Where can I find good links comparing Bitshares and Ethereum technologies? (Pros and cons).
I need this to explain it to people.
I can't answer your question off the top of my head, but I'd like to say that BitShares and Ethereum can (and perhaps will) work nicely together one day.
So instead of (like the title of this thread) the "versus" mentality, perhaps explain how they will one day have a symbiotic relationship to defeat the current fiat based global banking system [*on knees praying*].
I think this is more important to stress to newcomers to cryptocurrency than, "Ethereum does this", "BitShares does that" ... "and no on knows which will win".
It gives the impression they are competing against each other, when in fact the only people competeting in each camp are
the fiat chasing speculators who's greed has gotten the best of them [IMHO].
I'm not saying you have this attitude, but I think this should always be kept in the front of anyone's mind when discussing BitShares and Ethereum together.
BitShares does some things that Ethereum can't do (and that works both ways) or does/will do differently, but ultimately they are both doing the same thing (giving individuals a "
swiss bank account in your pocket") in different ways and choice is good.
As Dan said Friday, Ethereum will be the Microsoft of Virtual Machines ... but BitShares can likely do it better, faster and easier (as of now).
Ethereum is way ahead in the funding and marketing departments, but BitShares is way ahead on the technology front IMHO.
I believe Dan once said this as well (in a better way), that one camp spends a lot of time talking to others about what it can do one day, while Dan and company sit behind their computers coding three years ahead.
If you look at some of
Vlad Samfir's talks, Ethereum won't be approaching the speed of BitShares until their 4th hard fork many m00ns away.
So each one does something well and they compliment each other nicely when bundled together, I believe Rune could have something to say on that front.
Well that's just my opinion, but I'm just the village idiot so be sure to consult someone who actually knows something around here.