Author Topic: How to Give the Beyond Bitcoin Brand to all of You?..  (Read 3094 times)

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Offline mint chocolate chip

Have you considered monetizing your site a bit with some ads?... so much great content we need you to stay in the game

Offline fuzzy

We'll see. 

We honestly don't really have enough to take vacations.  We send money to my wife's family in the philippines and pay bills and I put what I can save into crypto because I don't trust our current system (for obvious reasons). 

If people want to help me, they will use their own unique skills to help everyone--that is literally all I want.  Trust me...if you do that you are lifting my boat as well as everyone else's and not giving me any special treatment.  That is important. 
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Offline eagleeye

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I appreciate you guys trusting me, but I never want to be in a position where I can over time lose track of what the original vision was...and by being the sole guardian for-ever is a huge risk of that to me.  It is not in my bones and I would constantly question if I was doing right by all of you...
Statements like these make me proud calling you a friend!

My current view: We just don't have the technical possibilities (yet) to have a decentralized BB brand .. we'd need keyid and maidsafe and maybe even need a DAC for this ..
I'd propose to go on as is (with best intentions possible) and move parts into blockchain as they become available .. technically ..

as an example: .com/.org and other TLD will stay centralized .. but imaging a decentralized facebook with group having a voted management board like in memory coin ..
also we can store data on the blockchain once storj or maidsafe becomes available ..

but currently I neither see the need (fuzz you are doing awesome and I will kick you bud if you screw it up ;-) ) nor do I see the technical possibilities in changing the current status ..

however, let me repeat this, again ... FAMILY comes first .. and if you need to have a break to go to family vacation for a week just fu***ing open up a FuzzNuts (anti-burn-out) fund and most of us would gladly donate ..

Ya lots will probably donate to a FuzzNuts Anti-burn-out Fund.

Offline xeroc

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I appreciate you guys trusting me, but I never want to be in a position where I can over time lose track of what the original vision was...and by being the sole guardian for-ever is a huge risk of that to me.  It is not in my bones and I would constantly question if I was doing right by all of you...
Statements like these make me proud calling you a friend!

My current view: We just don't have the technical possibilities (yet) to have a decentralized BB brand .. we'd need keyid and maidsafe and maybe even need a DAC for this ..
I'd propose to go on as is (with best intentions possible) and move parts into blockchain as they become available .. technically ..

as an example: .com/.org and other TLD will stay centralized .. but imaging a decentralized facebook with group having a voted management board like in memory coin ..
also we can store data on the blockchain once storj or maidsafe becomes available ..

but currently I neither see the need (fuzz you are doing awesome and I will kick you bud if you screw it up ;-) ) nor do I see the technical possibilities in changing the current status ..

however, let me repeat this, again ... FAMILY comes first .. and if you need to have a break to go to family vacation for a week just fu***ing open up a FuzzNuts (anti-burn-out) fund and most of us would gladly donate ..

Offline fuzzy

Yea, if you own the copyright and you give the go ahead for us to use in ways that you (we in general) approve, I don't see the issue.

I do see an issue with it.  I know you guys all want me to hold onto it and remain the guardian, but it is very difficult to be in a position where I am a guardian of this project, especially when I pay out of pocket, make no money and have people putting me down and drawing parallels between myself and a terrorist (long story).  And Merock, <3. 

I appreciate you guys trusting me, but I never want to be in a position where I can over time lose track of what the original vision was...and by being the sole guardian for-ever is a huge risk of that to me.  It is not in my bones and I would constantly question if I was doing right by all of you...

His content seems to be first rate in my opinion. So, despite what he has done to you and how he has thwarted your intention, I don't see any advantage, and perhaps some disadvantage, in shutting him down. So, unless and until his shows become detrimental to our ultimate goals I would suggest you just swallow your indignation and let it go.

I agree with you onceuponatime.  I'm going to ignore them and work my hardest to help the community the best I know how.  I only want to get ideas from people with different skill and perspectives on how to give it back to all of you.
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Yea, if you own the copyright and you give the go ahead for us to use in ways that you (we in general) approve, I don't see the issue.

Offline eagleeye

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"Beyond Bitcoin" was meant to be given to all of the cryptocommunity--but to start here.  It was meant as such because I foresaw many people like myself finding certain developers who showed promise and were interested in making real "coins" with real value propositions (like Dan -Bytemaster- Larimer).  I thought that these people should be able to become event organizers who could enable the rest of their community to reach a deeper level of interaction with the Developers and each other.  This was what is needed to plant the seed required to grow a foundational network. 

//what I put between the asterisks may be frustrating to read for some, but is put here only for historical notation and clarification of motive.
I currently hold the domains for beyondbitcoinshow, beyond bitcoin, beyondbitcoinx and bbx.  Additionally they (and a good many others) have been copyrighted, which I also hold.  This was not done because of a profit motive (anyone who knows me knows I am actually terrible at accepting funds for myself without quickly turning around and giving them to someone else for their work).  The only reason it was done because even though it was initially meant to be Creative Commons, Arthur changed that by quickly putting up a shell website and adding a "© BeyondBitcoinShow 2014" to the bottom of the site without my //knowledge. 

At the time, I hadn't realized this because I was busy actually learning how to use Joomla to build something closer to what JabbaJabba has built for you at is far more functional and offers a wonderful incentive for people to connect with each other, learn about/elect delegates, listen live to Mumble events, and just in general do a great many awesome things. 

However, as soon as I realized he had done this, I also noted he had done this on another site that he had cloned from the main beyondbitcoinshow   Needless to say, I didn't hesitate to check to see if the copyright actually existed--and thank god it didn't.  However, I was not sure of his intention and I did not want to alert him if they were malevolent.  So I quietly copyrighted all of them...and purchased the multiple domains to protect it. 


So now I am here and I am wondering how I can give this brand to those who were supposed to hold it--the entire cryptocommunity, starting with the homebase firmly established here on  I do not want to make a profit off of these...I simply want to give the power to all of you.  But I am unsure how to go about it at this juncture.  I have neither the time nor the inclination to be a figurehead in this community.  I wish only to help us all move forward.  I firmly agree with Dan that Bitcoin has largely lost site of what made it so amazing. 

His speech at the last conference was wonderful and I couldn't agree more with the parallels he drew between "These United States" and, now, "The United States".  I never wanted Beyond Bitcoin to be owned and ruled over by any one individual, but I am unsure how to move forward.  Please help me give this freely to all of you...

Does anyone have opinions on how we can work to make this happen?

Fuz you are like bitsapphire who is caretaker of, you are caretaker of beyondbitcoin.

Offline onceuponatime

His content seems to be first rate in my opinion. So, despite what he has done to you and how he has thwarted your intention, I don't see any advantage, and perhaps some disadvantage, in shutting him down. So, unless and until his shows become detrimental to our ultimate goals I would suggest you just swallow your indignation and let it go.

Offline fuzzy

"Beyond Bitcoin" was meant to be given to all of the cryptocommunity--but to start here.  It was meant as such because I foresaw many people like myself finding certain developers who showed promise and were interested in making real "coins" with real value propositions (like Dan -Bytemaster- Larimer).  I thought that these people should be able to become event organizers who could enable the rest of their community to reach a deeper level of interaction with the Developers and each other.  This was what is needed to plant the seed required to grow a foundational network. 

//what I put between the asterisks may be frustrating to read for some, but is put here only for historical notation and clarification of motive.
I currently hold the domains for beyondbitcoinshow, beyond bitcoin, beyondbitcoinx and bbx.  Additionally they (and a good many others) have been copyrighted, which I also hold.  This was not done because of a profit motive (anyone who knows me knows I am actually terrible at accepting funds for myself without quickly turning around and giving them to someone else for their work).  The only reason it was done because even though it was initially meant to be Creative Commons, Arthur changed that by quickly putting up a shell website and adding a "© BeyondBitcoinShow 2014" to the bottom of the site without my //knowledge. 

At the time, I hadn't realized this because I was busy actually learning how to use Joomla to build something closer to what JabbaJabba has built for you at is far more functional and offers a wonderful incentive for people to connect with each other, learn about/elect delegates, listen live to Mumble events, and just in general do a great many awesome things. 

However, as soon as I realized he had done this, I also noted he had done this on another site that he had cloned from the main beyondbitcoinshow   Needless to say, I didn't hesitate to check to see if the copyright actually existed--and thank god it didn't.  However, I was not sure of his intention and I did not want to alert him if they were malevolent.  So I quietly copyrighted all of them...and purchased the multiple domains to protect it. 


So now I am here and I am wondering how I can give this brand to those who were supposed to hold it--the entire cryptocommunity, starting with the homebase firmly established here on  I do not want to make a profit off of these...I simply want to give the power to all of you.  But I am unsure how to go about it at this juncture.  I have neither the time nor the inclination to be a figurehead in this community.  I wish only to help us all move forward.  I firmly agree with Dan that Bitcoin has largely lost site of what made it so amazing. 

His speech at the last conference was wonderful and I couldn't agree more with the parallels he drew between "These United States" and, now, "The United States".  I never wanted Beyond Bitcoin to be owned and ruled over by any one individual, but I am unsure how to move forward.  Please help me give this freely to all of you...

Does anyone have opinions on how we can work to make this happen?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 04:28:54 am by fuzzy »
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
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