how to understand devshares chain, the purpose of this chain is to fix bug before luanch to formal. or other ? I have some understanding , i dont konw if it is right ?
it is a parallel chain with BTS, it start from a snapshot of BTS, and run togather with BTS chain , but will end after the new after merge in BTS chain , delegate not only prodece bts block, but produce devshares block also. the two chains are alone, every btser can test feather on devshares chain. can the client have warn if tester want to use test chain.
- devshares will be a parallel chain (from what I know -- makes totally sense)
- not sure if initial distribution will be BTS distribution ... but would also make sense to mee
- the purpose indeed is to test and fix .. not only bugs but also new features and business
- once the DevShares is stable it will be integrated as a potential hard fork into BTS - which means, stakeholders will have to AGREE (by majority) to this new set of features/bugfixes/business
- it will probably be a new set of delegates! so that the delegates on the main chain can focus on a stable main network! (would make sense to me)
- i think it will be probably difficult to run into the testnet "by accident" .. it's difficult in btc too .. currently, we have all pubkeys with a prefix of "BTSX" and that will probably stay that way (not sure though) -- the current testnet uses "XTS" as prefix and main token ..