Author Topic: Consensus reached on Mumble session regarding BM's "Fix-all" proposal  (Read 30117 times)

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Offline toast

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Did this session have anybody besides Dan from the core team?
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Offline Rune

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Around 20 bitshares stakeholders just finished an "emergency" mumble session with bytemaster about the new proposal. Before he joined us the atmosphere was very panicky because people really didn't understood what was going on regarding the merger of all DAC.

To help other stakeholders and community members to understand that there is no need to panic, we will all post our thoughts regarding the proposal before and after hearing BM's explanation.

The mumble recording will be posted in this thread as soon as its ready, I urge everyone to listen to it as it has all the explanation.

Edit: Mumble recording posted here:

My TL;DR of the situation is that Bytemaster was too quick to jump the gun and didn't manage to communicate his proposal properly. It is an incredible good idea but many stakeholders panicked because they thought he was doing a 360 on decentralization or that I3 was running out of funding, or some other crisis.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 08:51:15 pm by vikram »