It's standard marketing practice to clearly define what an early adopter (of your product) looks like. It's not sufficient to say "lets target everyone". You need to target a very narrow band if you want conversion rate to be high. Here's how I see the ideal early adopter of BitUSD and other BitAssets:
Age: 18 - 35
Sex: Male
Education: University
Occupation: Tech related
Political: Libertarian
Location: Latin America
I largely agree with that, Latin America will be our strongest & most lucrative early adopters outside the existing but small Bitcoin demographic.
Our current CAP & community is mostly taken from the Bitcoin/Alt-coin group & I think we could do more to win our own market. It would be nice to be a solid no.2 before expanding beyond it but perhaps focusing on markets beyond crypto will scoop up a lot of the rest of crypto on the way.
I would say a BTS early adopter is much like a Bitcoin user, except we have utility Bitcoin doesn't have in the form of BitAssets which has huge appeal in places with highly volatile/depreciating currencies and limited access to alternatives. Early adopters in the rest of the world outside Bitcoin users, would probably be Libertarian leaning so I like Bytemasters thoughts here for that - America esp. Argentina - Starting with existing Bitcoin demographic
This is where the use case is so compelling, people outside the existing Bitcoin demographic will rapidly adopt BitUSD as it is with limited development. The market size is also very big. The easiest way to get in there though is probably via the Bitcoin door.
Libertarians/Independence minded people - Starting with Bitcoin demographic
Brand BTS as being similar to their values, so that it appeals to a wider group of Libertarians not just tech savvy 18-35 Males, we can expand our market to include older males & some females that are non techie but are willing to expand outside their comfort zone as it appeals to their ideology.
The other groups to expand to I wouldn't consider early adopters as they need a lot more on the technical development & utility side as well as expensive promotion and bonus campaigns to get their interest. It's not a bad idea to get the basics in place though as a financial crisis could happen at anytime in which case our early adopter base will expand to encompass a very wide net.
Other Potential target niches
Merchants - I also think BitAssets have a lot of appeal for merchants because unlike a volatile Bitcoin they can sell in BitUSD, stay in BitUSD, earn yield, pay suppliers in BitUSD + other advantages.
Traders - I also think traders are a potential market. They will be more familiar with these type of clients, the fees may be cheaper, yield lucrative and of course BitAssets have some unique advantages.