straightforward manner? Because that's not how you think CEO's act? Where the hell did you get that idea from? Does your concept of executives come from anime? That would explain a lot, like your grammar and the odd word choices you make. Crucifying? Where did you pick that word up from? Sure, it's a word, but the way you use it is totally screwball.

We could go back even further actually. This all started when I made a post saying I wanted to create a 3D style coin and wondered if anyone had any ideas for what to put on it. You closed that thread because you had an idea for a contest. What the hell is that about? You needed to close the thread I started because you had an idea? Absolutely unnecessary.

You think I overvalue my art? You're wrong. I've exactly valued what it's worth to have to deal with you. The price range I had in mind at the beginning of all this was much lower.

You want to quote Robonix? The guy that took my ideas for coin decoration and used them without giving me credit or, at that point, even acknowledging my existence? The guy that threw a few filters on art I made and submitted it for a contest? That guy? He's your character witness? I guess that's all you got.

Give it up. You're not executive material. There's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing wrong with being 20 years old and thinking you might be. The way you got the job was pretty nasty though and that anyone supported you makes me question the health of the community.

By the way, and this is a tip you really should take seriously, you're an idiot for arguing with me in public. I don't have anything to lose; so I can't really fail. You don't have anything to gain; so for you arguing with me is pointless. It's politics 101. That's probably never come up in any of your anime, huh?