Collective responsibility is very dangerous thing.
Like this proposed dilution is nothing more than printing press in hands of delegates or way of taxing on share holders. If this become true soon you will have “strategic alliances” between delegates that would reconstruct all politic parties and state related structures of bureaucracy. Their only motivation will be to provide votes for dilution. As they gain power they will “kill and bribe” in order to gain more power and in synergy with whales they will change the rules so soon average share holder will no longer be able to change anything similar to average voter in today’s democracy.
And what are goals of proposed dilution. To provide funding for future development of Dacs.
If you want to support some project or development team you should be able to decide of you own, not to be up voted by majority. If you want money for development you should do something like Kick Starter funding platform or a bounty system for gaining financial support.
Self-management is utopian idea based on collective responsibility. It should be avoided for all cost. Here is one of proven examples: I was able to experience it from the first hand. The most compiling example is described in Stud Hunt (i.e. Game Theory). Soon everybody is going to hunt a rabbit.