You obviously still do not get what Canonizer.com can do, otherwise you would have attempted to do this survey with a more modern tool like Canonizer.com.
These issues are the biggest problem facing the crypto currency movement, and we can't take over the world till we get them solved in a very amplify the wisdom of everyone way. The expert opinion is that mining is bad, but the Bitcoin herd is still running towards mining like a bunch of lemmings about to jump off the cliff and become very poor, throwing away millions of $$$. Why is it that this problem can't be solved, without some set of experts like The bytemaster and team having to invest huge amounts of effort and capital to get over the huge barrier of entry to create a viable competitor that is strong enough to be able to destroy mining and Bitcoin with it?
And, sure, the bytemaster is brilliant, and we are very agile, while we are small, so we may be able to kill mining (and bitcoin with it), but then what? How do we scale that? This dilution issue (or some other similar issue in the future) could kill bitshares, just like mining is about to kill Bitcoin by making it vulnerable to Bitshares like competition, or at best fracture the community.
Let me list just a few of the problems with attempting to quantitatively determine and build consensus in this way.
- Not Quantitative: When The bytemaster makes proposals like he does to the forum in this way, if people spend way too much time, they may be able to determine how much consensus there is for or against the idea. But how much time and effort, and how likely is someone to make a mistake and get it wrong, or read the crowd incorrectly?
- Does not scale: There are only at about 100 people participating in this process. We need to be able to scale this to millions of people and more, in a way that amplifies everyone's wisdom, and motivates everyone to be very involved in the process. Even with 100 people participating, nobody knows who is in what camp, how much and what they are willing to give up, what, exactly, would be required to get the various people in each apposing camp to get on board, and so on.
- Destroys consensus: Doing things this way just destroys consensus, or at least that's the way it always appears. People get the perception that there are hundreds of different points of view, and more. If there are already 1000 posts, nobody will want to post another post as nobody can read 1000 posts, let alone one more. Nobody can agree on even definitions, let alone what each "yes" vs "no" camp means, and so on. When, in reality, there is always way more consensus than is apparent. The important things is, we need to be able to measure and build consensus, quantitatively, from the bottom up.
- People Loose Interests: If you do not have a constantly improving, easy to follow system, people will lose interest. Each of the yet to be defined camps or positions, must be able to improve in description, and be stated very definitively and consisely, in a way that ensures everyone in the camp definitely agrees. The camp descriptions must be able to change and improve, by anyone, in a wiki way, while insuring unanimous agreement by everyone in the camp. I you can't do that in an efficient way, people will not have enough time to do due diligence, and just not participate.
- Survey Not Dynamic: People must be able to propose more than just yes / no, and what the yes and no camps mean must be able to change, dynamically, as more consensus is built. Even the top level question, or goal of the question must change, from the bottom up, in a wiki way, that insures everyone agrees with the change.
Modern systems like the one we are developing with Canonizer.com can amplify the wisdom of the crowd and solve all these problems, enabling the herd to change direction very rapidly and efficiently. Sure, Canonizer.com is just a prototype, hard to use, and people need to get up the huge learning curve about how to communicate and build consensus, concisely and quantitatively, which takes some work. But it can be done and more effort can be put towards developing such system enabling is to communicate concisely and quantitatively.
And the first Crypto Currency community to learn how to most effectively do this in a way that scales in agile, intelligent ways, will be the first one to rapidly take crypto currency to the next level (the next level being taking over all hierarchies and bureaucracies, and becoming the new rulers of the world)